
Neiman Sawmills engaged in red state circle jerk

You just can't make up this crap.

Wyoming-based land rapers job creators, Neiman Sawmills has bought off martialed forces to grease assist LawCo politicos with at least 50,000 simoleans in their efforts to fool voters stem the imagined pine beetle epidemic.

In 2012, the company donated $50,000 cash and an additional $50,000 for in-kind services to the Lawrence County program. Neiman says the company will continue in-kind services, though it's not yet been determined how much for 2013.
Or what: get sued into bankruptcy for moving the insects in timber more efficiently with logging trucks along public highways and Forest Service roads to the mill for the last 50+ years? Now 3 mills that i know of, operating a virtual monopoly and lobbying heavily in Pierre to pump the handle(s).

Hey, Woster, Mercer, Lawrence, Montgomery, Jaci Pearson: Harry Christianson, Murphy, Larry Mann?

Fuck these people...too! The bug is removing one of the biggest threats to the Black Hills water supply by killing one remnant of anthropogenic interference in former bison and wapiti habitat: Ponderosa pine infestation.

Preserve the legacy pine by saving them from the Neimans, clear cut without building new roads especially where doghair chokes aspen, birch or hazelnut, convert it to biodiesel, and burn, baby, burn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2013 will be 1984 on steroids