Los Cerrillos
March 25, 2025


Trekkies expose police coercion in new video

Noting the similaries in license plate profiling to that abused in the chemical toilet and just when i thought i couldn't be more pissed off about selective law enforcement, this story appeared in Huff Post Politics.
"The joke around our office is that all you need for probable cause in Madison County is an Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, or Florida license plate." In the 2005 case Illinois v. Caballes, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that having a drug dog sniff the exterior of a vehicle during a routine traffic stop does not violate the Fourth Amendment. But in a dissent to that opinion, Justice David Souter pointed to mounting evidence that drug dogs aren't as infallible as police departments often claim. Souter noted a study that the state of Illinois itself used in its briefs showing that in lab tests, drug dogs fail 12.5 to 60 percent of the time.

Update, 2 April: Lawmakers lobby Justice Department to lay off state MM industries.


WNYC contributor: ObamaCare to be upheld 8-1

It's a given that earth hater, Justice Clarence Thomas, is an activist judge: at least one observer believes Thomas will be the lone dissenter.

It's a Free Country is a forum on NPR affiliate WNYC. Contributor Osborne Hazel is a former law clerk and served as an intern for Rep. John Conyers (D-NY). Here is a snip from posted analysis:
If Justice Kennedy sides with Justices Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor and Kagan, I see both Chief Justice Roberts and Alito also siding with the majority. During their confirmation hearings they both said they were opposed to any “activist” court decisions. Voting to strike down this law, which would exact a large political price on supporters, would be the embodiment of an activist judge. They would be flouting years of precedent and putting the Court directly into the middle of the controversy. Then there is the wild card: Justice Scalia. He lamented how quickly litigants run to court when Congress or the government does something they disapprove of, instead of using the legislative or political process to reverse it themselves.

The Catholic Justices on the Court should have recused themselves from this decision in the first place as the Holy Roman Kiddie Diddlers control such a monstrous portion of health care in the US, especially in light of more Vatican wrongdoing.

Right to life, indeed.

Update, 31 March:


Insurance companies urging cities to implement Agenda 21

Sioux Falls represents the chemical toilet as a member of Local Governments for Sustainability; Missoula, Helena, and Bozeman are signatory in Montana. Member cities in New Mexico are: Silver City, Taos, Las Cruces, Santa Fe, Cimarron, Los Alamos and Albuquerque.

Kiyotaka Akasaka is the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information. Here is a snip from his essay in the Huffington Post:
The Earth Summit marked a milestone with agreement by more than 178 countries on Agenda 21, the visionary blueprint for sustainable development. The attacks on Agenda 21 are remarkably similar to the full-throated climate change denial movement that has seriously impeded progress on that issue.
Risk analysts and actuaries are warning cities about their responsibilities to prepare for the effects of global warming. David Fogarty and Deborah Zabarenko write in Reuters:
The U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said all nations will be vulnerable to the expected increase in heat waves, more intense rains and floods and a probable rise in the intensity of droughts. Aimed largely at policymakers, the report, and an additional summary of its contents, makes clear nations need to act now, because increasingly extreme weather is already a trend. The report’s release dovetailed with an unprecedented March heat wave in the continental United States and a London conference where scientists warned the world was nearing tipping points that would make the planet irreversibly hotter.
The Big Sioux River watershed was recently cited as one of the most impaired waterways in the Upper Missouri Basin: pollutants originating in Sioux Falls contribute about half of the river's contaminants which flow unmitigated into the Missouri River then on to Gulf of Mexico where a Dead Zone threatens to spread to the entire Caribbean.

Is it time for a United Nations intervention in South Dakota?


Fire weather nearly perfect storm

Minnesota Public Radio's weather blod, Paul Huttner, calls this month's pattern, "unprecedented" in known history:
So far this March our average monthly temp at MSP is 48.3 degrees. If we hold near that level through Saturday (quite possible) we could close out the month at or above 15.1 degrees above average for March. If you look at records for the 12 months of the year in the metro...the warmest month ever compared to average was January 2006, when temps soared to +15.1 degrees vs. average. If we sustain that average, March 2012 could be the warmest month ever when compared to average in the past 121 years of data for the Twin Cities.
From ThinkProgress:


Cuba is not the DPRK

President Obama addressed the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Vatican-based spiritual leader of organized crime conducted a gala mass gathering in Cuba.

