Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


Medical industry monopoly cutting another fat hog for Rally


At post time at least one biker is dead and many more are expected to die or be maimed at the annual Sturgis bacchanal.
In 2018, the five Regional Health hospitals treated 610 rally-related patients. Mark Schulte, president of the Sturgis Market for Regional Health, said his staff is prepared for the rally, which is marking its 79th anniversary and is expected to attract around a half-million visitors this year. [Rapid City Journal
Yep, "the Sturgis Market" is one big meth, sex traffacking and white men spending money party and a giant windfall for the Black Hills medical industry monopoly.

During the Rally riders loop through Aladdin to Hulett and Devils Tower then back through Sundance, Wyoming where, not coincidentally, Rapid City Regional has another "Sturgis Market" branch. Highways are often crowded to capacity and drunken bikers can be seen weaving over every roadway in the Black Hills. Deer are unpredictable and now join bighorn sheep, recently released by the South Dakota's GOP wildlife 'management' arm, as obstacles to avoid.

As Wyoming's economy retools from oil, coal and a history of workplace deaths the state has become a more desirable tourist destination especially during the Rally where dying is just part of the fun. Republicans in Wyoming chalk up biker deaths as necessary for the common weal just as South Dakota GOPers do.

Yes, hypocrisy reigns supreme at the highest levels of power in South Dakota so residents will endure another Rally where this year at least a half a million attendees will spend an average of a thousand dollars each so the sitting governor can crow about her leadership and self-reliance while moral hazards pay the bills.

Meanwhile, hotels, motels and campgrounds in the Hills have jacked up their rates and are all booked so a murder of fat white Republican crows can swill alcohol, stuff their faces, buy Trump t-shirts and children for sex then kill themselves and each other with reckless abandon.
Documents revealed this week show that Rapid City Regional Hospital was first cited for disposing medical waste at the city dump over a year ago. Despite repeated warnings, discussions and fines directed at Rapid City Regional Hospital over the past year, city officials say it's still happening today.
Read that here.

Rapid City is stuck because Republicans don't give a shit about medical contamination. If the city raises rates to dump Regional will simply contract somebody to haul it to Sturgis where nobody cares about anything except the almighty dollar.


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