
Heidelberger lights up Beadle County Dems; Pierre journo coverage approaching zero

Cory Heidelberger brands himself a liberal, although he’s well aware many consider that the kiss of death. Heidelberger writes the Dakota Free Press blog, which he calls the state’s true liberal media. He is a math, English, speech and French teacher who has taught in high schools east and west of the river. “I believe that everyone of us deserves as much liberty as we can manage, to define the laws and choose the lawmakers who set the laws under which we live,” he said.
Read it here.

Randy Rickman decimated the Helena Independent Record; now, parent Lee Newspapers of Montana has closed its capital bureau. Pierre had maybe two journalists covering the statehouse and Rickman forces Steve Baker from the Capital Journal.

Gifted journalist, Emily Saunders, who covered Idaho politics just left Boise Public Radio to work for Montana's Office of Public Instruction as communications liaison.

Tony Mangan left radio journalism in Pierre to work for South Dakota's Department of 'Public Safety' as its public voice.

Ben Dunsmoor covered Pierre during the legislative session: he is leaving KELO teevee for public relations.

That pretty much leaves Bob Mercer to write the gloomy news from South Dakota's capital city.

If Texas leads with over fifty journalists covering Austin and South Dakota's number covering Pierre approaches zero the Reichstag has already purged the truth.

Bob Schieffer is bemoaning the loss of beat reporters at this hour on WAMU's Diane Rehm Show.

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