
Thune fellates elderly white Spearditch circle

South Dakota's junior Senator glad-handed, spear-phished then lapped an aged, mostly obese, caucasian gathering of earth haters at an Adelstein-owned property in the northern Black Hills. Milo Dailey wrote in the Rapid City Urinal:
Before Thune began his speech, Spearfish economic development executive Bryan Walker said that a local business survey showed 82 percent believe the nation's deficit spending is the major concern. "We are not more than a few years away from a major catastrophe," Thune said. "The stakes are really high, folks."
As Bill Maher said Sunday night at the Santa Fe Convention Center: nothing riles up a white crowd like feeding a black man to the dogs, right, Johnny?

More on spear-phishing here.

Stupid fuckers.

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