Los Cerrillos
March 25, 2025


Noem, Lummis vote against women

Earth haters Krusti Noem and Cynthia Lummox have voted against protections for women and to protect white stalkers. Noem was the only woman to vote against both Senate and House versions.

Statement from the White House here:
Today’s vote will go even further by continuing to reduce domestic violence, improving how we treat victims of rape, and extending protections to Native American women and members of the LGBT community.

Rep. Krusti Noem (earth hater-SD) is a teabagger's wet dream. She is trolling for campaign donations from old white people in Sioux Falls according to a source. At last check, she was making over $3300 a day.

On a recent Political Junkies segment of Dakota Midday broadcast from Bill Janklow's idea of public radio, Rapid City Journal reporter, Kevin Woster said he's not convinced that Senator Tim Johnson, a staunch supporter of the Violence Against Women Act, won't be defending his seat.

The GOP's branding is destroying that party.

From a piece written by Brandon Ecoffey, Native Sun News published in Native American Times.
Several Republican lawmakers have opposed the expansion of the jurisdiction of tribal courts to prosecute non-Native offenders claiming that this expansion is unconstitutional. Sen. Coburn (R-OK), has been one of several GOP lawmakers who have voiced concerns with allowing the bill to move forward if the tribal provision were included. The bill will now be considered by the US House of Representatives where it is expected to be contested by a number of law makers who have also voiced concerns over the tribal provisions, a list that includes House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), and Rep. Kristi Noem (R-SD). A spokesmen from Noem’s office told Native Sun News late last year that the congresswoman is concerned that the bill does not allocate sufficient resources for tribes to implement the law.
Noem is expected to lose whichever race her handlers shove her into in 2014.

The Navajo Nation wants to manage its own Medicaid disbursements.

A symposium discussing the implications of the United Nations Declaration of Indigenous Rights to American Indians is scheduled for the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University.

Mark Trahant: GOP caving on VAWA, relevant issues.

Pederastic pontiff pulls a Pat Powers, purges pages

After departing the Vatican Thursday afternoon and resigning his position as the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI also made sure to wipe his Twitter feed clean. In December, Benedict had become the first pontiff to use the microblogging site and had amassed more than 1.6 million followers to his English language feed.--David Knowles, New York Daily News.

Intelligence, environmental communities alerting on climate catastrophe, antibiotics

Former Vice President Al Gore has announced a new climate initiative.

Comparing the clearing of native prairie in the Corn Belt to the Dirty Thirties and the deforestation of Brazilian rain forest is further evidence that red flag warnings mean red state collapse. We know that livestock grazing is not the solution to climate change or to saving the West. As wildfire season begins scientists remain on full alert about how fucked we are.

From a piece Joe Hitchon wrote in yesterday's IPS News Agency:
More than three dozen national security officials, members of Congress and military leaders are warning of the threat climate change poses to U.S. national security, the latest in an indicator that U.S. intelligence and national security circles are increasingly worried about a warming planet. In a new bipartisan open letter, they stress the need for urgent action and call on both public and private support to address issues that included forced migration and the displacement of vulnerable communities, as well as the dangers related to food production during extreme weather events.
Kate Sheppard wrote at Mother Jones:
Current efforts of local, state, and private sector actors are important, but not likely to yield progress comparable to what could be achieved with the addition of strong federal policies that establish coherent national goals and incentives, and that promote strong U.S. engagement in international-level response efforts.
From the Edmonton Journal:
A joint study by biological scientists Rebecca Rooney, Suzanne Bayley and David Schindler and published online shows the pitfalls of failing to rehabilitate land mined for bitumen to its original state. The authors also say the “destruction” of more than 29,500 hectares of peatland habitat means loss of carbon storage. Essentially, with the loss of peat cover, the contribution of oilsands development to overall carbon emissions and climate change could grow substantially, they say. “The boreal forest is the world’s largest and most important forest carbon storehouse ... but its continued storage depends on future management practices.”
One hundred percent of respondents in an interested party poll believe that livestock producers suspected of polluting watersheds should be surveilled by federal drones.

