Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


Humanure: key to the permaculture revolution?

Is poop the missing ingredient?

hipneck will love this: WBUR's Here and Now host Robin Young interviewed author, Gene Logsdon as he promoted his book, Holy Shit, Managing Manure to Save Mankind:

It has taken us about one hundred years to reduce soil organic matter to dangerously low levels—from about 5 percent, on average, to below 2 percent—and experts say it might take at least that long to build them back up again using organic methods on a large scale. We all need to read again Farmers of Forty Centuries, by F. H. King, published in 1911, about Asian agriculture at that time. In Japan, Korea, and China, manure was treated like a precious gem because it was a precious gem. Every scrap of animal waste, human waste, and plant residue was scrupulously collected and reapplied to the land. So precious was manure that Chinese farmers stored it in burglarproof containers. The polite thing to do after enjoying a meal at a friend’s house was to go to the bathroom before you departed. Over the last two centuries, cheap manufactured fertilizers and a seemingly unlimited acreage have allowed the United States to become the champion wastrel of the world.

Rebecca Terk at Big Stone Bounty reminds East River of a permaculture event.

You rock, Dude! Paul Guggenheimer strapped on a brass pair and snapped at the hand that feeds him. Take THAT, Janklow, you asshole!


freegan said...

nice. this has been working rather nicely for us up here on this rock at 6500' above. its all about closing the waste loop, its no longer a waste but a safe nutrient. Thanks for the positive energy

freegan said...

We took a great course from Warren Brush(Quail Springs) and he teaches all over. Here is a great permaculture course taught native american style: Pine Ridge, South Dakota, USA
Co-sponsored & coordinated by The Permaculture Guild (taught by Warren Brush)
June 13-26, 2011

The Rap on Permaculture you tube
QuailSpringsSoCal 1 video

larry kurtz said...

Thanks for the links, bro.

larry kurtz said...

Thanks for sharing, h.

Readers likely know that Blogger was down for 24 hours. Comment moderation is active.

freegan said...

Rep. Ron Paul introduces HR 1830 to allow shipment, distribution of raw milk across state lines

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/#ixzz1Mc69oG00

larry kurtz said...

More on permaculture's Transition movement.

freegan said...

I just got back from a Sepp Holzer Advanced Permaculture course on the Flathead Rez. It was large scale and we did 6' tall huglekulture. Remember these are new so they are kinda bald. Excellent class it was. I can get move video if wanted.