
Bat listing threatens Thune belfry

GOP donors being subsidized by the federal government to log in the Black Hills are putting pressure on the state's congressional delegation to resist habitat protection for the black-backed woodpecker, too. Cougars and the American Dipper have been all but extirpated from the Black Hills.
New protections are now in place for the northern long-earned bat, which officially becomes listed as a threatened species in [South] Dakota and across the nation as of today. Also effective today is an interim rule that provides some flexibility to landowners, land managers, government agencies and others as they conduct development activities in northern long-eared bat habitat. [Public News Service]
South Dakota's senior senator doesn't get climate change either:
Notice something different about Sen. John Thune? “Climate change is occurring, it’s always occurring,” Thune said. “There are a number of factors that contribute to that, including human activity. The question is, what are we going to do about it and at what cost?” Thune now clearly comes down on the side of the vast majority of scientists when he acknowledges climate change. He even notes that man does contribute, in some measure, to climate change, and that it is something that lawmakers can affect. [editorial, Aberdeen American News]
So-called 'Americans for Prosperity' a Koch-funded group with a lobbyist based in Sioux Falls signaled to legislators that they will lose campaign funding from the Kochs unless they act to reverse the progress the US Environmental Protection Agency has made in South Dakota.

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