Robyn O'Brien wrote in Inspired Bites:
In 2011, 29.9 million pounds of antibiotics were sold for use on the animals we eat. 7.7 million pounds of antibiotics were sold for use on our families, reports the Pew Campaign on Human Health and Industrial Farming. In other words, the livestock world is pumping 3.9 times more drugs into meat production than are being used to treat human health conditions.
It's long past time for the Food and Drug Administration to work in concert with the Environmental Protection Agency to end the environmental degradation caused by the capitalistic exploitation of pharmaceuticals according to the Natural Resources Defense Council:
Eighty percent of all antibiotics sold in the United States are for use in livestock -- the vast majority for use in animals that do not have bacterial infections -- to promote faster weight gain and to compensate for crowded and unsanitary conditions. It's like taking antibiotics to avoid getting sick instead of washing your hands. It's up to the Food and Drug Administration to protect the public's health from the dangerous, widespread misuse of antibiotics in livestock. But so far, the agency has done little beyond releasing voluntary guidelines -- mere suggestions that pharmaceutical companies and food producers can choose to follow or ignore entirely.

Vatican a crime scene; South Dakota bishops, congregations engaged in cover-up

As Secretary of State John Kerry lands in Rome, coalition forces should be liberating the Vatican and rounding up unlawful combatants right about now. NPR is reporting that the Church of the Holy Roman Kiddie Diddlers is near collapse.

Catholic congregations and South Dakota's legislature have engaged in obstruction of justice for decades.

One of their American brethren, Roger Mahony of California, accused of covering up decades of child rape and abuse will be bringing money attending the erection election of another old man as Vicar of the Church.

Mahony is a frequent witness in court according a piece in the LA Times:
Meanwhile, a Catholic organization Saturday delivered a petition with thousands of signatures asking that Mahony recuse himself from the conclave in Rome. The group, Catholics United, collected nearly 10,000 signatures making "a simple request" that the former archbishop of Los Angeles not participate in the process because of the priest abuse scandals that happened under his watch, said Chris Pumpelly, communications director for Catholics United.
The International Criminal Court is preparing a case against the fuckers.

Thune "telehealth" bill debunked

A staff member for Senator don Juan Thune (earth hater-SD) may have inadvertently signaled support for President Obama's health care initiative. In a blurb posted at the Rapid City Journal the ghost writer for South Dakota's junior senator said:
Often, small rural hospitals are not prepared to deal with complex patients and will sometimes need to transfer patients to larger, specialized hospitals. Immediate access to a physician that specializes in emergency medicine via telehealth can help the rural hospital determine whether a transfer is necessary. This ensures that precious time is not lost waiting for the on-call physician to arrive. It also benefits the hospital ensuring that, when appropriate, the patient can remain at their local hospital to receive care. This allows the small rural hospital to be reimbursed for services, making it easier for these safety-net hospitals to keep their doors open.
"Bipartisan," Senator? Next thing you know you'll be branded a RINO.

Thune plan debunked here:
The authors take a swipe at previous reviews that suggest differently, arguing that, "while most conclude that telehealth is beneficial, such inferences are not supported by the evidence they present."

Northern states' obesity, depressive behavior linked to lack of sunlight, vitamin D

Obesity and mental illness are closely linked, especially in northern tier states like South Dakota.
In fact South Dakota is slipping. Just last year,the state ranked 19th but even that ranking would put us well behind most of our neighboring states. But why does South Dakota rank so low and what's being done to improve that rank? It's a test South Dakota is failing.--Jake Iverson, KSFY.
The Mitchell Republic is hardly a bastion of progressive thought; yet, editor Seth Tupper is often a guest on Dakota Midday's political junkie segment. I wince, cringe, even clinch to constipation whenever publisher Jon Hunter of the Madison Daily Leader appears as a guest on that program.

It was with pleasant surprise that part of this interested party's manifesto popped up in the online pages of the Mitchell publication. Reporter Frannie Sprouls interviewed some catholic hospital employee for her piece:
In the Upper Midwest, adequate exposure to the vitamin D in sunshine is hard to come by. During the summer, the temperature rises and people stay inside with air conditioning. During the winter, the temperature lowers and people stay inside huddled under blankets. “It’s hard to get it into your diet, so you have to rely on the sun,” said Megan Vilhauer, a nutritionist at Avera Queen of Peace Hospital in Mitchell. “You want to do it just right, so you don’t get sunburned or get skin cancer.”
No wonder obesity, depression, and xenophobia plague the chemical toilet as the state wrestles with whether to ruin gasoline engines with local ethanol.

Intersection here:


The Last Castle


California ready to legalize, too

Kristen Wyatt of the AP has been doing an outstanding job covering Colorado's cannabis task force: it has been holding public hearings on how to monetize the industry after the state legalized.

California is moving in that direction, too. Comes this from Peter Hecht at the SacBee:
In a California Field Poll released today, voters – by a 54 to 43 percent margin – say they want California to legalize marijuana beyond medical use with regulations similar to alcohol. In the state with America's largest medical marijuana industry, the poll found that 67 percent of voters oppose an ongoing crackdown by the state's four U.S. attorneys on businesses selling pot for medicinal use.
New Mexico's legislature is debating it, too.

