Los Cerrillos
March 19, 2025


KXL rejection rally slated with Obama visit

Today, a rally organized by Dakota Rural Action and the Indigenous Environmental Network will call on President Obama to outright reject the Keystone XL Pipeline permit. One week prior to the President’s arrival in South Dakota, the crowd of Native and Non-Native people will gather in downtown Sioux Falls, at the intersection of Minnesota Ave and 11th Street, under the banner of “Not on our hands, not on our lands,” at 3:30pm CST.
Read it here.

Last year, 672 graduated, this year's 719 is a record number. About 140 students from Lake Area Technical Institute's agriculture program are graduating May 8 when President Barack Obama gives the commencement address. Students say Obama’s first presidential visit to South Dakota will give their school in Watertown some much-deserved recognition in a state where successes are rare.

GOP legislator, Rep. Steve Hickey wants to fly flags at half-staff during Obama's visit to raise awareness of the suicide epidemic in South Dakota's Indian Country.

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