Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


Green Fire: Forest Service propaganda?

The entire state of New Mexico is under a red flag warning. Would Aldo Leopold even recognize the Forest Service of today?

Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time premiered to a 1,000 person sell-out crowd on February 5, 2011 at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Green Fire is the first feature length (72 min.), high definition documentary film ever made about famed conservationist Aldo Leopold.

Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) blasted the Forest Service in a 2008 press release:

After Seven Years of Inadequate U.S. Forest Service Budgets, Cantwell Urges Administration to Consider its Appalling Legacy:

"This is another disappointing proposed budget from the Forest Service, and makes me wonder whether the Forest Service has ever thought about what the agency and country will look like in 5 or 10 years,” said Cantwell. “The Forest Service is speaking out both sides of its mouth. On the one hand, they identify water quality as a priority but, in their budget, they zero out funding for the Legacy Roads and Trails Remediation Program – a critical program that targets water quality.
President Obama: take the FS out of the USDA.

Holy Shit! Check out this doom and gloom website. Hey, ip is a glass half-full kinda guy who believes that humans are going be something someday.

Was Geronimo illegal?

No, the legal issue actually boils down to one central question: Was the attack on Osama bin Laden truly a CIA-dominated covert action, or was it a mostly military one? The distinction matters because different U.S. legal codes apply to each category. Covert operations fall under Title 50. Military ops, under Title 10. In either case, the killing of the Al Qaeda chief presents legal problems. That’s why the White House has carefully avoided both definitions, instead letting the raid fall into a fictional legal category that Jim Thomas, an expert in political-military relations from the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, called “Title 60.” In other words, the sum of Titles 10 and 50.
GOP debate: "It looked like the bar scene from 'Star Wars,'" said Republican strategist Scott Reed. If Herman Cain is a political outsider, why is he running as a Republican?

President Carter, thank you for proving that Michele Bachmann is fucking nuts mentally ill.


freegan said...

VERY NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are having a great year diversifying our land, we (with our friends help) have planted over 300 new shrubs and trees just in the last 30 days. I am working on a rain water/ gravity feed system for all the new growth. We also put in swales to stop and sink the water into the land and save the soil from washing away to the sea. This is all apart of our 200 year plan. We are livin a dream. We are so lucky to get this chance. "We shall never achieve harmony with land, any more than we shall achieve absolute justice or liberty for people. In these higher aspirations, the important thing is not to achieve but to strive."
Aldo Leopold

freegan said...

Hey I see you think ip is a half full kind of guy well I think your right,half full of shit

larry kurtz said...

See our Obama/Biden and Hogan signs?


freegan said...

If I would have seen them I would have ran over them RON PAUL (HONESTY FOR A CHANGE)

larry kurtz said...

The radical elected President was Jimmy Carter; Ron Paul would need a series of miracles to even become his party's nominee.

freegan said...

I believe the game is coming to him

larry kurtz said...

You know? I would love to see a race between Obama/Biden and Paul/Rubio or Paul/Pawlenty. What a wild ride that would be.