Los Cerrillos
March 25, 2025


In South Dakota tribes are winning but so is hate

The good news? Tribalism is a double-edged sword.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has admitted white people are too stupid to grow cannabis, industrial or otherwise and gave the tribes free rein on the path to economic growth.

Democrats living on the tribal nations trapped in South Dakota can't afford to flee the state but the Yankton Sioux Tribe has beaten casino competition. Solar power is liberating the Standing Rock and Pine Ridge Reservations from predatory utilities. A 1986 amendment to federal law allows tribes to acquire off-reservation land to serve the needs of its peoples. President Tony Reider and officials of the Flandreau Santee Sioux Nation advanced their cannabis initiative after an Iowa casino on the border cut into the tribe's gaming business but reportedly destroyed their crop after threats from federal party-poopers.

The Northern Cheyenne Tribe of Montana and the Arapahoe Tribe of Oklahoma teamed up and bought 1,020 acres of ranchland north and east of Mato Paha (Bear Butte) adding significantly to their holdings West River. Last year the Oglala Oyate bought off-reservation property on I-90 just outside Badlands National Park. The Fort Peck Tribes in occupied Montana have legalized therapeutic cannabis and the Northern Cheyenne have been mulling the concept. As co-owners of Pe'Sla the Minnesota-based Shakopee Mdewakanton Nation could bring that state's medical cannabis and reproductive rights freedoms to the Black Hills. Lower Brule has struggled with synthetic cannabinoids but that community has off-reservation property in Fort Pierre to test their sovereignty.

Hate may have become a Republican Party value but not in Indian Country. Alex White Plume has been singing Kristi Noem’s praises for keeping industrial cannabis (hemp) on the reservation while New Approach South Dakota is just going through the motions and trying not to suck any precious donations from the disabled SDDP like Cory Heidelberger's SD Voice is doing.

On April 25th sleepy Vermillion became ground zero for Donald Trump's war on America in South Dakota.
The main speaker was Charlie Kirk, a guy who apparently makes a living by going from one campus to the other to tell students that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. Midway through his talk to both grown-up Republicans from Clay, Turner and Union counties, and to members of USD’s chapter of College Republicans who organized and served the banquet meal, Kirk said he’s concluded that, with a few exceptions, the media are the enemy of the American people. I learned two things from the April 25 event: 1) Kirk is as big of a liar and grifter as our president. 2) The Republican Party has morphed into something that would be unrecognizable to past GOP leaders like Jim Abdnor and George Mickelson and Bill Janklow. And that’s really, really sad. [David Lias, The SD GOP Inspires Sadness These Days]
Few dispute the reasons educated people are continuing to flee my home state of South Dakota. South Dakota is struggling to keep white workers, infrastructure is crumbling, industrial agriculture is failing, South Dakota churches are girding for gun violence, meth is replacing alcohol as the state’s drug of choice, Pierre’s culture of corruption and rape violence threaten open government, socialism is quietly replacing free enterprise, pheasant numbers are dwindling, environmental degradation is increasing, wildlife are being exterminated to make way for disease-ridden domestic livestock and exotic fowl, jails far outnumber colleges, ag bankers continue to enslave landowners and the state’s medical industry triopoly operates without scrutiny.

Sponsored by the worst of the worst earth haters in the Legislature House Bill 1073 sought to force South Dakota's college campuses to allow hate speech that could lead to violence and expose universities to lawsuits. Even the Republican state Board of Regents executive director and CEO, Mike Rush, said HB1073 was a solution in search of a problem.
A new school year dawned at the University of South Dakota Monday, and with that sunrise came a brief glimpse of a shadowy underbelly of humanity. Posters from a group calling itself the American Identity Movement (AIM) — not to be confused with another AIM from another era — were discovered tacked to several campus bulletin boards Monday morning. These flyers declared, among other things, that ethnic “diversity destroys nations,” according to reports from the Vermillion Plain Talk and USD’s Volante student newspaper. But be forewarned: This can be a sometimes-ugly exercise in freedom, patience and tolerance. [Kelly Hertz, Yankton Press & Dakotan, links added.]
Some are desperate for solutions but the carnage has become so bloody the South Dakota Democratic Party is retreating into oblivion.

Unless your Social Security pays your property taxes you’re just another greasy, grimy grudznick groveling in the gore and grinding out every greenback you can grab. Yet, the Republican Party is gleefully and forcefully driving talent away to replace the workforce with a hateful dumbed down murder of Trumpian crows.

South Dakotans need to face the facts: white people are simply too stupid to write cannabis laws in a state ruled by Nazis.


