Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


Snow, more flooding; brimstone next?

According to YPR, parts of the Wyoming Black Hills are under water, flooding has isolated much of the West, closed I-90, Yellowstone and we are getting snow, and earthquakes rattle parts of Montana. Let's check the volcano report:

So, drug Jared Loughner in an effort to make him sane enough to face trial in a capital offense? Timothy McVeigh was put to death in Indiana. Knowing that would make me crazy enough to avoid trial.

Should the US Army Corps of Engineers lose its funding?

Montana's Democratic senators voted against extending the "Patriot" Act. From my inbox:

David Brooks: "Only Pawlenty, Romney, and Huntsman can win; all the rest are in there for fun."

Check these before and after at Joplin.

Drug dogs are wrong far more often than right yet can detect incidental residue on paper currency 90% of which will test criminally positive.


freegan said...

Got you bug out kit ready?

caheidelberger said...

It's the End Times, dude, just a little slower than Pastor Camping calculated.

kw said...

It's either the end-times or spring in the north country. this week we saw temps in the low 80's should be 100 here in Tucson.

larry kurtz said...

This is so sweet having guests! Was listening to KUAZ this morning, kw, and thought 100 degrees sounded so otherworldly with snow on hipneck's mountain and 60 MPH wind gusts.

How does Lake Herman look, Cory?

freegan said...

google and read this very interesting concept--
Beyond Revolution
By Nathan Revercomb