Immediately upon taking office as the first Native American to serve as the Secretary of Interior, Deb Haaland in November of 2021 directed the National Park Service to create a new Advisory Committee on Reconciliation in Place Names on behalf of the Department of the Interior. If the U.S. [Board on Geographic Names] doesn’t act within a reasonable time, then the Interior Secretary has the authority to rename a geographic feature. The Subcommittee said it is time for the Secretary to rename the geographic feature, as well as the unincorporated populated place, given the time that has passed and the support of 20 sovereign Nations. The National Park Service says that maps from 1857 to 1901 mark Devils Tower as Bear Lodge or Bears Lodge. [Committee asks to fast track Devils Tower name change to Bear Lodge]Even failed red state, South Dakota has removed derogatory monikers from geographical features but it's not that Black Elk Peak has been renamed for a Lakota holy man that irks Earth haters it's that the mountain was renamed for a warrior who rebuked the Roman Church.
Fast-tracking Tower name change in the works
Land board blocks Montana overreach in APR bison case
Yellowstone National Park calls for more bison in the park, increased hunting of animals outside the park & an expansion of the tribal transfer program in new plan. #mtnews via @MTFreePress
— Amanda Eggert (@amandaleggert) June 7, 2024
Earth hater Burgum embraces CO2 pipeline that splits GOP
While Burgum has outlined plans to make North Dakota carbon neutral by 2030, he’s steered clear of describing the pipeline or other carbon capture initiatives as environmentally friendly. Instead, he touts them as a lucrative business opportunity for North Dakota that might ultimately assist the fossil fuel industry. [A potential Trump VP pick backs a controversial CO2 pipeline favored by the Biden White House]South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem signed SB 201 which some call the "Landowner Bill of Rights" further splitting the South Dakota Republican Party.
The two Republican parties consist of one group of traditional conservatives and another group that’s even more conservative and not at all traditional. One group is interested in steering the ship of state while the other would rather run it aground. [Dana Hess, Primary upsets could cause a hard right turn in the Legislature]Recall that in response to that citizen resistance in a neighboring state Mrs. Noem signed a bill that revived that state’s criminal and civil penalties for rioting and incitement so had Donald Trump led his insurrection in South Dakota he would have run afoul of her riot boosting law. But in the eyes of some that as Commander in Chief Trump clearly failed the State of North Dakota for not removing the protesting citizens from land managed by the US Army Corps of Engineers.
Weaponized wildfire likely in southern New Mexico blazes
Hopefully they will be as successful in preventing foreign-inspired pyroterrorism and will become better at preventing massacres by deranged white domestic terrorists with stockpiles of weapons. [Wildfire Today]Learn more at KRWG.
Today in red state failure: BHNF being ripped apart over wildlife extermination
The northern long-eared, little brown, and tri-colored bat are three of the species Northern Hills Ranger District Wildlife Biologist Amy Hammesfahr describes, when she says bats are hanging by a loose thread. [Black Hills Pioneer]
The Bearlodge RD is soliciting interest from businesses & individuals wishing to offer new outfitting & guiding services for hunting big game (deer & elk), hunting mountain lions, & hunting spring turkeys on NFS lands.
— Black Hills NF (@BlackHillsNF) June 18, 2024
"South Dakota Amtrak: Feasible, defensible, and much-requested! - SD1"
Today's intersection: the unitary executive, John Eastman, SCOTUS and environmental protection
But before getting sucked into the gravitational force that is Donald Trump, Eastman, 64, was the sort of conservative legal figure whose name one might forget, a law professor with a cushy job and a chairmanship at a practice group of the conservative legal organization the Federalist Society. He epitomizes the type of anti-regulatory, Federalist Society–bred legal mind you can expect to see elevated by Trump. Many environmental lawyers see the preservation of rivers, lakes, forests, and the air—which cross state lines—as an issue of inherently federal concern. [Fish, Toads, and John Eastman: Inside the Conservative Project to Undo Federal Environmental Laws]Yes, the US Environmental Protection Agency and US Fish and Wildlife Service are within the Executive Branch and as Commander in Chief the president could simply order the Army Corps of Engineers and all to stand down.
John Eastman didn't just come out of nowhere. He lived an entire legal life before Donald Trump.