Sibson: Anglo-Saxon global establishment wants to destroy America

Mitchell's white christian nationalist and erstwhile Republican blogger Steve Sibson has emerged from his burrow to forecast civil war.
Sadly, the left’s cultural Neo-Marxism is promoting the hatred of whites, males, and Bible believing Christians. Because of the deceptions, they do not know they are doing the work of the real white supremacists. It is the Anglo-Saxon global establishment who want to destroy all nation states including America. Their tactic is the use of propaganda designed to divide and conquer America based on race, gender, and sexual immorality. [LTE, Steve Sibson]
Sibson is a 'special' case, if you get my drift. A perennial loser, Sibson suffers from paranoid delusions and acute depression. Sibson's Religionist Right is resisting parts of Common Core because the standards stress human influence on climate change, genocide of Indigenous by colonizers, gender equality and social justice but Sibson just wants control.
Sibson has lived in Mitchell most of his life, attending Mitchell schools from the seventh grade through high school. He earned his master's in accounting from the University of South Dakota in Vermillion in 1983, then started working in Mitchell. He is now the vision controller—aka head accountant—at Toshiba. "I'm just putting my hand up saying, I'm willing to lead the process. But a leader is not a leader if there's no followers."
How Toshiba is not part of the globalist establishment remains a mystery. Mitchell repeatedly polls as the worst town in South Dakota. Misogyny and domestic terrorism have been linked to the extreme white wing of the Republican Party.

It would be easy to blame earth haters like Stace Nelson, talk radio hosts like Sioux Falls shouter, Greg Belfrage and Rapid City's Shad Olson, who get paid to condemn the people fleeing the theaters of American aggression. These are the same people who vote for abominations like Marsy's Law and are now trying to end the initiative and referendum process. Dakota War College is known for hosting hate speech but has jumped the shark by letting Steve Sibson paint targets on South Dakota's Muslims. Such is the disposition of the South Dakota Republican Party and the earth haters nationwide under Trump.

Yes, it never ceases to amuse how Republicans paint Democrats as the party of slavery then praise the slaveowners who penned not just the Bill of Rights but the Declaration of Independence, too.


Iron Eyes seeks to expose Dakota Excess mercenaries

Energy Transfer Partners is an earth hater based in Texas. It's infamous for hiring mercenaries to brutalize water protectors near Cannon Ball, North Dakota in 2016 and 2017. Now Standing Rock citizen Chase Iron Eyes wants to expose law enforcement industry civil rights violations to the public.
Iron Eyes and 73 others were arrested Feb. 1, 2017, after erecting teepees on land in southern North Dakota that authorities said is owned by Texas-based pipeline developer Energy Transfer. Protesters said they were peacefully assembling on land they believe rightfully belongs to American Indians under old treaties. Before Iron Eyes pleaded guilty, his defense team also sought information from Gov. Doug Burgum and officials with private security firms. [American Indian activist, authorities spar over release of depositions in DAPL riot case]
The Trump Organization blew off earth hater Burgum's request for a "major disaster declaration" to help cover some of the estimated $38 million gift to the polizei who busted heads and chilled the civil rights of water protectors trying to stop the Dakota Excess pipeline. Although Burgum was notified that the request was denied the governor's office didn't announce the snub until reporters asked about it much later. Mercenaries and National Guard troops brutalized many of the thousands of demonstrators camped on federal land near Cannon Ball where some 761 people were arrested between early August, 2016 and late February, 2017. Trump apparatchiks even referred to the American Indians and their compatriots as jihadists and insurgents.

North and South Dakota are in the cross hairs. In the US, where genocide, sovereignty rights, culture, language resurgence and growing capital resources from burgeoning black markets are building alternatives to hopelessness, suicide, and repression in Indian Country where deaths from firearm violence are higher than in any ethnic group.

The emergence of warrior societies has unified young people in North America's tribal regions. Movements are growing from the Mohawk Nation in Quebec and New York to the Lakota strongholds in South Dakota, among the descendants of the Arapaho in the Mountain West, south to the Navajo Nation and into the border regions of the Tohono O'odham.

Cops' lives suck. Little wonder they abuse their families, alcohol, drugs, food, power, detainees and occasionally murder their wives.