Under the constitution, if Raul Castro were to leave office tomorrow, 81-year-old Jose Ramon Machado Ventura, current first vice president of the ruling Council of State, would succeed him until 2013, although he could be replaced sooner. "The dauphin over there is named Kim Jong-un; perhaps soon they will communicate to us that over here ours will be Alejandro Castro Espin," said human rights activist Elizardo Sanchez. But other Cubans discounted the possibility that the government would put another Castro in power, saying the Cuban system would not permit it.
LA Times:
In fact, the majority adhere to other faiths, including Santeria and similar practices based on indigenous and African traditions. Although recent surveys show that the vast majority of Cubans believe in "the divine," there is little institutional loyalty to established churches. Less than 5% of the population attends Catholic churches, possibly the lowest figure in Latin America.


Montana cannabis law headed for appeal

In defiance of federal law, Montana voters passed an initiated change to the state's constitution in 2004 that legalized the cultivation, distribution, and medical use of cannabis. Last year, that state's earth hater legislature gutted most of the law and Governor Schweitzer allowed the changes without signing the bill.

Now the legal cannabis industry is all but dead in Montana after raids on dispensaries and arrests of growers. One courageous former caregiver, Montana Cannabis, is appealing a lower court decision upholding the federal prohibition of the herb.

The Lee-owned Helena Independent Record has gone behind a paywall for frequent readers but AP writer, Matt Volz, brings the story anyway using the malapropism "pot" (Gerard O'Brien) in his piece to describe medicine:
...Chris Williams is stepping up his challenge of the federal operation that changed the face of the industry in the state. The March 2011 raids resulted in the prosecution of dozens of providers, shut down their businesses and caused many others to shut their doors out of fear that they would be next. Several other marijuana providers joined his lawsuit, as did the Montana Cannabis Industry Association, which also is suing to overturn the new restrictive state law and is backing a referendum asking voters to repeal the law in November’s election.
This interested party has voiced frustration with Democrat Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate, Steve Bullock, because of his public silence on the issue. My guess is that the plaintiffs will lose this case.

New Mexico, on the other hand, has been virtually free from federal crackdowns. Considered the most restrictive medical cannabis law in the US, that state currently issues 21 permits per 100,000. New Mexico's earth hater governor recently signed additional coverage for cannabis patients. The law was hammered out in legislative committee instead of being codified by the passing of a voter-written initiative.

It has been fascinating watching the fascist right haranguing the President for what it calls his "regulatory tyranny stifling economic growth" while selectively ignoring the Obama administration erasing a promising industry and effectively chilling civil liberties.

On what grounds would SCOTUS choose to hear an additional appeal of the Montana law if it gets that far, especially in light of the Court hearing testimony on provisions of health insurance reform?


Gov. Gary Johnson wins LPIN straw poll

Former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson has won the Indiana Libertarian Party's presidential straw poll held by that state's First District. Some teevee celebrity is that party's choice for its gubernatorial candidate in the state.

The party's convention is in Las Vegas in early May.

Montana's Secretary of State has reported that two members of the Libertarian Party will appear on the ballot contesting the Democrat and earth hater in that state's Senate race according to RealClearPolitics:
Montana State University political scientist David Parker says third party candidates usually pull more votes from the Republican candidate. And he noted Rehberg was harmed by a third party candidate in his failed 1996 challenge to U.S. Sen. Max Baucus. But Parker says two Libertarians will split such votes, and have no more effect than one Libertarian.
Will Ron Paul abandon the party of earth haters to seek nomination for the "Party of Principle?"


Wait, wait...don't out me

NPR is catching some heat again:
PETER SAGAL (Host): It is Pope Benedict XVI, yes. Italian perfumer Silvana Casoli creates perfumes for both Madonna and Sting. So it seemed natural that she would be the one chosen to create a fragrance for another famous gay icon.
Peed my pants.


Tax credits power photovoltaics: blue state vision

There is so much money in Santa Fe County it sometimes seems like a fantasy. The San Marcos feed store/restaurant/lumber yard is building this photovoltaic array to replace its reliance on the grid. Each panel generates 238W and the total system is expected to produce about 40kW. Arrays like this one are rapidly becoming ubiquitous in northern New Mexico.

Water catchment is another given as recharges are often unable to pace demand and the detection of elevated tritium in part of the Santa Fe water supply reminded residents about the value of their resources. Small businesses are frantic with retrofitting those properties without dependable water storage utilizing a gravel roof that is also resistant to wildfire: so is elastomeric stucco. Occasional heavy snows send residents or their hires above deck to shovel.

