Los Cerrillos
March 15, 2025


Earth hater Jensen calls out Pierre's culture of corruption

Rapid City is represented in the Legislature by a gaggle of misanthropes, philanderers and earth haters.

Nutbag Lynne DiSanto posted an 'all lives splatter' expletive to her Facebook page, Mike Diedrich is South Dakota's Callista Gingrich and Phil Jensen calls all LGBTQ people paedophiles.

When what to my wondering eyes did appear, but a miniature slay and a Phil Jensen smear.
The Republican Chair of the Government Operations and Accountability Committee (GOAC), Sen. Deb Peters, stymied another opportunity to get answers in the GEAR UP money mystery when she also refused to issue subpoenas or place witnesses under oath. It’s no wonder that South Dakota ranks fourth in state government corruption. Stay tuned for more on this story.
Read the rest here.

I love the smell of earth hater on earth hater napalm in the morning.

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