Western AGs want to test USACE jurisdiction over WOTUS

Throughout its history the US Army Corps of Engineers has had purview over water that flows into bodies that can support navigation and in 2014, through the US Environmental Protection Agency, the Obama White House moved to more closely identify the sources of non-point pollution. Despite a judge's ruling EPA went forward with a new federal rule protecting small streams, tributaries and wetlands. The Waters of the United States legislation sought to give authority to the EPA to use some teeth to enforce the rights of people downstream to have clean water even from some sources that the US Geological Survey has already identified as impaired.
The definition of "waters of the United States" currently applicable in 27 states is the definition promulgated in 1986/1988, implemented consistent with subsequent Supreme Court decisions and guidance documents. In New Mexico, the agencies are awaiting additional clarification from the federal district court for the District of North Dakota regarding the applicable definition of “waters of the United States.” All impoundments of waters [are] otherwise defined as waters of the United States under this definition[.] [EPA, About Waters of the United States]
Attorneys general from North Dakota, Idaho, Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming are seeking clarification from the Trump Organization and the Corps, who want to charge municipal, industrial and domestic users for water drawn from reservoirs the Corps manages.
The agency, in its request for comments on the proposal in December 2016, said the intent "is to enhance (the Corps') ability to cooperate with interested parties by facilitating water supply uses of reservoirs in a manner that is consistent with the authorized purposes of those reservoirs, and does not interfere with lawful uses of water under state law or other federal Law." [Associated Press]
Where the revenue would go that the Corps derives from charging for reservoir water remains a mystery but the tribal nations displaced by construction of the Missouri River main stem dams are America's most affected victims. More than a dozen Ihanktonwan survivors of the Missouri River dam flooding in the 1950s banded together to seek compensation through the Yankton Sioux Tribal Business and Claims Committee.
The tribal plan notes that more than $8 million was expected to become available to the Yankton Sioux for the first fiscal year of the government expenditure program, ending Sept. 30, 2014. The survivors’ families were fee-land owners and heirs who had obtained private property under an allotment act. Their holdings were not tribal lands, although they were considered part of the reservation jurisdiction, according to administrative and case law. [Talli Nauman, Native Sun News via indianz]
Lewis and Clark Lake is thirty percent full of toxic sediment. That impoundment and now the Big Bend Dam are dealing with newly-discovered zebra mussels which are causing problems to equipment.
The risk to upper basin states and Indian tribes is that once water is regulated as surplus water, and once it is consumed by end-users, it becomes that much harder to later re-institute the original legal, as well as declared beneficial uses of the water. [David Ganje]
The death of the Missouri River ecosystem in South Dakota began with the European invasion, was accelerated by the Homestake Mining Company and sealed with the construction of the mainstem dams. Today, the Corps has cancelled Spring Pulses on the Missouri River not because of low flows but because the silt is so poisonous it would kill the very species it says it's trying to preserve. Nearly a century of residue from Black Hills Mining District affects millions of cubic yards of riparian habitat all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. Although the Oahe Dam was completed in 1962 sequestering most of the silt the soils of the Belle Fourche and Cheyenne Rivers are inculcated with arsenic at levels that have killed cattle. Endangered pallid sturgeon, paddlefish, catfish and most other organisms cope with lethal levels of mercury throughout the South Dakota portion of the Missouri River.


Rail board wants to sell state-owned track in South Dakota

Someone has been mowing the right of way at Stamford on the former Milwaukee Road.

South Dakota's rail board is made up of two Democrats and five members of the American Nazi Party. A majority has voted to put all of the state-owned track up for sale.
South Dakota state government bought hundreds of miles of track in the late 1970s when the Milwaukee Road went bankrupt. “Forty years ago we were looking at the death of railroads,” Karla Engle, a lawyer for the department, told board members Wednesday. “So now we’re looking at it coming full circle.” The regional railroad authorities that lease the lines from state government, and the companies that operate over them, can decide if they want to answer questions, department officials said. Burlington Northern Santa Fe has purchased hundreds of miles of lines that state government previously owned. [KELOland teevee]
The move comes after catastrophic plunges in commodities prices, numerous wrecks and water breaches on track owned by Rapid City, Pierre and Eastern Railroad (RCPE), a subsidiary of Genesee and Wyoming. The railroad is probably fed up trying to move product at ten miles an hour between Wall and Fort Pierre where Cretaceous shale buckles track bed every year. GWRR itself has seen stock losses of over three percent in each quarter in the past five years.

In 1997 the red moocher state received $23 million from taxpayers for going without Amtrak service then TEApublican former governor Mike Rounds squandered it on an airplane for his personal use. This blog spoke to a RCPE executive in 2015. She said that the line between Crawford and Dakota Junction, Nebraska connecting to Rapid City is active and hauling bentonite south to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and to Union Pacific.

Building two east-west rail systems exclusively for freight in South Dakota is lunacy. The same geology that thwarts railroads and forces engineers to rebuild I-90 between Reliance and Rapid City and I-94 between Mandan, North Dakota and Billings, Montana every year also makes construction of the Keystone XL pipeline untenable.

In 1921 my maternal grandparents honeymooned in Hot Springs riding the train from Humphrey, Nebraska and my grandfather was a career conductor for the Union Pacific Railroad. I have at least one vague memory from my toddlerhood going over the Continental Divide in Colorado while riding the California Zephyr between Omaha and Emeryville, California near Castle AFB where my dad was stationed and the place of my birth. Meanwhile the Trump Organization is pledging to kill passenger rail service while traffic between the Black Hills and Denver continues to increase as does the volume between Denver and Santa Fe.

Yes, overcoming the task of building a bridge at Chamberlain across (under?) the Missouri River and over the Pierre Shale should lead to passenger service being built on the abandoned Milwaukee bed between Sioux Falls and Rapid City including access for rural communities then connect with a future line built to Colorado's rail line. It's not hard to imagine a future without passenger rail of some kind in the I-29 corridor.


Volesky, Democrats moving to stem Native American genocide in South Dakota

South Dakota's school to prison pipeline began in 1983 when Republican Governor Bill Janklow concocted a plan to convert the University of South Dakota at Springfield into a prison. Then the state killed Gina Score in a boot camp, ended environmental protection and accelerated the red moocher state's descent into the hellish chemical toilet it is today.

