Los Cerrillos
March 15, 2025


Perpetrators of 9/11 attacks could buy land owned by South Dakota Powerball winner

Draining fragile aquifers and quietly lobbying for more water from the Gila River is the House of Saud who owns land in Arizona where it raises alfalfa to ship to Saudi Arabia. They are buying up land all over the United States because they have a Jewish agent. Now we know how South Dakota Republican Chair Dan Lederman gets the cash to buy off flakes like Gordon Howie. 

Yes, the Trump Organization's Bureau of Land Management is paying a Powerball winner to board feral horses but now Neal Wanless is fleeing the chemical toilet that is South Dakota. 
Adam York, spokesman for Hall and Hall’s Robb Nelson who is handling the sale, told the Capital Journal via email that the ranch, with 50,000 acres, four homes and many other features, is on the market for $41.15 million. “It is home to 3,000 yearlings, 1,600 cow/calf pairs and about 1,000 wild horses,” according to York. [Pierre Capital Journal

Sleaze and crime built Lederman's business. He spent $50,000 to buy a seat in South Dakota's corrupt legislature flaunting the same class by throwing it away resigning after the 2015 session then forcing his way into the chair of South Dakota's earth hater party. That he would steer criminals like Mohammed bin Salman into South Dakota is completely within his crooked wheelhouse.

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