Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


New Mexico domestic terrorist headed to court

Disgraced former Otero County Commissioner and Trump disciple, Couy Griffin broke into the US Capitol, plotted the violent overthrow of the federal government, alleged voter fraud when there was none, arbitrarily defied the Lincoln National Forest's plan revision and threatened Democrats with murder.
A jury will consider this week whether the support group Cowboys for Trump and cofounder Couy Griffin violated state election law by failing to register as a political organization without filing related public financial disclosures. A two-day trial was scheduled to start Tuesday at state District Court in Alamogordo. Separately, Griffin last year was removed from office as an Otero County commissioner and barred from elected office for his role in the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021. [Jury weighs whether Cowboys for Trump flouted campaign law]
In a video posted at his Faceberg account Griffin invoked now dead and fellow domestic terrorist Lavoy Finicum who helped vandalize the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in 2016. White militants accuse the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the State of Oregon for Finicum’s death and for a subsequent coverup. Civil suits for wrongful death were rejected by the courts and the shooting declared justified but white christianic jingoists revere him as a martyr and want to impeach the Secretary of Homeland Security.
Domestic terrorism-related cases increased 357% from 2013 to 2021, according to the Government Accountability Office, which urged the FBI and Department of Homeland Security to do more to combat the issue. [ABC News]
The extreme white wing of the Republican Party wants a not so civil war in part because oligarchs like Rupert Murdoch fear accountability for America’s systemic racism and will be compelled to pay reparations to Indigenous and to the descendants of enslaved people. Southeastern New Mexico is home to many descendants of the Confederacy.

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