Now, Corrections Department Secretary Denny Kaemingk says South Dakota's jails and prisons are full, the numbers continue to rise, the population "hit a new benchmark" and are especially evident in the women’s prison. Policing for Profit has allowed the Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) to provide military armaments for the law enforcement industry throughout South Dakota.
“We’re making progress, we feel, and it doesn’t cost the taxpayers one penny,” Huron attorney Ron Volesky said Thursday. Speaking at the District 22 Democratic Forum, the former state senator said “Fathers Against Meth” has been followed by a “Mothers Against Meth” organization and, after a rally at the women’s prison in Pierre, by a nonprofit group called “Sobriety is Sacred” (SIS). “Several years ago, we were talking about 500 or 600 arrests a year for meth, and now we see we’re over 4,000 I would think,” Volesky said. “I know last year we had 3,600 statewide. “What do we do? We must not give up,” he said. “We must fight this cruel addiction.” There are no drug courts in Indian country, he said. Halfway houses are needed, as are more foster homes. [Attorney assists inmates battle against meth]
The tribal nations trapped in South Dakota are the victims of white motorcycle gangs and meth is just another tool of genocide. One reason that Republicans don't like Common Core history standards is that the curriculum includes the near-extermination of American Indians by European colonialism long-ignored by textbooks.
Frank Waln is a rapper and member of the Sicangu Lakota. He has rapped about the Keystone XL Pipeline, his battle with depression, and the modern Native American experience. Waln joins Here & Now‘s Jeremy Hobson to talk about his new album, Tokiya, which comes out this year, and his efforts to be a role model for young Native Americans. “This album Tokiya is a very personal album,” Waln said. “A lot of it is telling the story of how I’m trying to deal and heal from the historical trauma that has been dealt to me through my ancestors and through being a survivor of genocide.” [WBUR's Here and Now]
Waln has appeared on a Native America Calling broadcast on University of New Mexico-based KUNM. He is a thoughtful and exciting role model for young American Indians. KILI in Porcupine also airs the live call-in program and many who comment are from tribal nations trapped in South Dakota. Waln joined Neil Young and Willie Nelson for an anti-KeystoneXL concert in Nebraska. Tribal nations are leading resistance to the Dakota Access ecocide/land grab.

More about genocide visited upon American Indians linked at NPR's Code Switch.

That South Dakota Republicans prop up illegal drug use and project an ethics black hole while ignoring a potential revenue source is just more evidence of red state collapse. At their state convention the SDGOP adopted a platform that punishes people seeking relief from intractable pain and suffering so suspected incel Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg wants to build prisons to warehouse meth addicts and the mentally ill.

Most, if not all, meth in South Dakota is trafficked by white Trump-worshiping motorcycle gangs. These hordes are essentially domestic terrorists operating with the blessings of the prison/industrial complex. The Sons of Silence, Bandidos and Hells Angels control organized crime in the Black Hills area where members have infiltrated nearly every community even operating Rapid City's Cornerstone Rescue Mission for a time as a front for their activities. Former Cornerstone director, Dan Island, build a Lawrence County mansion and together with his brother Frank built a cocaine and meth empire before their deaths. The Bandidos have had a fortified compound in Rapid Valley and the Hells Angels who own many properties in the area also built the the Cottonwood Lodge in Spearditch.

South Dakota's experiment with a GOP-dominated congressional delegation and Statehouse has failed so many generations that to some suicide looks like the only way out of lives twisted by a special brand of torture.
This is not about just a legal ruling in the latest round of battling over the state's violation of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA). This is about the halting of genocide in America. South Dakota has been committing blatant genocide against the Sioux people in violation of subsection (e) by transferring Indian children to white homes, and also of subsection (b) amid allegations of sexual abuse and drugging of Native children in DSS foster care. This is one version of what the world has come to know as ethnic cleansing. [Albert Bender]
The Lakota People's Law Project is seeking funding for foster families and homes after SD Department of Social Services employees in Rapid City committed abuses of the Indian Child Welfare Act. The state seizes about 750 American Indian kids every year reaping nearly a billion federal dollars since ICWA was enacted.
South Dakota Supreme Court Justice David Gilbertson, speaking at the Mitchell Rotary Club's meeting at the Ramada Inn, said the cost savings and reduced recidivism rates among targeted offenders has allowed the the state's system to continue working. Gilbertson noted there are 450 individuals in the state's drug and alcohol court programs, and 1,244 children under their parents' care. Instead of the state Department of Social Services providing for those children because their parents are in jail — at the estimated cost of $10,000 per year — those children are cared for by their working parents, who are also working to address their drug or alcohol addictions. [Mitchell Daily Republic]
Gilbertson is South Dakota's ranking Democrat.


Teens Reap Sacred Harvest at Cheyenne River Youth Project’s Native Youth Food Sovereignty Summit

It's very brave, even progressive, of Governor Kristi Noem to veto the widespread cultivation of industrial cannabis (hemp) and empower the tribal nations trapped in South Dakota to be the sole leaders of cannabis industry growth in my home state.


