Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


Minnesota cannabis industry locked and loaded

Cannabis is already legal in parts of South Dakota but getting the means of cultivation, seeds and clones past Marty Jackley's gestapo is daunting.
Minnesota's marijuana makeover was kicked into high gear Tuesday with a tour of a new cannabis-growing plant. "Nine months ago, this was all farmland. It's pretty amazing," said Dr. Kyle Kingsley, CEO of Minnesota Medical Solutions, as he led reporters through his sleek new plant in Otsego, about 35 miles northwest of Minneapolis. The high-tech, ultrasecurity, super-secret building is one of two marijuana factories in the state. The other is in Cottage Grove, operated by LeafLine Labs. [St. Paul Pioneer Press]
Public Policy Polling released a survey commissioned by Minnesota NORML from January 18-21, 2015. 49% of Minnesotans want legal cannabis ala Colorado and Washington, 44% are opposed; men embrace legalization 51/43. 76% of respondents condone therapeutic access. Even Republicans showed support at 61% and American Indians showed overwhelming approval at 93%. 54% believe cannabis prohibition is not more effective than alcohol prohibition, 51% think Minnesota’s economy would benefit from market legalization.

North Dakota has legalized cannabis so getting the means to cultivate onto the Standing Rock tribal nation is already taking place. But distribution of finished product remains smoke and mirrors unless states and tribes adopt a regulatory strategy and form compacts.

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