It's so refreshing being around builders who are safe rather than cheap and producing because it's the right thing to do instead of cutting corners to the cheapest fix.


President Carter touring with book on religion

President Carter's successor, earth hater icon Ronald Reagan, removed the photovoltaic cells from the roof of the White House destroying the country's momentum toward an energy-independent future.

Talk about a redeemer complex: President Carter is a busy guy at 87 plugging his new book, NIV Lessons from Life Bible: Personal Reflections with Jimmy Carter. He talked to The Huffington Post's Senior Religion Editor Paul Brandeis Raushenbush by phone. President Carter:
I happen to have an advantage there because I am a nuclear physicist by training and a deeply committed Christian. When we go to the Bible we should keep in mind that the basic principles of the Bible are taught by God, but written down by human beings deprived of modern day knowledge. So there is some fallibility in the writings of the Bible.
Retrograde is not the answer.


Countdown to legalization

Singer/songwriter and cannabis activist, Willie Nelson, has just endorsed Oregon's legalization efforts.

High Times has published the top ten reasons to end the chilling effect on civil liberties:

10. Prohibition has failed to control the use and domestic production of marijuana.
9. Arrests for marijuana possession disproportionately affect blacks and Hispanics and reinforce the perception that law enforcement is biased and prejudiced against minorities.
8. A regulated, legal market in marijuana would reduce marijuana sales and use among teenagers, as well as reduce their exposure to other drugs in the illegal market.
7. Legalized marijuana would reduce the flow of money from the American economy to international criminal gangs.
6. Marijuana’s legalization would simplify the development of hemp as a valuable and diverse agricultural crop in the United States, including its development as a new bio-fuel to reduce carbon emissions.
5. Prohibition is based on lies and disinformation.
4. Marijuana is not a lethal drug and is safer than alcohol.
3. Marijuana is too expensive for our justice system and should instead be taxed to support beneficial government programs.
2. Marijuana use has positive attributes, such as its medical value and use as a recreational drug with relatively mild side effects.
1. Marijuana users are determined to stand up to the injustice of marijuana probation and accomplish legalization, no matter how long or what it takes to succeed.

Wíhákata Cépapi Wi – Moon of Making Fat.


High temperature records cascade in chemical toilet; kurtz recognized by Montana blogger

Extreme wildfire conditions span 1500 miles along the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains from the Sangre de Cristos in New Mexico to nearly the Canadian border. Nine western states experienced red flag warnings yesterday. The dust was so thick during 60MPH winds in Santa Fe yesterday that the street lights came on in mid-afternoon.

We may have a winner. Winner, S. Dakota to be exact, where the temp went to 94 yesterday. 94. In the Dakotas. In winter.
At least one tornado descended on the Sincanju in south central South Dakota.

Livestock producers argue the importance of grazing the High Plains. Fail! Wildfires this year have been most prevalent where cattle and sheep are decimating prairie grasslands.

President Obama appeared with Oprah Winfrey and other donors in Chicago according to ABC News:
“We’ve had a good day,” Obama continued. “It’s warm every place. It gets you a little nervous about what’s happening to global temperatures. But when it’s 75 degrees in Chicago in the beginning of March it gets you thinking…”
Mr. President: Rewild the West.

Kiazi's children, their faces wet.


New iPad big hit; Ron Paul second in campaign cash

Think: insourcing.

This snip from the International Business Times reminds readers the value of good editors:
The New York Times found harsh and dangerous conditions workers were subjected to on a daily basis in iPad factories in a January investigative report. But on Friday, as the new iPad went on sale, some of the accusations of labor violations levelled against Apple by actor Mike Daisey, in an episode of the "This American Life" program on American Public Radio [sic], have been shown to be false.
Rep. Ron Paul (earth hater-TX) is still counting massive campaign proceeds. The NYT's Nick Confessore confesses:
Through the end of January, Mr. Paul had raised $31 million, putting him in second place to Mitt Romney in the race for campaign dollars and well ahead of Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich.


Maher: the first is Obama's "white term"

Virgin Group guru Richard Branson asked for a spliff at a White House reception the other day as this interested party remains hopeful that President Obama's second will be the Green Term.