Wyoming next state to prosecute Holy Roman Kiddie Diddlers

Catholicism is hope like gonorrhea is charity.
Twenty-nine victims were juvenile boys and girls, while one was identified by the diocese as a vulnerable adult. It’s unclear how many more victims have come forward since the list was released in the diocese’s newsletter and on its website June 12. “The Diocese of Cheyenne respects the privacy of all victims and survivors of sexual abuse and therefore does not publish their names,” Patti Loehrer, the diocese’s chancellor, told the Star-Tribune in an emailed response to a list of questions previously sent by the newspaper. Of the 11 men, the most well-known and prominent within the ranks of the Catholic Church is Joseph Hart. Hart is still a member of the clergy. Calls to his Cheyenne attorney in recent days have not been returned. [Diocese says more victims of priest abuse in Wyoming have come forward since June]
Montana is another Mountain West state suffering from sordid sermonizer sex scandals.

Both South Dakota dioceses are up to their areolae in debt to the white christianic ruling class for covering up crimes against Native Americans committed by pederastic priests where catholic congregations and the state's legislature have engaged in obstruction of justice for decades. Bernie v. Blue Cloud Abbey was one of several cases that ended up before the South Dakota Supreme Court alleging church officials at the time covered up serial sexual abuse taking place at the compound. After helping to broker the sale of the abbey Watertown member of the criminal cult, Lee Schoenbeck, aided by fellow cultist and lobbyist Jeremiah Murphy, forced the South Dakota Legislature to pass laws covering up countless crimes committed by their sect by enacting statutes of limitations.

Former Rapid City cleric Bob Gruss is settling into the Saginaw, Michigan diocese, itself wracked with abuses committed by predator priests.
“It’s one of the tragic moments in the history of the church, but we have acknowledged that. We have put things in place to help protect children, far more than any institution in this country," he said. “We’ve accepted our fault in all of this and we’re trying to make the church and society a more safe place for children." [mLive]
In South Dakota at least thirty two members of the Church of the Holy Roman Kiddie Diddlers have been credibly accused of preying on children and vulnerable adults but don't expect suspected incel Jason Ravnsborg, Attorney General and former altar boy to take on both South Dakota Dioceses.

Image lifted from the Santa Fe Reporter.


B-1 bombers hurt by Republican shutdown are scheduled to limp into PRTC

US Senator Mike Rounds (NAZI-SD) is currently whining about the poor condition of most B-1B Lancers some of which are stationed at Ellsworth Air Force Base. Why? The Republican government shutdown and the 2013 sequester have ripped into military readiness.
The head of U.S. Strategic Command (STRATCOM), Air Force Gen. John Hyten, told Senate Armed Services Committee members this week that the service has only six bombers that are ready to deploy. "Right now, of all of our B-1 bombers, we have six of them that are fully mission capable: five split between Ellsworth Air Force Base [South Dakota] and Dyess Air Force Base [Texas], one is a test aircraft, 15 B-1s are in depot," he said. "The remaining 39 of 44 B-1s at Ellsworth and at Dyess are down for a variety of discrepancies and inspections." [Only a Handful of the Air Force's B-1 Bombers Are Ready to Deploy]
And it's not just the bombers at Ellsworth.
Malmstrom Air Force Base and the Montana National Guard are likely budget cut targets, now that the U.S. Supreme Court has given President Donald Trump the go-ahead to the fund a U.S. southern border wall with money already committed to other projects. [Billings Gazette]
Exhaust gases from aircraft are indeed largely water vapor that become visible as a function of the dew point then often form cirrus clouds at higher altitudes and alter microclimates. Nevertheless, in the name of geoengineering or albedo modification, the Air Force routinely sprays into the atmosphere over the ocean and above parts of at least four states, an aerosol cocktail of silver iodide, lead iodide, aluminum oxide, barium, frozen carbon dioxide, common salt, water and soot from burning hazardous waste in pits at bases including concoctions from Ellsworth near Rapid City, South Dakota.
Combat Raider, a military exercise involving various aircraft, is scheduled to begin Sept. 10 in parts of the Powder River Training Complex (PRTC), and will conclude Sept. 12, 2019. [Ekalaka Eagle]
Included in the war games are KC-135 Stratotankers that disperse the climate-altering chemicals formulated to reduce the effects of a warming planet. Chemtrails have been observed by the public and by general aviation pilots in the expanded practice bombing range.

Ellsworth AFB is home to a Superfund site so are Malmstrom AFB, Montana; Minot AFB, North Dakota and FE Warren AFB, Wyoming. All participate during the so-called 'Combat Raider' deployments.

Last year The Dakota Progressive pressed teevee meteorologist Andrew Shipotofsky to investigate Ellsworth's involvement in geoengineering so the Air Force responded by suspending the exercises over the PRTC blaming a near-miss with a general aviation aircraft in 2016 and Shipotofsky left Rapid City for another market.

There have been several incidents in the PRTC and airmen have been killed. After the 1997 crash of a B-1 in Carter County, Montana a responding volunteer firefighter from Alzada told an interested party the multi-million dollar aircraft was brought down by a rancher with a .30-30 Winchester.


