
Wyoming Republicans will likely doom another Indigenous historic site

Exploiting the gap between the Cordilleran and Laurentide ice sheets during the Wisconsin Glacial Episode Clovis people came down the Little Missouri River and were likely the first humans to see the Missouri Buttes and Devils Tower. The divide between the Little Missouri and the Belle Fourche drainages is not very wide: less than a mile just west of the Missouri Buttes. At that location it's not difficult to visualize how the people migrating into the region at least 12,000 years ago seeking shelter and food sources found their way into lands free of glaciation. 

There are at least 23 prehistoric sites near Devils Tower National Monument, some of which are archaeological treasures eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. So in 2023 during a review of its resource management plan (RMP) the Newcastle, Wyoming office of the US Bureau of Land Management identified the Little Missouri Antelope Trap as an area of critical concern or ACEC. 

Ogden Driskill is an Earth hating Wyoming legislator running cattle near Mahto Tipila in the Belle Fourche River watershed. But even Driskill isn't white enough for some Trumpers and faced a solid write-in campaign from a former chair of the Crook County Republican Party. Crook County is home to the Little Missouri Antelope Trap. 

Since at least 2021 Wyoming's two Earth hating US Senators have introduced legislation that would cancel Indigenous culture at America's first national monument so the preservation of another ACEC is likely doomed especially now that a US president who hates Native Americans is slashing history.
"In the interior, there are a series of wooden juniper drive-line structures and there is a physical antelope trap where Native American Indian tribes came to hunt for significant periods of time across the land-scape," says Chad Krause, Field Manager for the BLM's Newcastle Field Office. There's only one existing ACEC in the management area overseen by the Newcastle Field Office. The cur-rent plan, which was approved in 1999, includes Whoopup Canyon east of Newcastle. "It has petroglyphs that are around 11,000 years old," Krause says. The proposed area has public access via the Little Missouri Road and is a popular hunting area for – unsurprisingly – antelope. What made this site stand out, he says, was partly the information gathered from the tribes and partly the manageability of the location. [BLM proposes new protected area]
Learn more at Salon.

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SD agro-terrorists push bill to hide ecoterrorism

We all know South Dakota is a chemical toilet

In 2015 concern over the further contamination of shallow aquifers that supply water to a third of East River caused the Clay County Planning and Zoning Board to table for the second time in as many weeks changing ordinances governing concentrated animal feeding operations or CAFOs. In 2018 South Dakota State University President Barry Dunn told WNAX radio that state residents should just accept the fact that the Big Sioux River is a shit hole

But now an Earth hating South Dakota legislator from Madison wants to allow eminent domain and trespass for some pipeline operators but also wants to protect CAFOs from scrutiny. Casey Crabtree admits that the cases of criminal trespass at CAFOs don't even exist but ignores the fact that those operations are in fact agro-terrorists themselves. 

But lobbyist and ecoterrorist American Farm Bureau Federation is pushing a bill that would bar what used to be South Dakota's environmental watchdog from even releasing the locations of CAFOs in the red moocher state to anyone unless required by federal law. CAFOs in the chemical toilet routinely violate state regulations and flagrantly flout federal pollution standards.
The restriction on obtaining information about CAFOs worries Jay Gilbertson, manager of the East Dakota Water Development District, which promotes conservation and management of water resources in eastern South Dakota. "But when it comes to animal feeding operations, if you really want to know, you have to go to Pierre, and try to get in the DANR building and dig through the paper files? That would just be silly." [Bill to protect farms from spying could limit access to CAFO data]
Add the absence of cultural fire, the extirpation of apex predators, the resulting rise of mesopredators, increased numbers of domestic livestock then stir in a melange of industrial chemicals with climate change and voila: red state collapse on parade!

Yes, socialized agriculture, socialized dairies, socialized cheese, socialized livestock production, a socialized timber industry, socialized air service, socialized freight rail, a socialized nursing home industry, socialized water systems and now a socialized internet are all fine with Republicans in South Dakota but then they insist single-payer medical insurance is socialized medicine.

And, in a surprise to no one the grassland fire danger index will be in the very high category again Wednesday for much of the perpetual welfare state and permanent disaster area.


Cook, Hickey contrast Hitler, Trump

After Orson Welles' 1938 radio broadcast of War of the Worlds Adolf Hitler cited the ensuing panic as "evidence of the decadence and corrupt condition of democracy" then modeled his final solution on the Native American Genocide. 

Today, Republican is not just another word for Earth hater; it's another word for Nazi

Steve Hickey is from Kansas City, Missouri and is a Republican former South Dakota legislator and Sioux Falls pastor now teaching at Alaska Christian College. He and this interested party agree on some things like executive clemency for Leonard Peltier and reconciliation with the tribal nations trapped in South Dakota through land repatriation.

Dr. Edith Cook is an educator who was an assistant professor at Dakota Wesleyan University, lives in Saratoga, Wyoming and writes a weekly column for the Cheyenne Post.
Then Trump became part of the ‘80s debt craze: going bankrupt, and defaulting on payments for his Atlantic City Taj Mahal Casino. By 1992, Trump’s efforts collapsed under the weight of unserviceable debt, “a victim of his own prodigality as the recession deepened.” [Cook: Comparing Reagan and Trump]
In 1993, Trump henchman, Roger Stone constructed ad copy and radio scripts depicting the Mohawk Nation as violent criminals and drug dealers so Donald Trump could erect a casino. Then, after losing a lawsuit to the Tribe Trump declared war on Native America and in 2020 he used the Hitlerian model and launched a biological weapon on tribal communities. 

