Los Cerrillos
March 15, 2025


Nelson: legislators don't deserve raises

Republican South Dakota State Senator Stace Nelson did not rule out a third party or indie run for governor when asked his thoughts about getting into the 2018 race.
There is a move afoot by some legislators to raise their own salary — by a significant amount — and to codify automatic future raises. Setting aside that such an effort comes when the state is facing budget shortfalls due to past ineffective management by the Legislature and governor, and on the ugly note to state employees of yet another year of no raises, it also comes on the heels of legislators intentionally ignoring and covering up the losses of hundreds of millions of tax payer dollars in the EB5 and GEAR UP state government corruption scandals. It’s inappropriate and self-serving, to say the least. Not only should we not raise legislative salaries, we should be cutting executive and judiciary branch salaries. South Dakota, like our national capitol, is experiencing the problem of perpetual politicians who have replaced the honest public servitude of regular citizens.
Read the rest here.

Nelson has called Governor Denny Daugaard a RINO, Dakota War College a fake news hate site, and has accused the executive branch of covering up the wrongful death of Brady Folkens.

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