From The Weed Blog:
USA vice president Joe Biden acknowledged the debate by visiting and meeting with state authorities in Latin America in early March to address the White House position of sticking to the criminal approach. Presidents from the region, including Felipe Calderón, from Mexico, and president Juan Manuel Santos from Colômbia, agreed to come to Guatemala on March 24 for a wide-ranging debate on the subject. The meeting will set the stage for a formal discussion at the annual Summit of the Americas, to take place in Cartagena, Colombia in April.
Meanwhile, the Gucci-wearing spiritual leader of pedophiles everywhere calls the embargo "useless" ahead of a visit to Cuba.

The Takeaway is a co-production of WNYC Radio and Public Radio International, in collaboration with The BBC World Service, New York Times Radio and WGBH Boston (oh, and Celeste Headlee is a stone cold fox).


More pink slime discovered; will Ron Paul defect?

h/t Larry Kralj, Environmental Rangers:

Much of SE Montana is under a red flag warning today. A fire outside of Havre near the Canadian border cleared at least 12,000 acres yesterday.

NASA snow cover maps contrast 2011-12.

Scientific American charts warming oceans' influence on thunderstorms.

A Bozeman Libertarian has entered the HD63 legislative race. The incumbent earth hater, Tom Burnett, is also opposed by Democrat Marty Livingston.


Abernathy exposes pink slime of humanity

White people kill white buffalo and burn holy books for therapy; but thanks to South Dakota based Native Sun News some of the slaughter could cease.

Anyone who wonders why white Americans are nearly universally hated need only scan right-wing blogs or visit the bait/pawn/gun/barber shops infested with the pink slime of humanity.

Speaking of pink slime, earth hater presidential candidate, Rick Santorum, reminded US that Puerto Rico is expected to vote against Statehood again in November: NPR has the story here.


iDEATH comes for the Upper Missouri River Basin

While a serial womanizer/physician whines about not being able to afford multiple mistresses on Liberty TeeVee today, the implementation of ObamaCare will control most medical industry abuses and provide relief for those unable to afford treatment for asthma.

Red flag warnings=red state collapse. This map is evidence that livestock grazing is not the solution to climate change or to saving the West:

From the Edmonton Journal:
A joint study by biological scientists Rebecca Rooney, Suzanne Bayley and David Schindler and published online shows the pitfalls of failing to rehabilitate land mined for bitumen to its original state. The authors also say the “destruction” of more than 29,500 hectares of peatland habitat means loss of carbon storage. Essentially, with the loss of peat cover, the contribution of oilsands development to overall carbon emissions and climate change could grow substantially, they say. “The boreal forest is the world’s largest and most important forest carbon storehouse ... but its continued storage depends on future management practices.”
May Goddess have mercy on us all.

Update, 12:08 MDT: Dewpoint dropping, 18F now w 14% RH at Rapid City Airport. Winds gusting over 30mph. With temps in low 70s, its as good as it gets for fire. RT @wx_chip


2012: doomsday for the GOP

2012 is already historic for the collapse of the Republican Party; a NASA scientist tells us why:

RT @jayfug:

Jesus F. Christ.


More Rapid City wildfires indicators of red state collapse

Fire conditions in the Black Hills environs are in the extreme category.

Spearditch homeboy, Chief Mike Maltaverne told the Rapid City Journal's David Montgomery:
We knew with the weather we had (Friday) and the fire behavior we were seeing approaching the fire, we were going to need additional resources than the city could provide.
The RCJ's Holly Meyer interviewed a resident near Nemo Road who said:
Everybody’s real scared this year. It’s going to be a scary year.
Wildfire Today's Bill Gabbert posted a story linked here.

Meterologist Chip Redmond has a series of photos, too. Follow him @wx_chip.

Montana fire managers report blazes.

Burn, baby, burn.


The Anthropocene: it's not just killing humans anymore

Is it too late for Earth?

Should Liberals just say: "to Hell with biodiversity" and join the earth haters in a final orgy of death, consumption and/or prayer?

Coexist or kill them all and let Goddess sort 'em out?

Mary Hoff asks Johan Rockstrom in the Utne Reader: "What would it take? Why do we need to think about protecting Earth’s systems from catastrophic failure?"
The evidence shows that we may have entered a whole new geological epoch, the Anthropocene, where humans constitute the main geological force changing planet Earth. The planetary boundaries framework was developed to address this new reality. The second is the risk of nonlinear change, which comes out of resilience theory and from empirical evidence that particular ecosystems have multiple stable states. But there is a big “but”: And the big but is, have we already gone too far? And that we simply don’t know yet.
End red state collapse. Rewild the West.


