Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


Mike Rounds could be sandbagging because of Congress sandbagging

A planned US Army Corps of Engineers real-time network of snowpack and precipitation monitors has not been funded by Congress leaving Senator Mike Rounds (earth hater-SD) wondering whether he'll be sandbagging his property again.

Current corps readings are showing the snowpack above Garrison Dam is 135% of average and well above 2011 levels.

Recall the former governor, after having built a house in a swamp that flooded, received a generous self-reimbursement from insurance coverage underwritten by his own company knowing Lake Sharpe is filling with silt.

The corps have planned a sandbar project for the Missouri River above the Garrison Dam despite studies that disprove their effectiveness for the piping plover.
A new study from The Condor: Ornithological Applications takes advantage of a natural experiment created by the region's 2011 floods, demonstrating that the engineered habitat doesn't provide the benefits of sandbars created by nature.
Read that here.

The main stem dams have all but killed the Missouri River.

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