Noem lobbying against VAWA, women's life/safety

Rep. Krusti Noem (earth hater-SD) is a teabagger's wet dream. She is trolling for campaign donations from old white people in Sioux Falls according to a source. At last check, she was making over $3300 a day.

Yesterday, on the Political Junkies segment of Dakota Midday on Bill Janklow's idea of public radio, Rapid City Journal reporter, Kevin Woster said he's not convinced that Senator Tim Johnson, a staunch supporter of the Violence Against Women Act, won't be defending his seat.

The GOP's branding is destroying that party.

From a piece written by Brandon Ecoffey, Native Sun News published in Native American Times.
Several Republican lawmakers have opposed the expansion of the jurisdiction of tribal courts to prosecute non-Native offenders claiming that this expansion is unconstitutional. Sen. Coburn (R-OK), has been one of several GOP lawmakers who have voiced concerns with allowing the bill to move forward if the tribal provision were included. The bill will now be considered by the US House of Representatives where it is expected to be contested by a number of law makers who have also voiced concerns over the tribal provisions, a list that includes House Majority Leader Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA), and Rep. Kristi Noem (R-SD). A spokesmen from Noem’s office told Native Sun News late last year that the congresswoman is concerned that the bill does not allocate sufficient resources for tribes to implement the law.
Noem is expected to lose whichever race her handlers shove her into in 2014.

The Navajo Nation wants to manage its own Medicaid disbursements.

A symposium discussing the implications of the United Nations Declaration of Indigenous Rights to American Indians is scheduled for the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University.

Mark Trahant: GOP caving on VAWA, relevant issues.


Thune struggling to remain hale hails halt to Hagel haggle

As their party collapses around them, Senator don Juan Thune (earth hater-SD) and his fellatos are becoming quite shrill. He just voted to expedite confirmation of Chuck Hagel for DoD.

Thune talked to Kevin Woster of the Rapid City Journal about why Willard Romney's trouncing in the last presidential election symbolizes the death of his party. KW wrote:
Thune thinks the Romney campaign spent too much time trying to tear down the president and not enough trying to build up Romney. "I think the Democrats better understand the modern political warfare," Thune said.
Woster says in another piece that Thune isn't the only GOPer worried about the old white man's party:
On frigid winter days in the wind-blown city of Pierre, state Sen. Stan Adelstein has been known to skip into the South Dakota Capitol. Former state Sen. Lee Schoenbeck of Watertown said the abortion debate caused a lasting split between him and Adelstein.
From Politico:
Rep. Bill Shuster and Sen. John Thune want FAA’s spending plan for normal operations, which “should have been produced” by October 2012, and two separate account-by-account plans: one for a full year of normal funding and one for a full year of a post-sequester budget.
South Dakota's earth hater governor is seeking US aid for cyber criminals.

The dying red state is inviting the firearms and ammunition industry to come pollute South Dakota according to this AP report published at SFGate:
South Dakota officials say they made some promising contacts with outdoors businesses while attending last month's Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show in Las Vegas. State Economic Development Commissioner Pat Costello says South Dakota officials have attended the show for the past 12 years.
Minnesota is still cleaning up after one of her 'job creators:'
The New Brighton/Arden Hills Superfund site, which is comprised of the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant and its associated property, is a federal Superfund site located in Arden Hills, Minnesota. Contamination resulting from past ammunition manufacturing operations at the facility has been identified in groundwater, soil, sediment and surface water.

South Dakota, of course, doesn't give one shit about environmental protection or whom is killed by products manufactured in that struggling, red moocher state where liability for deaths due to firearms exist only in an alternate universe.
Several Sioux Falls area businesses will be represented on a trade mission to China with Gov. Dennis Daugaard in April. Each participant selected for the trade mission offers an opportunity to increase state exports to China and create jobs in South Dakota, according to the governor’s office. The trade mission to China is funded through an export promotion grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration.--SFBJ.
Raven Industries is sending a representative.

Former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle spoke with WAMU's Diane Rehm today. Archive here.

US Attorney prosecutes slaughter of endangered crane

White, red state legislator, Betty Olson (earth hater-Prairie City) wants to be able to kill endangered species just for the hell of it. She represents producers of the invasive cattle species that have decimated the West and fattened Republican heads.