His Eminence is/was a criminal

Breaking, Anwar al-Awlaki not dead!

Calling any cleric, "His Eminence" or "Reverend" is like calling Hannibal Lecter, "Chef."

AG Holder: bust these monsters, or better yet, Mr. Panetta, send drones to vaporize these criminals!

From an AP report posted at NPR:
Just before Bevilacqua died at age 88, a judge ruled him competent to testify at the trial of Monsignor William Lynn, who's accused of quietly shuffling priests suspected of molesting children to unwitting parishes while he was a high-ranking official at the archdiocese of Philadelphia from 1992 to 2004. Lynn's lawyers stressed that Lynn took his orders from Bevilacqua, who was never charged despite two grand jury reports that blasted the cardinal's leadership.


let's kick some a$$

put a price on carbon.

Dem Montana gubernatorial hopeful picks military running mate

Dinosaur fossils inspired the creators of Revelations, according to an author interviewed on NPR's Fresh Air.

Montana is bracing for civil unrest: christian/anarchist militias armed for the End Days are rattling online newspaper fora and blogs with vitriol for people of color. How these bozos expect to take on ATF, FBI, and Homeland Security is the height of ignorance. Think Katrina: if civil order is temporarily suspended these idiots will kill only those innocents by whom they feel threatened. Unarmed people would be preyed upon by these monsters unrelentingly.

Threats have been and are being intercepted by state public safety officials.

Attorney General Steve Bullock, our gubernatorial front-runner, has selected Brig. Gen. John E. Walsh, the state’s adjutant general and commander of the Montana National Guard to be his lieutenant governor candidate. Chuck Johnson, Lee Newspapers of Montana reports:
Walsh served as battalion commander of the 1-163rd Infantry Battalion while deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom from December 2004 through November 2005. He joined the Montana National Guard in 1979 after graduating from Butte High School. Walsh received a bachelor’s degree in political science in 1990 from the State University of New York and a master’s degree in strategic studies from the U.S. Army War College in 2007.
Mother fucking yikes!


Hey Bibi: Israel already "under the shadow of annihilation;" pine beetles in Senate

BREAKING: Update, 1:22 MST: Adams: House Judiciary Dems to probe Montana judge.


Israel should be a county in Utah or New Jersey.

While the US is distracted by a professional broadcaster falling on his sharpened turkey drumstick as the earth haters try to hide a federal judge, the Israeli prime minister is stabbing the US in the back.

President Ahmadinejad: you'd better get cracking. One person's holocaust is another's foreign policy solution.

Ron Paul is the only earth hater not expected to address AIPAC: gotta love the little guy for that.

President Obama: go to the UN and push to make Israel a no-fly zone.

The National Bar Association says Cebull should go away:
Furthermore, his sensitivity to issues and matters as it relates to race and his obligation to govern on the federal bench has been jeopardized.
And, women, of course. Impeach the fuckhead.

Blue state hope?

Listen at the end of this for "implications for National Security."


Archbishop: Irish Catholic Church on brink of collapse

Call it Republicannibalism.

From Bob Simon and CBS:
An Irishman named Diarmuid Martin says the Catholic Church in Ireland has reached a breaking point, a crisis that he says results from the sexual abuse of children by priests and the cover-up by the Church. Martin has provided tens of thousands of pages of evidence against specific priests, and his words and actions carry extraordinary weight. That's because Diarmuid Martin is the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin.
House of cards, Ponzi scheme...choose your metaphor.

Sue the fuckers into the dustbin of history.


Maher lights up the Kiva

A kiva is a meditation site often furnished with a firepit as a focus. Last night, the packed Kiva Auditorium in the Albuquerque Convention Center was blazing.

Now, ip doesn't use teevee but knows that although Bill Maher started his career as an equal opportunity offender; he has become a committed roaster of the earth hater party.

@billmaher via his twitter feed:
Just landed in Albuquerque - excited for my stand up show tonight at the Kiva - haven't played here since 04!
Reminiscent of David Crosby's 1980 performance at The Catalyst in Santa Cruz, Maher walked onto the stage not only in the midst of uproarious applause, but in what apparently was a cloud of cannabis smoke. His opening line:
How can anyone not do this high? People will even drink Coors Light to get high.
After a brief acknowledgement of the 2012 GOP presidential field as a bunch of losers he said that the winner even after the multitudinous debates is clearly Barack Obama.

