Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


MD with Lakota lineage People's Pharmacy favorite

Dr. Tieraona Low Dog's research on native plants began at a grandmother's apron. She has been a fascinating regular guest of WUNC's The People's Pharmacy with Joe and Terry Graedon, a long-running early morning listen on Bill Janklow's idea of public radio. Last year the program recognized Dr. Low Dog:
The People's Pharmacy Award for Excellence in Research and Communication for the Public Health is our way of acknowledging extraordinary health care professionals. Tieraona Low Dog, MD, is the third recipient of this award. She is well-versed in the research on herbs, vitamins, minerals, dietary supplements and how they affect health. She is currently Clinical Associate Professor and Director of the Fellowship for the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona.
Here is the tag for cannabis at People's Pharmacy.

Bill Moyers on DemocracyNow!

1 comment:

freegan said...

dr bronners soap box is a great documentary, and the soap is great if you reuse your gray water for plants.