Bryan Nelson told readers of Mother Nature Network:
"Wildlife is an important resource to the people of South Dakota. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Endangered Species Act, and the sentence handed down today for the senseless killing of a whooping crane, one of the rarest birds in the world, is a prime example of the enforcement of that law," said Brendan V. Johnson, the prosecuting attorney in the case. "The Department of Justice works hand in hand with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and takes the killing of endangered species very seriously. Let this case serve as notice to anyone who thinks otherwise."
A local teevee outlet reminds readers that Mr. Johnson will speak in Rapid City next month:
The South Dakota Coalition Ending Domestic and Sexual Violence and Native Women of the Great Plains Society are sponsoring the free workshop. It's scheduled for March 5-6 at the Adoda [sic] Eco Hotel.


Rapid City girl breaks pageant race barrier; Art Alley featured

Despite recent news that GOP-heavy Rapid City is home to the poorest urban American Indians, baby steps again lead to dancing by brave young people.

Christina Rose, Native Sun News staff writer, penned a great read and posted a sweet photo at indianz. Here's a splice from her piece be-linked by me:
When Whitney Rencountre saw his young daughter standing in the Winner’s Circle for the pre-teen Miss Rapid City Pageant, he was filled with emotion. “She was the only Lakota,” he said. For Jaylee Rencountre, 11, who placed fourth in the competition, participating in the pageant was a dream come true. Despite her reputation for being shy, it seems she’s quietly been preparing for this for years. Whitney, who works with the after-school program Ateyapi, said, “With our history, the Lakota and Dakota, we understand the importance of overcoming obstacles and breaking down the walls of stereotypes and racism. It reminded me of how resilient our people are."
Art Alley is bringing ecotourists to Rapid City: Karl Gehrke featured it during Dakota Midday segment on Bill Janklow's idea of public radio.

Kevin Killer new face of SD Dems

Now that Kevin Killer has won third term in the South Dakota Legislature, the Pine Ridge representative hopes to repeal a statute passed in 2011 that limits the amount of time victims of horrific crimes committed at the hands of clergy can sue their attackers.

Brandon Ecoffey of Native Sun News reported from indianz:
To many South Dakota constituents, the bill seemed to directly target Native Americans, who were victims of abuse during their time in church- and state-run boarding schools. Killer — who voted against the bill — told Native Sun News: “I am definitely in favor of repealing the bill. Here is a bill that doesn’t really explore the history of the abuse that was going on. If you are going to think about any type of bill that pertains to any type of tragedy you would think that there would be a conversation with the aggrieved party — and that conversation never happened at all with this.”
Tim Giago wrote from indianz in February of last year:
The U. S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, is monitoring the actions of the South Dakota legislative body and if violations of the civil rights of Native Americans are perceived, the state may be open to injunctory relief and monetary damages.
The Church of the Holy Roman Kiddie Diddlers who routinely buys influence in that South Dakota body, lobbied by longtime legislator and Catholic kingpin, Lee Schoenbeck of Watertown, coerces the law-giving arm of a brutally repressive occupying force to incarcerate American Indians at alarming levels.

The Republican Party in the state is splintering so it comes as no surprise that it is taking note of Rep. Killer. House Speaker Brian Gosch of Rapid City told Kevin Woster of the Journal:
"He's a good man. Kevin Killer has performed very well in the Legislature and on the committees he's served on, including Judiciary, where I served with him," Gosch said. "I've had a chance to watch him and the way he operates. He puts a lot of careful thought into the bills he brings, the bills he supports and the bills he doesn't support. He has a lot of respect among other House members."
Leaders like Kevin Killer are critical to reminding Native people that the class warfare waged by the Republican Party against their nations can be reversed and remediated.

The pools of talent hidden on the rez are just being discovered.


Thune: GOP toast; Daugaard colluding with Communists

Senator don Juan Thune (earth hater-SD) talked to Kevin Woster of the Rapid City Journal about why Willard Romney's trouncing in the last presidential election symbolizes the death of his party. KW wrote:
Thune thinks the Romney campaign spent too much time trying to tear down the president and not enough trying to build up Romney. "I think the Democrats better understand the modern political warfare," Thune said.
Woster says in another piece that Thune isn't the only GOPer worried about the old white man's party:
On frigid winter days in the wind-blown city of Pierre, state Sen. Stan Adelstein has been known to skip into the South Dakota Capitol. Former state Sen. Lee Schoenbeck of Watertown said the abortion debate caused a lasting split between him and Adelstein.

South Dakota's earth hater governor is seeking US aid for cyber criminals.