Railing on the religious tone of the earth hater race he said:
The only Catholics not using birth control are priests.
It's better to leave kids in the road than hiring Republicans as babysitters.
On President Obama's patience with the earth hater party, Maher said:
Among Republicans Obama is like a Special Ed teacher.
And, that although the first Obama term has been the "White Term," the second will be "The African-American Term."

Maher said he supports capital punishment. He moved on to the TEA Party saying that they have the same agenda as Steve Forbes. He mused about the militant Right saying:
Guys named Vern and Earl expect to take on the FBI and Homeland Security.
How could he have known that ip had been saying that very same thing at 4and20 Blackbirds in a verbal war with those same inbred bozos.

He continued:
Republicans would turn the United States into a strip mall. They have made divorce about who doesn't get the house. Americans are in the closet about socialism. The GOP's vision of health care is called: "Die-Or-Go-Fuck-Yourselves-Plus."
On religion:
Religion is selling an invisible product. Mormonism is so crazy Tom Cruise wouldn't even join it. A third of Americans think Darwin was the husband on Bewitched. Americans are now tenth in the American Dream. Republicans can't get laid, so they fuck the Earth and have zero tolerance for the facts. John Boehner should have to show his dick to prove he's a man.
More on the GOP field:
Newt Gingich is so slimy he would die if someone hit him with a box of salt. Sarah Palin having a show on the Discovery Channel is like me having a show on the Christian Broadcasting Network.
In the final minutes of the show after a drink of water and a glance at his notes on a small lighted lectern stage left, he said: "...now, I'm not hear to mock religion..." Someone in the audience let out such a loud cackle that it became a roar from the rest of us. He continued:
Well, the good news is that someday soon the only way we will know the Pope is as a giant balloon in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
With that, after an hour and a half show, he thanked the rowdy audience and exited to a standing ovation.

Kirsten Powers penned a bitchy biting an invidious rejoinder to Maher's message at The Daily Beast.


Should Sincangu and Oglala sell alcohol? Maher in ABQ tonight

Taz A. Duysak Jr. is President of the Organization for Native American Unity, Rosebud Sioux Tribe. Whiteclay could go the way of Scenic if tribes would sell alcohol. The letter appeared in the Rapid City Journal:
Draft a five-year plan (pro’s and con’s, keeping the revenues in OST coffers, vs. allowing Whiteclay business owners to continue as they are now) and take it to the districts. Let the people vote by referendum.

ip and a friend will see Bill Maher tonight in Albuquerque:


Petitions to remove bigot Montana judge posted; President could appoint a Native

A Bush-appointed Montana judge who forwarded a misogynistic email that exposed the rotting underbelly of his earth hater party should go away. A petition calling for his self-deportation from the bench has been posted by the Montana Human Rights Network.

D. Gregory Smith's From Eternity to Here.

Turtle Talk Law has a series of links on Judge Richard Cebull's tribal law record.

This guy could take down the entire Montana Republican Party. JournoGod John S. Adams at the Great Falls Tribune:
A spokeswoman for Sen. Jon tester [sic], D-Mont., said her boss also is monitoring the situation. "Jon is concerned by the situation because it calls into question a lack of judgment by a federal judge,"Andrea Helling said. "Jon wants all the facts, and he'll be closely watching this story."
Diane Rehm Show discussing Cebull.


President Obama: please appoint an American Indian to the post.

Montana Public Radio hosted discussion here.

Petition to impeach at change.org

Lord Howe Island Stick Insect hatching from Zoos Victoria on Vimeo.


Romney/Paul bedfellowship comes out of the closet

Update, 3 March:

Chris Cillizza said it yesterday on the Diane Rehm Show: Mitt Romney and Ron Paul are very close friends and supporting each other's campaigns.

Now comes this from Molly Ball at the Atlantic:
Romney favors the basic concept of progressive taxation and a government's right to compel citizens to purchase health insurance. It's unthinkable that he would, if elected, end the Federal Reserve. Alone among the candidates, he insists that there be no cuts to any military spending. All these stances are anathema to Paul's staunchly absolutist world view. The Paul army's calculation is simple: Ron Paul is perfect; therefore, anything Ron Paul does must be correct and unimpeachable. But the evidence is staring them in the face. Their man has sold out.
Ron Paul's son, Senator Rand Paul (earth hater-KY), is a teapublican from the o-zone: be very afraid.

Rick Santorum on the death of morbidly obese earth hater, Andrew Breitbart: "a huge loss."