Los Cerrillos
March 17, 2025


Boycott means dreary 2018 South Dakota tourist season

After South Dakota's governor signed a bill into law that discriminates against some couples who want to adopt a California-led boycott is queering Denny Daugaard's pitch.

The 2018 South Dakota Tourism Conference is scheduled in Pierre where the dreary 2017 numbers will be announced.

Personal income growth in South Dakota was the slowest in the United States in the third quarter.
South Dakota’s disappointing performance was driven primarily by a 0.1% decline in earnings (wages and salaries, and proprietor’s income). Investment income rose 0.1%, and transfer receipts—payments under programs like Social Security—rose 0.4%. The state also experienced marginal declines in forestry, fishing and related activities (-0.54%), construction (-0.43%), retail trade (-0.23%), and arts, entertainment and recreation (-1.61%).
Read more about red state failure here.

Some of South Dakota's candidates for governor are expected to attend.

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