Texas expected to drive legal cannabis boom in New Mexico

The cannabis legalization task force established by New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has released some details of its discussions to the media. Kelly O’Donnell, an economist and consultant who has studied the market, told participants New Mexico should expect increased tourism especially from red states like Texas and Oklahoma.
She estimated the annual revenue for state and local governments could hit $120 million in five years, well beyond what legislative analysts estimated earlier this year. The actual market, of course, would depend on the tax structure and a variety of regulatory decisions, O’Donnell said. O’Donnell said that if legalization is approved, New Mexico policymakers should consider how to tap into the Texas market without violating interstate commerce laws and while maintaining health and safety protections. Health Secretary Kathy Kunkel noted that other states that legalized recreational marijuana have experienced drops in enrollment in their medical programs. New Mexico could also encourage medical consumers to stay in the program by exempting their purchases from the taxes levied on recreational consumers. [Albuquerque Journal]
Speaker of the New Mexico House Brian Egolf not only supports legalization for all adults he serves as legal counsel for the state's therapeutic cannabis leader, Ultra Health. Calling itself "New Mexico's No. 1 cannabis company" Big Dope Ultra just opened facilities in Clayton near the borders with Texas and Oklahoma. Keeping the industry from the clutches of a monopoly has been contentious. The concessions to insure the longevity of therapeutic cannabis are seen as a nod to Ultra. Enrollment in the state's therapeutic cannabis program has gone over 76,000 patients.
Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham’s office has filed a motion in First Judicial District Court to intervene in a lawsuit by out-of-state residents who say they should be allowed to participate in the state’s Medical Cannabis Program. [Santa Fe New Mexican]
Colorado shafted her medical growers to expand the industry there but her black market is still thriving. Black market cannabis not tested by the state makes America and New Mexico less safe.
“So I think the race is on,” said Jeremy Kapteyn, a patent attorney focusing on marijuana law. He’s happy about the shift. He says it’s one way if normalizing this emerging industry. But “there's going to be winners and losers,” he said. “It's not a merit-based system. It's whoever's first and has the most money.” In other words, capitalism in action. [KRCC: "There Will Be Winners And Losers" In the Marijuana Patent Race]
It's the view of this interested party that growers should be able to market their product like vineyards have tasting rooms and breweries have tap rooms but allowing state-owned stores will only give the government control over the various strains. The State of New Mexico should offer incentives to tribes, pueblos and others for organic cannabis grown with off-grid sources of electricity and rainwater harvest. Also, edibles should only be dispensed by pharmacists, all grows and product offered for public sale, including cannabidiol or CBD, should be inspected by the state.


Little Missouri River still at risk to Australian uranium miners

The divide between the Little Missouri and the Belle Fourche drainages is not very wide: less than a mile just west of the Missouri Buttes. At that location it's not difficult to visualize how the Clovis People migrating into the region some 12,000 years ago seeking shelter and food sources found their way into lands free of glaciation. At least 23 prehistoric sites near Devils Tower National Monument, some of which are archaeological treasures eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, are also at risk to an 8000-acre expansion of Australia’s largest US aquifer uranium mining operation.

Now another uranium mine planned by a foreign company in the headwaters of the Little Missouri River about 20 miles north of Moorcroft, Wyoming threatens native heritage sites.
Strata Energy, the US subsidiary of Australian Peninsula Energy is looking to ramp up operations at the Lance Projects.Strata hopes to bolster domestic uranium production. The Lance Projects lie in Crook County. Inside the area are the Ross, Barber, and Kendrick projects. At the Ross Project, Strata Energy is in the process of testing a different type of uranium mining. Acid leaching is widely used across the globe in countries like Australia and Kazakhstan. The World Nuclear Association says 96 percent of uranium in 2015 was mined through acid leaching. Lilias Jarding is with the Black Hills Clean Water Alliance. She’s concerned about the shift in operations, and what it could mean for groundwater in the area. “The process is similar to alkaline in situ leach uranium mining and that’s part of what worries us,” Jarding said. “They both happen in the water supply and leave it polluted.” [KNBN teevee]
Restoring the dignity of endangered cultures is one tiny part of eliminating suicides and despair in South Dakota and Wyoming.

Wildlife corridors over public and private land to the Fork Peck, Crow, and Northern Cheyenne nations then into Wyoming's Thunder Basin National Grassland (where this proposed mining expansion is located) and beyond to North and South Dakota would help create the Greater Missouri Basin National Wildlife Refuge.

ip photo: Missouri Buttes and Devils Tower at sunset. Click on the image for a better look.


SDGOP in disarray, Tapio mulling run on Howdy Doody Dusty's right flank

Neal Tapio can't beat Howdy Doody Dusty Johnson in a primary fixed against him but if he runs in the general election as an unaffiliated candidate it would not only be revolutionary, he might even win.

Tapio's announcement follows the decision of Black Hills-area legislator, Scyller Borglum who is running in the earth hater US Senate primary to unseat Mike Rounds, one of the least effective members of Congress.

One source with eyes on the field told The Dakota Progressive at least two more people are expected to mount a primary challenge to Johnson.