The dying red state is inviting the firearms and ammunition industry to come pollute South Dakota according to this AP report published at SFGate:
South Dakota officials say they made some promising contacts with outdoors businesses while attending last month's Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show in Las Vegas. State Economic Development Commissioner Pat Costello says South Dakota officials have attended the show for the past 12 years.
Minnesota is still cleaning up after one of her 'job creators:'
The New Brighton/Arden Hills Superfund site, which is comprised of the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant and its associated property, is a federal Superfund site located in Arden Hills, Minnesota. Contamination resulting from past ammunition manufacturing operations at the facility has been identified in groundwater, soil, sediment and surface water.

South Dakota, of course, doesn't give one shit about environmental protection or whom is killed by products manufactured in that struggling, red moocher state where liability for deaths due to firearms exist only in an alternate universe.
Several Sioux Falls area businesses will be represented on a trade mission to China with Gov. Dennis Daugaard in April. Each participant selected for the trade mission offers an opportunity to increase state exports to China and create jobs in South Dakota, according to the governor’s office. The trade mission to China is funded through an export promotion grant from the U.S. Small Business Administration.--SFBJ.
Raven Industries is sending a representative.

KXL death rattle heard

Joe Romm of Climate Progress says that Secretary of State John Kerry sounds like he will recommend to President Barack Obama that the proposed Keystone XL pipeline be rejected.
"We share nothing so completely as our planet." That was a key message in John Kerry's first major address as secretary of state in Charlottesville, Virginia, Wednesday.
Note recent tremor in north central Montana and its relative proximity to the Fort Peck Dam. The USGS tells us:
The first significant 20th century Montana earthquake occurred on June 27, 1925, when a magnitude 6 3/4 shock caused violent shaking over a 1,600 square kilometer area in southwestern Montana. The earthquake was felt over a 803,000 square kilometer area extending from the North Dakota line to Washington and from the Canadian border to central Wyoming.
Jehovah was a Republican. Gaia is a Democrat. Rewild the West.

Joy of sects: Cali court adds Wiccan prison chaplain

Debra J. Saunders is a San Francisco Chronicle columnist. In today's copy she writes:
[T]he Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco issued a ruling Tuesday that revives a California inmate lawsuit to force the state Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to hire a paid, full-time Wiccan chaplain. A 2007 Corrections survey found 183 Wiccan inmates - compared with 42,666 Protestant, 28,884 Muslim, 23,160 Catholic, 8,296 Native American and 2,678 Jewish inmates. Wiccan Rev. Patrick McCollum, who has served as the prison's unpaid volunteer chaplain, told me the department skewed its survey because it "did not want to facilitate nor allow the Wiccans to practice at all." "We don't do anything bad. We don't sacrifice animals. We don't kill babies. That's a bunch of crap. We don't worship the devil. That's a bunch of crap."
The Pew (get it?) Forum recently published this map of US cults.


Joy of sects: Schoenbeck member of pedophile religious cult...and NRA

I don’t know mr welke [sic], but he should attend an NRA banquet and see what we look like – not exactly the people he has obviously heard about. On the bright side, there are many good Counselling [sic] options for him in the Aberdeen area, no matter what the delusion.--earth hater and member Church of the Holy Roman Kiddie Diddlers, Lee Schoenbeck.
Smug little fucker. This guy says he's a lawyer and knows Bill Janklow raped Jacinta Eagle Deer: think he doesn't have clergy for clients? My guess is that he has a tiny dick as well as shitty orthographic skills.

Astronaut Mark Kelley says the NRA employs extreme rhetoric.

Bennett Gershman is a professor at Pace University Law School and former Manhattan prosecutor. He writes in the online edition of the White Plains Journal News:
Indeed, the biggest fomenter of hysteria and paranoia over guns, the biggest fear-mongerer and bully of all, is the NRA and its leaders. Why would any responsible gun owner have anything to do with the NRA?

Powers dead; Means commemoration announced

Censored News reports that a celebration of Russell Means will be held 27 February at Pine Ridge School's Old Gym. There is media access: press credentials required.

And over at the War Toilet Steve Hickey self-fellates...too.

Montana's DOMA amendment doomed

This latter-day update comes on the heels of an announcement that another federal court of appeals ruled the Bush-era Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional; and, if the epidemic of judges overturning cases in Montana is any guide, the state's initiated law affirming DOMA is doomed in part because of another appeal before the Supreme Court of the United States.