— Jackie Flynn Mogensen (@jackiefmogensen) June 19, 2024
I spent weeks examining Eastman's writings, speeches, and legal work on environmental law over the last 40 years. A clear theme emerges:
SDGOP not so civil war drawing blood, flinging feces, hurting women
All of the money went to people on the extreme end of the political spectrum. Only candidates that [sic] would support the political careers of Jon Hansen, Fred Deutsch, Scott Odenbach and Spencer Gosch were worthy of seeing our misappropriated donor dollars.
What these people have done with our donor dollars is much worse than this looks. We always were about pro-life. Now, [South Dakota Right to Life] spends our dollars to oppose 100% pro-life public servants. Only those that are part of the “tin foil hat” world view, so they will support Jon Hansen for Speaker and Scott Odenbach for Majority Leader, were deemed worthy of getting our misappropriated funds.
We pro-lifers, that [sic] aren’t part of the “tin foil hat” world need a place to send our funds in support of the sanctity of life. There are thousands of us in South Dakota. Hopefully a trustworthy new option will surface. We still have much work to do to reach the hearts and minds across our whole state on the sanctity of human life. Time to go hug our kids and grandkids and pray for our future. [Schoenbeck, Dakota War Toilet]1. Abortion is health care and a pregnant woman is the patient.
Big Sioux River is still a toxic shit hole
LawCo Democrat named SDPUC candidate

If Moms for Liberty is a hate group why isn't AFP one?
Americans for Prosperity isn’t the only Koch-funded political entity with connections to Moms for Liberty. Colorado-based Parents Defending Education organizer Mailynn Salabarria has taken to posting in Moms for Liberty Facebook groups in neighboring states in order to drum up — or astroturf — attendance for this summer’s Freedom Foundation “Teacher Freedom Summit.” [Labeled as a Hate Group, Moms for Liberty Doubles Down]
South Dakota Republicans are losing their law and order crusade
Minnehaha County Sheriff Mike Milstead said the uptick in juvenile crimes is related to teens stealing weapons from unlocked vehicles. Milstead did say that it isn’t just juveniles stealing guns from vehicles, but adults as well. And while the number of people in the county jail has decreased, the seriousness of the charge and length of stay is longer. [Officials: Growing crime caseloads include more teens]Yes, pollution, crashes, blackouts, anthrax, Legionella, shigella, bovine TB, suicides, flooding, wildfires, hail, ecocide, crime, corruption, disease, drought, destruction, distrust and dependence: these are the Noem years.
Thanks to @TedNugent for defending the 2nd Amendment with us at the Friends of the NRA Lewis & Clark Chapter last night!
— Kristi Noem (@KristiNoem) June 8, 2024
Together, we will continue to make South Dakota the MOST 2nd Amendment-friendly state in America, and we’ll share that example with the nation.
It's time for the Feds to shake down Rapid City
“I am not at all unsympathetic to the situation the police department in Rapid City is in,” Johnson said. But, he adds, “I’m also sympathetic to the frustration that has to exist within the (Native) community. If there is an example of bad policing, of brutality, the challenge to try to get justice in a case like that in a place like Rapid City would be exceptionally difficult, exceptionally difficult.” [All of the fatal police shootings in one town involved Native Americans. How common is this?]Little wonder cops’ lives suck so they reliably abuse their families, alcohol, drugs, food, power, detainees and occasionally murder their wives, even vilify people like Leonard Peltier.
Howdy Doody Dusty wants to kill family members with cyanide bombs
Repeal of SB 201 dividing SDGOP for good
Besides Summit, TPG Rise Climate whose investors include China’s Silk Road and Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund have deep ties to the fossil fuel industry. Summit’s second largest investment is from Continental Resources founded by fracking billionaire Harold Ham and shareholders include BlackRock, Vanguard Group and other wealthy globalists. The biggest beneficiaries are those who want more money, power and control of our land and lives. [Steve Sibson: Money is in control, not us]According to Iowa State University some land impacted by pipelines never recovers from the disturbance.
