Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


Rapid City Journal editorial: South Dakota's GOP congressional delegation "get small" on gun safety

The rise of companies like Amazon suggest many people are simply too afraid to go into town to shop.

To perpetuate America's culture of gun violence John Thune has received nearly $50,000 for his silence on gun carnage, Kristi Noem got $5,000 for her service to the murder industry and Mike Rounds got nearly $5,000 for his dotage to the National Reactionary Association according to one study.

South Dakota's earth haters have received far more from the arms dealers to the world. Thune has a lifetime haul of some $226,000, just for example.
In the meantime — to quote the advice Sen. John Thune gave to future potential shooting victims after the Las Vegas concert massacre — too many politicians have decided to “get small” to protect themselves from political fallout that comes with standing up to the gun lobby. Sens. Thune and Rounds and Rep. Noem have laid low during the current gun-safety debate.
Read it here.
It could happen here. It already did. That’s the sentiment Kendall Diehl says she carries with her as she helps organize a walkout for students to protest gun violence in schools in the wake of a Florida shooting last month that left 17 dead. “We’ve joked, during drills, that it could never happen here,” said Diehl, a 15-year-old sophomore at Stevens High School. “But the Florida students probably thought it would never happen there either.”
Read that here.

America has brought this on itself since radical christianity has murdered millions but you know what scares me?

Donald Trump has escalated his war on civilians and someone seeking retaliation could roll a truck bomb into Rapid City Central or Sioux Falls Lincoln High School after an Ellsworth-based drone pilot or some jock from the 114th Fighter Wing targets a wedding party or religious service.

Just say it: radical christianic terrorism.

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