From Chris Geidner's piece posted at BuzzFeed:
The Obama administration urged the Supreme Court to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act's prohibition on recognition of same-sex couples' marriages in a Friday filing, arguing that laws that target gay people should face additional scrutiny by courts reviewing them. Under such heightened scrutiny, as it is called, Solicitor General Donald Verrilli says that Section 3 of DOMA, which defines "spouse" and "marriage" under federal law as only those marriages between one man and one woman, is unconstitutional.
The Roberts Court is still under fire for its judicial activism from frequent NPR guest, Jeffrey Rosen:
Essentially Roberts came into office telling me and other journalists that he would make it his goal as chief justice to promote consensus and avoid five-to-four decisions. He said it was bad for the court and bad for the country in a polarized time, for the court to divide along ideological lines.
From Lyle Denniston at SCOTUSblog:
Without creating any new constitutional right for gays and lesbians to get married, the First Circuit Court on Thursday ruled that Congress did not have the power to intrude on the choice of states — like Massachusetts — to create such a right under state law. The Circuit Court stressed, near the end of its opinion, that it was not relying on the challenge by gay rights advocates that DOMA had a “hidden but dominant purpose” of “hostility to homosexuality.” It conceded that some lawmakers had that in mind, but others may have had different reasons.
Having six members of the Church of the Holy Roman Kiddie Diddlers where five rule on the same side each time a Vatican-lobbied case comes before an entrenched 5-4 Court should frighten everyone.


Spearditch could erect Ceement Jaysus

Spearditch has become a scary little town.

Newcomers like Sam Kephart, just for instance: a squat, fat, white christian from somewhere else, is one frightening mofo.

Now, Mary Garrigan writes in the Rapid City Journal that the stupid hamlet wants a Ceement Jaysus:
Rand Williams, a Spearfish real estate entrepreneur, said he is envisioning a multimillion-dollar statue along the lines of Rio de Janeiro's Christ the Redeemer, a 125-foot tall statue that draws tourists to the Brazilan city, that would sit on a two-acre parcel of city land.
How can you even make up shit like this?

Earth hater Thune can't run for President; Ellsworth drones actively killing people of color

Senator don Juan Thune (earth hater-SD) told a group of students that he's a wuss. He's also a crook:
"Do I plan on running for President?" Thune said, according to South Dakota's KELO-TV. "I don't. I enjoy the job I have. And being the President is a very, very hard job." "Do I like my job? I do," Thune said. "You know, I'm going to tell you guys something about it. Any job you have, there are going to be good parts about it and bad parts about it. My job's like any other job."
Any other job doesn't pay $5000 a day. Besides, he'll be losing the seat he currently warms to Stephanie Herseth Sandlin or Brendan Johnson.

The Rapid City Journal reports that killer drones based near town are busy slaughtering people.

South Dakota's junior senator trumpeted success after prostituting stolen Lakota ground by bringing the current heavens-based smart-executor of civilian death, the Predator drone, to Ellsworth Air Force Base, cementing the continued commitment of South Dakotans to rain white phosphorus and dismemberment on children, women, and men of color for decades to come.
Ellsworth’s new mission of remotely piloting unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, will be under way by the end of the year, Weatherington said. Ellsworth airmen will control the MQ-9 Reaper from South Dakota as it flies reconnaissance or tactical strikes overseas. --Holly Meyer, Rapid City Journal.
Rapid City sez: fuck you, Mr. President; but, thanks for the dough.

Powers: pot, meet crack; teachers don't want embedded school shooters

Morbidly obese white blogger Pat Powers (heavily right in photo) is a member of the Church of the Holy Roman Kiddie Diddlers. He proves he's a bully as well as intellectually disabled as he picks on one of his own: South Dakota War Toilet.

RT @Anti_Church:
The church is an imperialist organization; it teaches the third world about forgiveness while first world corporations rob natural resources.
This essay by Jeffrey A. Lockwood was originally published February 19, 2013 on WyoFile. It was published at Sheridan Media:
As a professor at the University of Wyoming, I don’t want guns in my classroom. My resistance is not rooted in political ideology, nor in lofty philosophical arguments, nor in the hypocrisy of politicians excluding guns from the legislature while permitting them in classrooms, nor in messy sociological data about mass shootings, nor in clever interpretations of the U.S. Constitution.


NRA nabob Noem nets nut nod

The Sioux Falls Argus Leader followed Bimbo At-large Krusti Noem (earth hater-SD) throughout her 2010 race:
During her House campaign last year, Noem attacked then-Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin's use of mailers as inappropriate. Congressional offices enjoy "franking" privileges that allow them to send mass mailings to constituents at taxpayer expense. The longstanding practice has been criticized for giving incumbents an advantage.
A medical professional viewed a multitude of videos with interested party. The following is paraphrased from her assessment of South Dakota Representative Kristi Noem (smart-ass comments are mine):

There is evidence of collagen injections, botox, and JUVÉDERM® (at an approximate cost to taxpayers in the five figures).