Summit also faces formidable opposition from Indigenous communities, who were not meaningfully consulted — all too familiar with the devastation such projects bring. They are alarmed by the influx of transient pipeline construction workers. “Man-camps” built to house out-of-state workers for large construction, fossil fuel, or natural resource extraction projects in the past, increased violence towards Indigenous communities, especially women. The report highlights other concerns that the project poses on tribal reservations and Indigenous communities living near the pipeline route, including land degradation, disturbance to sacred sites, and the threat of a pipeline rupture. Commitment to protect the land and their communities is driving the mobilization of Indigenous communities. [The Great Carbon Boondoggle: Inside the Struggle to Stop Summit's CO2 Pipeline]Republican organizations like the South Dakota Cattlemen’s Association and South Dakota Farm Bureau make sure the Prairie Pothole Region is one big eutrophic shit hole and nearly every waterway in the northern Plains states is impaired. State Representative Roger Chase of Beadle County is a member of the SDFB.
Now a vocal minority is seeking to repeal benefits for South Dakota landowners. The proponents of a repeal also suggest that these new measures somehow give pipeline companies a “layup” in siting these projects. Regardless of your opinion on carbon sequestration, if the market demands lower carbon and South Dakota farmers and ethanol plants can provide it - that’s a win for the entire state. [Chase: Majority of South Dakota landowners don’t support SB 201 repeal effort]The Green New Deal remains very popular among Americans.
Recall Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling or MCOOL was repealed during the second Obama term to shield American commodities from scrutiny because every ag product, meats both wild and domestic not grown organically in the US is contaminated with atrazine and worse.
— interested party (@larry_kurtz) June 6, 2024
Extreme white wing rejects establishment SDGOP
Add to that mix of the political environment that the surge in facebook populist candidates taking over the GOP has literally strangled the party for fundraising. It’s hard to contest a ballot measure when no one is donating. [Dakota War Toilet]
Economies of South Dakota and other midwest Trump states trending downward
“Finding and hiring qualified workers remains an issue and that’s true in South Dakota with the unemployment rate being about half what the national number is. And in South Dakota you’ve got also the issues of higher interest rates, which is affecting a very important industry in South Dakota which is banking and finance. That industry is being negatively affected by higher interest rates and it's spilling over into the manufacturing sector in our survey,” Goss said. [Bill Janklow's idea of public radio]South Korea-based Schwan's says it has plans to construct a 700,000-square-foot Asian food production facility at Foundation Park in Sioux Falls with a promise to hire some six hundred employees likely from an imaginary workforce. The company gives over twice as much campaign dough to Earth haters including to former Representative Kristi Noem in 2014 and to Rep. Howdy Doody Dusty Johnson who got $4000 in 2020 and $5000 in 2022.
Tribes blazing new cannabis trails, replacing alcohol
Initially, there was liberalization during the 1970s, marked by the Shafer Commission report and state decriminalization efforts. This was followed by a conservative “Reagan-Bush drug war” era spanning from 1980 to 1992. Then, a 15-year phase from 1993 to 2008 witnessed state-led “medical marijuana” liberalization despite federal opposition. Lastly, from 2009 to 2022, federal non-interference was implemented, culminating in legalization in Colorado and Washington in 2012. [Cannabis Tops Alcohol In Daily Use For First Time Ever, Study Finds]For someone who comes from the times of $150 kilos and fifteen dollar lids these are heady days indeed.
🌿 Nationwide, nearly 60 cannabis retailers are tribally owned – an increase of nearly 25 percent since 2023.
— NORML (@NORML) May 28, 2024
BLM, USDA butting heads over spraying in the Rio Chama
Federal and private landowners have requested 22,500 acres — roughly 35 square miles — be treated to thwart the insects that consume grasses essential for grazing cattle. One difference is that this year the planes would spray diflubenzuron, which kills insects in the juvenile stage, rather than carbaryl, a potent neurotoxin that’s “broad spectrum” or indiscriminate in the species it can harm, including fish and birds that could eat the poisoned insects. BLM’s Taos field office has not requested spraying this year and is doubtful it will because of the low grasshopper population reported so far, spokeswoman Allison Sandoval wrote in an email. BLM officials also don’t believe the USDA’s assessment satisfies the National Environmental Policy Act or is sufficient public outreach, she wrote. [Federal officials again consider Rio Chama pesticide spraying]Carbaryl (1-naphthyl methylcarbamate) is a white crystalline solid commonly sold under the brand name Sevin®, a trademark of the Bayer Group. It kills beneficial insects like honeybees as well as crustaceans not to mention its havoc wreaked on fungal communities and amphibians. Sevin® is often produced using methyl isocyanate the chemical that Union Carbide used to kill thousands of people in Bhopal, India in 1984.