Now Republicans like Steve Hickey suffer from a disease that influences their eschatologies because they worship a supernatural extraterrestrial as the ‘son of god’ and believe It is coming to Earth to rule under a one-world government.
Like Trump, Hitler was duly elected by the people, in spite of a criminal record—he actually did time for a coup he attempted in Munich, but the voters didn’t care, or didn’t mind. Beginning in 1933—the year of Hitler’s ascent to the chancellorship—a new “Nazi Religion” infused German churches. It demanded that all pastors sign an oath of allegiance to the Führer, to National Socialism, and to the German state, the “Reich.” Hitler ‘s rise to power seemed the answer. Dietrich Bonhoeffer would have been a man for our times, had he lived in our space. As it is, his courage must remind us to stand tall and call upon our resources to cope with the days ahead. [Cook: Watching Hitler]
Hickey is also a scholar who studies Dietrich Bonhoeffer and calls him a martyr but he is also a Trump apologist

After deleting his social media accounts in 2021 Hickey is reporting at his resurrected Faceberg page that he is in the hospital with five blood clots in his lungs following a double lung transplant.

Dying in a bunker by his own hand can't come soon enough for DonOld Trump.


South Dakota politicians likely covering up Parkinson's risks from ag chemicals

This blog has been covering Chinese company Syngenta since 2010 questioning whether an elected South Dakota attorney general was getting kickbacks to cover up the effects of pesticides like atrazine on fœtal development and infants born to mothers residing near corn and soybean fields even after the US Environmental Protection Agency warned of their use

In 2011 plaintiffs in Kansas were dropped from a federal class action lawsuit that named Syngenta liable for a genetically modified (GM) corn seed scam but in 2017 a jury ultimately awarded affected farmers nearly $218 million in compensation. South Dakota's GOP congressional delegation stumbles all over itself to protect donors like Syngenta from their accountability for the state's impaired waters

Monsanto, the company that owned a strain of Franken-maize, the only genetically modified product approved for cultivation in the European Union, tried to acquire rival Syngenta in 2015 but was absorbed itself by Bayer — another chemical company that buys Republican politicians and pollutes the waters of the United States.

Boomers will recall that in 1977 the Mexican government was spraying paraquat on cannabis crops. Today, paraquat is marketed as Gramoxone, a Syngenta product linked to Parkinson's disease after multiple studies determined agricultural workers exposed to the poison face much higher likelihood of nerve damage. In 2021 Earthjustice sued the EPA challenging its reapproval of paraquat and in 2024 California passed legislation that required the Department of Pesticide Regulation to reevaluate its use after some 350,000 pounds were applied in that state during 2023 alone.

Paraquat is also a hormone disruptor that inhibits the production of testosterone and can cause gender dysphoria and birth defects in developing fœtuses.
The company, Syngenta, says that paraquat, which it produces under the name Gramoxone, "is safe for its intended and labelled use." Clayton Tucholke, who used Gramoxone for years on his farm in LaBolt, South Dakota, and has since been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, says otherwise. ['Burns me to a crisp': Farmers allege link between popular herbicide paraquat and Parkinson's disease]
A cynical observer might suspect that China is retaliating after being ripped off by the State of South Dakota in the Bendagate scandal

EPA could issue a final report Friday after considering 90 new scientific studies submitted by the Michael J. Fox Foundation. Whatever the ruling lawsuits will continue as plaintiffs argue Syngenta has an obligation to disclose harms from paraquat but hides them from consumers then pays off politicians like Marty Jackley

Learn more about the paraquat/Parkinson's link in the journal Nature.


Goss, bankers wary of tariffs, see grim future under Trump

Back in 2018 Republicans like Senator John Thune (Earth hater-SD) were calling Trump tariffs a "Band-Aid" and a "false sense of security" especially for farm states

Today, Creighton University's Ernie Goss and ag groups like the National Corn Growers Association are sounding the alarm again about the Trump tariffs because of economic uncertainty and the potential for retaliation.
“Recession would be probably too strong of a word, but certainly it’s going to be slow going for the year in my judgement, and it’ll be a little bit slower than in 2024," Goss said. [Bill Janklow's idea of public radio]
Goss and the Business Conditions Index track the economies of nine midwestern states where supply managers remain pessimistic with some 41% signaling a recession and a significant drop off in the near future.
Looking ahead six months, economic optimism, as captured by the December Business Confidence Index, sank to 52.8 from 55.6 in November. A weak regional economy slowed purchases from abroad as the import reading slumped to 42.1 from November’s 49.1. [Mid-American Economy]
A cynical observer might suspect bankers provided gloomy outlooks to the Index for at least five months especially in midwestern swing states to sink Democratic Party prospects just as Republicans in congress stalled immigration reform because it makes sense to Earth haters that after he was elected again the Orange Julius would run America into the dirt so banks can foreclose on the whole dealio to massage auction price points.
And don't forget, as the rhetoric from the White House increases and the push to act on taxes, trade, and immigration pressures the Republican Congress to act, there's still a Farm Bill to write, regional conflicts to influence, and a federal debt limit to raise. [CoBank: 2025 rural economy will be 'squeezed, hobbled, slowed']
In Iowa where the Republican governor is among the most hated in the US cancer rates are off the charts and the list of impaired waterways increased again.

Thune is pessimistic that the incoming administration has the political capital to end the gains under Bidenomics. Read that here.