Los Cerrillos
March 15, 2025


Tribe wrests control of bison herd from state

Control of a 407 head bison herd owned by the Cheyenne River Sioux Nation but exploited by South Dakota Game, Fish and Plunder is being returned to the tribe.
On April 10, 2017, the Buffalo Board decided to get Pte Hca Ka back to being self-sustained. Since the April meeting, the Board has been moving forward on restoring the herd, the corrals, the pasture fences, and the land the buffalo run on. The Board cleared all outstanding debts and purchased some equipment and hired personnel to care for the herd. While they are working towards their goals, it will remain Pte Hca Ka’s policy to provide meat, jobs, and whatever they can for the people of the CRST. The Lakota people need the buffalo and the buffalo need the people. All Lakota should be committed to restoring the buffalo herd and Pte Hca Ka. Lakota ancestors held them as sacred and honored them for giving life.
Read the rest here.

The bison herd at Pe'Sla in the sacred Black Hills has grown to twenty five.

SDGFP hold domestic cattle and bison to different standards.

In South Dakota white people steal money slated for American Indian education and murder their families when the jig is up then place a complicit attorney general at the head of the investigation. A so-called "South Dakota Department of Tribal Relations" led by earth haters plots new ways to take advantage of and siphon resources from the nine tribal nations trapped in the red moocher state.

Thanks to Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM) bison have become America's National Mammal.

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