Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


"You have pissed me off:" Dems defend Montana earth hater at AFP event

An astroturf group in Montana calling itself 'Americans For Prosperity' has been targeting the Republican lawmakers who have not pledged to resist helping Democratic Governor Steve Bullock expand Medicaid in the state.

Several days ago in Kalispell the Koch-backed tool held a "Healthcare Town Hall" taking aim at House District 7 Rep. Frank Garner.
Garner, who made the eight-hour round trip from Helena to attend the meeting, took umbrage with the postcards and said the group never told him about the meeting, which he learned about from a reporter on the House floor at the Capitol. Following a hasty exchange with AFP State Director Zach Lahn minutes before Thursday’s meeting commenced, Garner took the podium to defend his record before the crowd of mostly supporters, who cheered the lawmaker on. “You have pissed me off,” one man told Lahn. Referencing a quote by Henry David Thoreau on the sanctity of town hall meetings, Nathan Kosted told Lahn the gathering smacked of exclusivity. “Why did you call this a town hall meeting? I didn’t get an invite. I wish I’d been invited, because I want to know how we get the Koch Brothers out of politics. I want to know how we get you out of politics,” Kosted said. [Tristan Scott, Flathead Beacon]
AFP performed a similar stunt in Dillon.

Montana's Cowgirl Blog has more on the story.

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