Los Cerrillos
March 15, 2025


Georgetown study infers college grads fleeing South Dakota

According to a 2017 Georgetown University study a good job is one that pays at least $35,000 annually for those under 45 and at least $45,000 annually for workers 45 and older. Who knew?
Additionally, the report says South Dakota’s 95 percent growth in “non-BA” good jobs from 1991 to 2015 was the second highest in the nation, behind the 105 percent growth in Utah.
Read the rest here.

Anyone reading between the lines of the Rapid City Journal story means most graduates flee South Dakota the first chance they get. Tomi Lauren is just one who did.

Earth hater President Scott VanderWal of the South Dakota Farm Bureau says tax deform will benefit the farmers and ranchers in his group. He was just reelected to that post even as economists are saying the red moocher state's ag sector will continue to struggle.

Now, he wants South Dakota's white congressional delegation to import brown wage slaves from other countries.
"We need a stable, legal workforce that can be used for agriculture," VanderWal said. "Farm Bureau is very concerned about the number of workers in our country and South Dakota as well." South Dakota's all-Republican congressional delegation, Sens. John Thune and Mike Rounds and Rep. Kristi Noem, has expressed support for changing the visa program to ensure workers can participate in other agricultural sectors. The New American Economy campaign on Thursday kicked off a 50-state effort to highlight the importance of immigrant labor on the U.S. economy.
Read it here.

So, instead of raising wages for Americans earth haters want to pay brown people less to do more.

The crony capitalism that keeps South Dakota the 8th worst state for the working class is destroying lands promised to native peoples by treaty and my home town of Elkton is struggling to find enough housing for migrant workers often living in squalor.

South Dakota is graying fast and nursing beds represent economic development. The Janklow-owned Riverside Manor in Flandreau is overwhelming staffed by Filipinos and Filipinas as are most facilities for the elderly in South Dakota.

Any registered nurse with half a brain will leave for Minnesota, Colorado or the Southwest the instant they graduate so the work force in South Dakota will just get stupider and more Republican.

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