At his blog, Dakota War College obese Brookings blogger Pat Powers routinely smears principled conservatives who don't bend the knee to the South Dakota Republican Party establishment. Pernicious Pug Powers, who makes a stopped clock look like a well-greased machine, salts his blog comment section with a seemingly infinite variety of aliases that threaten or jeer his political enemies. But now Powers doesn't know whether to shit or go blind. These developments are seen as failures not only of Pat Powers but of the South Dakota Republican Party and its chair Dan Lederman.


Attacks on environmental protection continue East River

South Dakota State University President Barry Dunn says the chemical toilet should simply accept more confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs).
Mitchell Peterson, an attorney from the Davenport Evans law firm in Sioux Falls who is representing the Living River Group, Sierra Club told Clay County commissioners acting as a board of adjustment Tuesday that they have heard a lot of reasons from their constituents stating why a conditional use permit issued to Travis Mockler should not be approved. Peterson noted that the county’s ordinance dealing with CAFOs (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations) and AFOs (Animal Feeding Operations) states that ‘the applicant shall obtain a letter from the NRCS to determine if the application should be considered an AFO or a CAFO. Peterson said he believed that allowing the maximum number of two medium livestock operations on a single site and not defining it as a CAFO supported his statement. [Sierra Club Attorney: ‘You Have To Say No’]
This isn't self-reliance; it's moral hazard. Instead of empowering stakeholders to harvest snow melt and rain water rural communities continue to be dependent on politicians who exploit need.

Like most of East River South Dakota southwestern Minnesota is a Republican stronghold where dairies, swine units and other concentrated animal feeding operations have devastated water supplies by contaminating wells with nitrates. The United States Geological Survey has found elevated levels of arsenic in ground water near hog confinements.

South Dakota is struggling to keep white workers, infrastructure is crumbling, industrial agriculture is failing, South Dakota churches are girding for gun violence, meth is replacing alcohol as the state's drug of choice, Pierre's culture of corruption and rape violence threaten open government, socialism is quietly replacing free enterprise, pheasant numbers are dwindling, environmental degradation is increasing, wildlife are being exterminated to make way for disease-ridden domestic livestock and exotic fowl, jails far outnumber colleges, ag bankers continue to enslave landowners and the state's medical industry triopoly operates without scrutiny.

Nevertheless, the Yankton County Commission has approved a conditional use permit for a hog nursery barn in the northern part of that county.


Medical industry monopoly cutting another fat hog for Rally


At post time at least one biker is dead and many more are expected to die or be maimed at the annual Sturgis bacchanal.
In 2018, the five Regional Health hospitals treated 610 rally-related patients. Mark Schulte, president of the Sturgis Market for Regional Health, said his staff is prepared for the rally, which is marking its 79th anniversary and is expected to attract around a half-million visitors this year. [Rapid City Journal
Yep, "the Sturgis Market" is one big meth, sex traffacking and white men spending money party and a giant windfall for the Black Hills medical industry monopoly.

During the Rally riders loop through Aladdin to Hulett and Devils Tower then back through Sundance, Wyoming where, not coincidentally, Rapid City Regional has another "Sturgis Market" branch. Highways are often crowded to capacity and drunken bikers can be seen weaving over every roadway in the Black Hills. Deer are unpredictable and now join bighorn sheep, recently released by the South Dakota's GOP wildlife 'management' arm, as obstacles to avoid.

As Wyoming's economy retools from oil, coal and a history of workplace deaths the state has become a more desirable tourist destination especially during the Rally where dying is just part of the fun. Republicans in Wyoming chalk up biker deaths as necessary for the common weal just as South Dakota GOPers do.

Yes, hypocrisy reigns supreme at the highest levels of power in South Dakota so residents will endure another Rally where this year at least a half a million attendees will spend an average of a thousand dollars each so the sitting governor can crow about her leadership and self-reliance while moral hazards pay the bills.

Meanwhile, hotels, motels and campgrounds in the Hills have jacked up their rates and are all booked so a murder of fat white Republican crows can swill alcohol, stuff their faces, buy Trump t-shirts and children for sex then kill themselves and each other with reckless abandon.
Documents revealed this week show that Rapid City Regional Hospital was first cited for disposing medical waste at the city dump over a year ago. Despite repeated warnings, discussions and fines directed at Rapid City Regional Hospital over the past year, city officials say it's still happening today.
Read that here.

Rapid City is stuck because Republicans don't give a shit about medical contamination. If the city raises rates to dump Regional will simply contract somebody to haul it to Sturgis where nobody cares about anything except the almighty dollar.



American football going the way of the dodo in New Mexico

A study recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found 110 out of 111 brains of those who played in the National Football League had chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).
In June, McCurdy Charter School in Española canceled its season after half of the 26 players were declared academically ineligible. Questa, which prematurely ended back-to-back seasons in 2017 and 2018 because of a lack of players, will not field a team this year. On Wednesday, Mission Achievement and Success Charter School in Albuquerque dropped out of the New Mexico Activities Association, meaning it will not play football this season. Los Alamos’ [Garrett] Williams laments that his program lags behind sports like cross-country and soccer in terms of attracting athletes, in part because some parents didn’t play the sport or grow up in football-centric towns. [Santa Fe New Mexican]
The only difference between American football and Roman gladiators is the losing team isn't fed to the lions.