Absences in committee meetings might be evidence of some surgery: her hairline has been lowered possibly to mask scarring. There is evidence cryosurgery especially around her lips; and, her gums and teeth show some signs of reconstruction.

She presents with symptoms of Histrionic Personality Disorder (now likely treated at taxpayer expense). Lately, her speech is laconic, measured: as if being she is being treated with psychotropics. She is far less confident in her abilities than she was ( likely the outcome of meeting people towering above her intellectual limitations) At times, it seems as if she is going to crack from the stress.

Her sometimes uncorrected shrillness reveals palling insecurities; but, she can quickly rein in her emotions (again likely from the benefit of extensive coaching and/or therapy at taxpayer expense).

White conservatives in breeder panic!

Red to blue Obama super PAC commits to Democrat wins: Mother Jones.

Crackers and wasicu aren't breeding anymore.

The earth hater party and the Church of the Holy Roman Kiddie Diddlers interminably defend their historic rape of people of color and their war on women while Kulturkampf touts earth hatred supported by white man rule.

Recall Ken Blanchard's lament:
For more than a half century the left has relentlessly encouraged policies and celebrated lifestyles that result in population decline. This now undermines their desire for the growth of government spending. Europe is now facing the reckoning. We are only a little bit behind.
Now comes this from Irin Carmon writing in Salon:
We are in a moment of partial Republican self-examination, in which certain party reformers are facing the fact that there just aren’t enough white voters to keep them in power — a demographic problem! And every conversation about how allegedly unsustainable Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are, for one reason or another, mainstreams the pressure to radically cut its benefits or reshape it to the whims of the market. What better way to reclaim the narrative, to change the subject from the inconvenient autonomy of women, than to claim that all of this contracepting is bringing on the decline of America for all?
Progressives aren't mourning the population growth of American Indians, African-Americans, Asians, and Latinos who are producing offspring at higher rates than European-Americans are. To the contrary: evolution relies on diversity.


Gant, Lederman working for Koch, Donors Trust

The Rushmore PAC blog is an earth hater's wet dream.

One of its authors is a Zionist state senator known for his close association with South Dakota's Church of the Holy Roman Kiddie Diddlers. Dan Lederman panders to his white readers recently assailing President Obama by quoting Robert L. Bradley, Jr., a shill for Koch Industries. The earth haters believe that drilling willy-nilly is the answer to high fuel costs.

Recall Lederman's role in the Missouri River flooding of the swamp at Dakota Dunes where he built a temple for self-worship.

He was on Bill Janklow's idea of public radio in Spring, 2011 defending his decision to build in a floodway. Lederman was recently fingered for bringing anti-government speakers to his infamous red state.

From a guest post at South DaCola:
For those who might need a refresher course here it is. In the election seasons prior to Jason’s ascension to the Secretary of State’s office in Pierre he was South Dakota’s leader of the Republican Senate Leadership Committee (RSLC). Jason Gant and his ilk in the legislature are financed by out of state rich benefactors who care nothing of South Dakota or its people. They only care about power. The Kochs are accomplishing it through RedMap, The RSLC Redistricting Project.
As the earth hater party explodes nationally, the collusion of South Dakota officios with Koch-funded Donors Trust to alter the electoral rules in that failed red state is coming into focus. Back at election time Cory began sniffing it out, recently Bob Mercer uncovered the smoking gun.

Here's an excerpt from an interview with Suzanne Goldenberg of The Guardian on yesterday's Democracy Now!
I think there’s something really different here and that comes into play, in that these organizations being supported by Donors Trust are actually working to spread information that is factually incorrect, that is untrue.
The US Environmental Protection Agency is a prime target for the earth hating christofascists slopping at the Koch trough.

Rat fuckers.

Montana Street Fighter has a story on Koch influence in that state.

Rapid City's American Indian population the nation's poorest

As the legislature of the failed red state voted to defy the United Nations, deny the Anthropocene (and to support Taiwan against Chinese tyranny?) Reuters announced that the indigenous peoples of the state are the nation's most desperate:
The poverty rate for American Indians and Alaska Natives in Rapid City, S.D. (50.9 percent) was around three times the rate in Anchorage, Alaska (16.6 percent) and about 30 percent or greater in five other cities most populated by this group (Gallup, N.M.; Minneapolis; Rapid City, S.D.; Shiprock, N.M.; Tucson, Ariz.; and Zuni Pueblo, N.M.), according to American Community Survey data collected from 2007 to 2011 by the U.S. Census Bureau.
It sure has been a crappy month for South Dakota Republicans so it comes as no surprise that the state is among the nation's least happy.

