Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


Daugaard, GOP ACA belligerence putting state at STI risk

So much for the sanctity of human life.
According to state epidemiologist Lon Kightlinger, South Dakota reported nearly 4,200 cases of Chlamydia in 2014 - the highest ever in the state. Gonorrhea cases have doubled since 2009, with 900 cases reported in 2014. “Particularly concerning is the 95 cases of syphilis reported last year, the highest number of cases since 1970," Kightlinger said. "That includes three 3 cases of congenital syphilis, which we haven’t seen in this state for several decades.” Kightlinger said screening and early diagnosis are essential to prevent the spread of STI's. [KSFY teevee]

As GOP Governor Dennis Daugaard continues to fail key leadership tests South Dakota stumbles again on access to affordable medical care.
A new Gallup survey has found that the two states with the most dramatic drop in their respective rates of uninsured are Kentucky and Arkansas, both deeply red in presidential years. Red states that did not expand Medicaid or embrace a state-run exchange, however, continue to have brutally high rates of uninsured. All 10 of the states with the highest uninsured rates have refused to carry out those two key parts of Obamacare. "States that have implemented two of the law's core mechanisms -- Medicaid expansion and state health exchanges -- are seeing a substantially larger drop in the uninsured rate than states that did not take both of these actions," Gallup announced. "Consequently, the gap in uninsured rates that existed between these two groups in 2013 nearly doubled in 2014." [Ryan Grim]
In a surprise to no one South Dakota hates women's rights the most and where women seeking certain medical procedures face higher hurtles than in any other state.

A trustworthy or scrupulous At-large US Representative would set partisan politics aside, call out South Dakota's governor for putting the lives of the state's residents at risk and urge him to expand Medicaid coverage for the working class.

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