Los Cerrillos
March 17, 2025


More evidence Trump targeted Indigenous people

Indigenous Americans and reservations have some of the highest vaccination rates in the country yet rural white, conservative christians would rather get sick and die. Nevertheless, adjusted for age and population Donald Trump killed many more American Indians and Alaska Natives per capita than he did whites. 

Now, another report, this time from the University of New Mexico, adds evidence of his crimes committed in Indian Country.
This work provides insights into the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on American Indian/Alaska Native patients and highlights the need for interventions and resources to address health disparities in the COVID-19 pandemic. The Navajo Nation, which extends into Utah, Arizona, and NM, surpassed New York as the most COVID-19-affected US region per capita early in the pandemic (May 2020) (22). Within the same period, data from the National Indian Health Board showed that AI/AN individuals accounted for 43% of COVID-19 cases in NM (23). [Disproportionate impact of COVID-19 severity and mortality on hospitalized American Indian/Alaska Native patients]
Donald Trump tried to exterminate Native America but infected many of his own supporters soon after a visit to New Mexico in 2019 then again in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

In the penultimate episode of Designated Survivor there is even a racist who engineers a virus to sterilize or kill people of color to erase the Democratic voter base — the defining feature of the Trump term.

1 comment:

larry kurtz said...

Trump's biological war on Native America killed Indigenous parents at the highest rate of any group: MindSiteNews.