American football is a tool of fascism. NFL players protesting law enforcement industry violence against people of color during the Star-Speckled Banana before contests is America's just deserts.

The NFL, the Fox group and the Trump Organization are among the country's most hated companies. Dissolving the NFL then ending college and high school ball can't happen soon enough.


Today's intersection: South Dakota's death panel and the spike in diabetes

Yes, the South Dakota Republican Party is a death panel.
Insurance premiums can have a unique impact from state to state, given health insurance exchanges and Medicare and Medicaid. Growing health care costs ultimately lead to increases in health insurance premiums. South Dakota is ranked at the top of all other states, with a 66 percent increase from 6.7 percent of the population having diabetes in 2007 to 11.1 percent of South Dakotans having diabetes in 2017. The direct medical expenses in 2017 totaled half a billion dollars. [Pierre Capital Journal]
Fact is: 77 percent of foods purchased by US schools are acquired from distributors like Sysco or Reinhart and only 11 percent come from local sources. Locally grown fruits and vegetables are served by some schools but not in South Dakota.

Former Governor Denny Daugaard describes Melody Schopp's breast implants
According to USDA’s Farm to School Census, 36 percent of the U.S. public school districts that completed the questionnaire reported serving at least some locally produced foods in school lunches or breakfasts during school years 2011-12 or 2012-13. While fruits and vegetables topped the list of local foods served in schools in 2011-12, 45 percent of the school districts that used local foods reported serving locally produced milk, and 27 percent reported serving locally produced baked goods. [United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service]

Anyone else notice how Pat Powers, his wife and kids overeat to get high but condemn people who smoke cannabis as addicts? South Dakota's junk food-addicted GOP blogger has been touting former At-large US Representative, now Governor Kristi Noem's political fight against diabetes. Noem wants even more business to go to corporate sources developing genetically engineered sugar beets. Marshall, Minnesota-based pizza peddler Schwan's greases Republicans including Noem with campaign cash. So do other industrial ag companies like Crystal Sugar selling salted fat to schools and she paid them back.
Rep. Kristi Noem on Tuesday announced plans for legislation that reduces federal mandates on school meal standards, including the more stringent whole grain requirements that went into effect in July 2014 and the Target 2 sodium requirements set to be implemented in the coming years. [Mitchell Daily Republic]
Guess who else stands to benefit from spikes in obesity and diabetes and privatizing the Indian Health Service? Yep, Reich Mike Rounds.

Mother Jones tells readers why.
But opponents of the act argue that the requirements leave students with unappetizing choices that result in tons of waste. This notion was supported in a spring 2014 report from the Harvard School of Public Health, which found that nearly 75 percent of vegetables and 40 percent of fruit being served in school cafeterias were ending up in trash cans. But critics have pointed out that helping "struggling schools" is not the sole agenda of the SNA—its sponsors include Domino's Pizza, General Mills Foodservice, PepsiCo Foodservice, and Tyson Foods, Inc.—all of whom contract with school cafeterias and would benefit from less stringent nutritional regulations. [Allie Gross]
Most South Dakota schools could be feeding food waste to chickens and hogs maybe composting for community gardens. Hot Springs, Philip and Midland enjoy geothermal water to heat greenhouses.

Progress has been made under current school lunch rules but as industrial agriculture lines Republican pockets South Dakota's women and children will continue to suffer from elevated risks to obesity and to moral hazard.

Tax junk food and slow diabetes.


Conejos Fire being allowed to clear fuels

Longtime college friend, Kim and his sweetheart, Christina just spent his birthday week at the casita. We traded lodging for tickets to The Dead South who played at Santa Fe Brewing Company's new venue.

One day trip we took was from Bandelier National Monument through the Jemez Mountains--the attached image was captured at Valles Caldera National Preserve where some scenes from the teevee series Longmire were produced. Christina is a fire management specialist in Arizona so we were encouraged by how well the aspen and gambel oak are coming back in the Las Conchas and Thompson Ridge wildfire scars.

There are numerous slash piles along NM4 in the higher elevations and places where low intensity fire has been recently introduced. It looks like the Santa Fe National Forest is planning more prescribed fires but much of the grass is actually too green to fire very well.
The Santa Fe National Forest (SFNF) plans to manage the Conejos Fire for multiple resource benefits, including improved forest health, reduced fuel loadings and improved wildlife habitat. Naturally occurring fires that burn with lower intensity under favorable conditions help reintroduce fire to fire-dependent forest ecosystems. Firefighter and public safety is always the first priority on all wildland fire incidents. [NM Fire Info]
Smoke from the Conejos Fire is clearly visible from Red Rock Road even this morning.

Il Trumpo has blamed California wildfires on the lack of logging with statements typically lacking in facts but the real culprits are decades of fire suppression, Republican entrenchment and a warming climate.