Thune fellates elderly white Spearditch circle

South Dakota's junior Senator glad-handed, spear-phished then lapped an aged, mostly obese, caucasian gathering of earth haters at an Adelstein-owned property in the northern Black Hills. Milo Dailey wrote in the Rapid City Urinal:
Before Thune began his speech, Spearfish economic development executive Bryan Walker said that a local business survey showed 82 percent believe the nation's deficit spending is the major concern. "We are not more than a few years away from a major catastrophe," Thune said. "The stakes are really high, folks."
As Bill Maher said Sunday night at the Santa Fe Convention Center: nothing riles up a white crowd like feeding a black man to the dogs, right, Johnny?

More on spear-phishing here.

Stupid fuckers.


Colonel Kernal: cornbelt compared to Dust Bowl, deforestation of Brazil

Dirk Lammers' story appears in the Black Hills Pioneer:
The research by Christopher Wright and Michael Wimberly of the Geographic Information Science Center of Excellence at South Dakota State University said a recent doubling in commodity prices has created incentives for landowners in South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota and Iowa to convert grassland to corn and soybean cropping. Grassland conversion between 2006 and 2011 was mostly concentrated in North Dakota and South Dakota, east of the Missouri River. In Minnesota and the Dakotas, this expansion was concentrated near wetlands, posing a threat to waterfowl breeding habitats.
Rewilding is clearly another part of the solution. It has been proposed for decades; yet, the political will in the red states where the impact is felt most perpetuates a greed mentality as human migration has stagnated. From Nature News:
First, it was snowfalls that never seemed to end. After that came tornadoes. Now, a massive slug of water is working its way down the Mississippi River, forcing the US Army Corps of Engineers to deliberately flood farmland to spare riverside towns such as Cairo in Illinois, and threatening near-record water levels all the way to New Orleans. For decades, people have been building shopping malls and parking lots that cause water to flow quickly into rivers, rather than soak into the ground. Nicholas Pinter, a geologist at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, who works on flood hydrology, has a word for this: "hydro-amnesia". It causes people to build in places that were flooded a generation ago and will be flooded again a generation hence.


Black Hills beetle winning war with second-growth pine

Spoiler alert: the bug has already won.

KW reported this morning that an additional 11,000 acres of Ponderosa pine in the occupied Black Hills have been harvested by the mountain pine beetle.

The good news is that as those thousands of acres die the water table may begin to recharge against the demands of additional white people as they build more crap in the Hills.

The bad news is that as those trees decay, methane (an even greater accelerant of anthropogenic warming than Kristi Noem's 'gas of life'), just contributes to the hemispheric catastrophe already underway.

Paha Sapa, having never been glaciated, represents the heart of the continent. She boasts one of the oldest habitats for the hardy insect which had blown in from points west and north and managed second-growth for countless centuries before humans began burning stands to encourage bison and wapiti to browse aspen shoots at least 11,000 years ago.

The first Forest Service timber sale in its history took place near near Nemo: Case #1; that's when BHNF ceased being a wild thing.

Now the wind that blows through the West reeks of death and desecration. The stench of the wasicu wafts from the bores that pump into her and the shovels that scrape her flesh then bleed her entrails into the kill floor drain.

Spruce beetle activity in Engelmann spruce was detected on 262,000 acres in Colorado and 76,000 acres in Wyoming in 2011. Since 1996, spruce beetle has affected 1.2 million acres in Colorado and Wyoming; now, it is established in the Northern Hills.

Of course, it's all well and good blaming us in the environmental community as the easiest course of action because we hate white people with Rs after their names even though congressional gridlock on climate change is the real problem.

Taking all but the legacy pine would slow the decimation that white people have visited upon the aquifers and burning would allow the sequestration of carbon deep underground. LawCo should just create a mile-wide buffer at its borders with Counties Pennington and Meade, Crook and Weston in Wyoming, then take every Pinus ponderosa younger than a hundred years because the Central Hills is a conflagration looking for a match then let Rocky Mountain Juniper regain her southwestern flank.

Bug-hit, fungi-stained trees are generally considered salvage: for some stumpage guidelines click here.

Bovine antibiotics are detected in every watershed draining the Black Hills hydrologic region disrupting and strangling essential fungal communities.

Oh, and you praying people living in western Custer and Pennington Counties? You'd best be getting to it.

Shaka, when the walls fell.