Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


Author: 1940s Soviets created UFO myth

This Fresh Air driveway moment will pop your bubble if it doesn't completely scare the shit out you:

The Horten brothers were involved in the flying disc crash in New Mexico. And that is from a single source. ... There was an unusual moment where that source became very upset and told me things that were stunning that's almost impossible to believe at first read. And that is that a flying disc really did crash in New Mexico and it was transported to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and then in 1951 it was transferred to Area 51, which is why the base is called Area 51.
Wait til you hear the REALLY freaky part:

More on vectored thrust.

Dang it! There goes the timeline:

And you thought there was no way to segue your choices as the lizard people. Ha!


freegan said...

Re:nuclear bomb testing ,This is why I say technology has failed us and our gov't cares not about the Earth. What effects are we dealing with now after these radioactive bombs blowing holes into our spheres. These acts are beyond what the average American can do to destroy our Earth. These horrific acts continue today. You all believe we can change the Dems. to save our ass but they gave huge money (stolen from future generations) to the already rich (bail outs) instead they could have put solar on every house in America! We must have real change, you cannot count on someone making that change for you, it must be made by our own kind. We can do it the easy way or the hard way. Well I guess change is not easy for most. "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

--- Margaret Mead

larry kurtz said...

Dems Ed Markey from Massachusetts and Dennis Kucinich from Ohio fighting the good fight; but they won't leave the party. If Ron Paul and Winona LaDuke would hook up they'd be formidable taking votes from both parties.

Guys like you need to run in local elections. The Green Party takes too many votes from Democrats and it's why I won't support it.

freegan said...

you go to post this The Onion: Torture Made Green