Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


Rounds: South Dakota should be a chemical toilet, sacrifice zone

Senator Mike Rounds (earth hater-SD) is not only freaking out the US Army Corps of Engineers are punishing him for his lawsuit blaming the military for 2011 flooding he's telling voters it's okay that South Dakota is a dumping ground for the ag and livestock industries.

Yes, he's calling out "activist interest groups" er, an "environmental activist group" for the court ruling upholding the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA).
In 1980, CERCLA was established to manage hazardous waste and respond to environmental emergencies and natural disasters. It was meant to be used to clean up land that was identified by the EPA as hazardous or contaminated, and make sure that local communities are able to safely manage hazardous waste. Animal waste contains ammonia and hydrogen sulfide, which are both considered hazardous substances under CERCLA, so in 2008, the EPA amended the rule to exempt animal waste at agricultural operations from CERCLA reporting requirements.
Read the rest here.

Since Rounds doesn't have the language skills to tell constituents how he really feels the staffer writing the column appearing in the Pierre Capital Journal is telling readers South Dakota is the perfect place to dump manure and pollute the environment.

How the National Milk Producers Federation, South Dakota Farm Bureau and the South Dakota Cattlemen's Association aren't activist interest groups remains a mystery.

Does anyone remember the "surplus water" ruse? That's right: suing the corps over surplus water forces We the People to pay for the clean up of a century of mine tailings and organic effluent that have saturated the banks of the Belle Fourche/Cheyenne River system depositing many tons of toxic silt into Lake Oahe and the other downstream dams after 1962 now displacing many acre-feet of water. More silt means less hydropower.

South Dakota's history of ecocide and non-point source pollution is under the 319 federal program microscope.

The Big Sioux River is most at risk from animal feeding operations and overland sediment transport; but, nearly every waterway in the red moocher state is a toxic waste dump.

$1.1 million in federal funds will focus on Moody County where total remediation costs could soar to $12.2 million. South Central sponsors sought $1.3 million in federal and state funds to clean up Lewis and Clark Lake, Lake Andes, Geddes, Academy, Platte Lake watersheds, impaired parts of the Lower James River tributaries, and impaired stretches in the Vermillion River watershed.

As Wyoming threatens the upper Belle Fourche watershed the South Dakota portion will be part of an effort to expunge livestock waste. Sponsors asked for $250,000 from the feds and got it. It should be noted one of the most polluted reaches of the Belle Fourche goes right through Marty Jackley's boyhood ranch.
Congress enacted Section 319 of the Clean Water Act in 1987, establishing a national program to control nonpoint sources of water pollution. Through Section 319, the EPA provides states, territories, and tribes with guidance and grant funding to implement their nonpoint source programs and to support local watershed projects to improve water quality.
Most of the cleanup activity comes as South Dakota's earth hater congressional delegation await the repeal of the Clean Water Act.

Read more about the US Environmental Protection Agency's 319 Grant Program for States, Territories and Tribes here.

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