Los Cerrillos
March 15, 2025


SDAG Ravnsborg kills Joe Boever, walks free

Republican South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg is an incel and serial lawbreaker having been cited eight times for breaking speed limit laws in five South Dakota counties and in two Iowa counties. On Saturday night he struck and killed Joe Boever just west of Highmore then with help from the Hyde Country sheriff who would charge Ravnsborg with potential felonies he left the scene. This scandal should trigger a long awaited cascade of revelations about the culture of corruption surrounding the Republican establishment in South Dakota but so far it looks like the fix is in. The weapon Ravnsborg used to kill Boever is a 2011 Ford Taurus apparently equipped with an event data recorder (EDR). It was damaged so badly it had to be towed. 
Most recently, Ravnsborg was cited twice in 2018. Once in October 2018 in Beadle County for going 40 mph in a 35 mph zone and for going 80 mph in a 65 mph zone in Pennington County. [KELO teevee]


larry kurtz said...

According to veteran Lawrence County State’s Attorney John Fitzgerald who ran against Ravnsborg in the Republican primary, “The circuit court also has the ability to appoint a special prosecutor. State v. Basham 170 N.W.2d 238 SD 1969.”

larry kurtz said...

Again, John Fitzgerald, “ There is nothing to investigate here. The Taurus was over the fog line and hit Mr. Boever who was walking on the shoulder. Mr. Boever’s body was thrown almost immediately up and over the car after going through the windshield. Brakes were applied for a distance of almost two hundred feet which will show approximately 70-80 miles per hour and the body was not found until the next day. The Attorney General says he did not see what he hit. So crossing the fog line, exceeding speed, eyes not on the road-what is there to investigate? There is a pedestrian crash test video on youtube created by Texas A&M which shows a Ford Taurus at 70 mph impacting a crash test figure. I think it explains a lot as to why Mr. Boever was not found until the next day.”

larry kurtz said...

This episode makes Bendagate seem normal. The fix is in. That Republican incel AG Jason Ravnsborg could knowingly kill Joe Boever with his car then go home, go to bed then drive back to the scene of the crime and find his body without remorse is incomprehensible. That a grand jury hasn’t been seated in Ravnsborg’s manslaughter case is simply more evidence of the SDGOP’s culture of corruption. Expect him to be exonerated and if either cannabis measure passes he’ll immediately sue to have them struck down in court.