After USEPA required Watco to install air monitors for manganese, the facility in February 2019 committed to stop handling unpackaged manganese. However, throughput data reported under a zoning change adopted in response to community pressure shows massive amounts of the neurotoxin moving through several other Southeast Side facilities. The monitoring data also shows significant spikes in manganese, indicating that harmful emissions are not under control despite USEPA’s enforcement actions and the City’s regulations. “If Lincoln Park had these levels of lead, arsenic or manganese, the Mayor would do everything in her power to fix it,” said Peggy Salazar, director of the Southeast Environmental Task Force. “When this happens in the Southeast Side or the West Side, no one seems to care about the consequences that our kids have to live with. We are calling for an end to environmental racism in Chicago.” [Natural Resources Defense Council]Despite those revelations the State of South Dakota intends to sell the former Milwaukee Road right of way from Mitchell to Rapid City to Watco instead of deeding it back to the tribal nations signatory to the Fort Laramie Treaties of 1851 and 1868.
State of South Dakota snubs tribes, will sell railroad right of way to Kansas polluter
Sioux Falls diocese scraping the barrel for officiants
At Ss. Simon and Jude Catholic Church in Flandreau, St. Peter Church in Colman and Our Lady of Good Counsel in Elkton, the Rev. Melvin Kuhn has replaced the Rev. Doug Binsfeld. Melvin Kuhn, 55, grew up on a farm in central Illinois, attended Catholic schools, earned a college degree in agriculture and worked for the Department of Agriculture before answering his call to the priesthood. “I’m just thankful to be a priest. I started late. If there wasn’t a shortage of priests, I might not have gotten a second chance,” he said. [Moody County Enterprise]The Order of the Presentation opened St. Mary’s in Elkton where I attended grade school but the nuns were from the Dominican and Benedictine Orders, too. They were Commies who taught us Pete Seeger, Woody Guthrie and Puff, the Magic Dragon.
Democrat Ahlers surging in South Dakota US Senate race
My opponent, Mike Rounds, said that the decision not to consider Judge Merrick Garland was a "directive of party leadership, not his." Funny, I thought he worked for the people of SD. As your next U.S. Senator, I will work for you.
— Dan Ahlers (@ahlers_dan) September 26, 2020

Dan Ahlers, a Democrat, is running against Mike Rounds, the coward who refused to impeach Trump thereby allowing the deaths of 190,000 Americans. We need an independent thinker, a true South Dakotan, as our U. S. Senator and not a man so afraid of Trump that he ignores all of his lies and deceit. [Editorial, Native Sun News Today]Former Governor Rounds was elected to the US Senate with cash from the Kochs’ National Federation of Independent Business. The so-called “Americans for Prosperity” is a Koch-soaked dark money group with an agent in Sioux Falls. South Dakota's GOP legislators and candidates enjoy millions in lobbyist benefits from the Kochs and their American Legislative Exchange Council or ALEC.
Rounds continues to play the cancer card releasing another video pimping his stricken wife and pleading with doubtful supporters to continue funding his crusade toward a second term. In her bid to drive Rounds onto the ash heap of history upstart Republican primary contender Scyller Borglum has appeared with Governor Kristi Noem to raise awareness of youth art in South Dakota.
I’m a twenty year volunteer for DSCC, DCCC and DLCC charged with South Dakota as a territory but until now nobody in those organizations believed a Democrat could win any statewide race in the red moocher state.
Photo: Rounds poses with morbidly obese Brookings-based blogger Pat Powers.
Medicine Root will scrub white man's name from tribal community
Sunday night, the Medicine Root District executive board voted unanimously 4-0 to change the name of the community of Kyle to Little Wound. “This decision is something I really applaud, it’s the right thing to do,” said Kevin Killer, past SD state legislator who led the movement to change the name of Shannon County to Oglala Lakota County, “there’s not enough time to put together a referendum vote by the general election but they should take the issue to the county commission.”
Front Range passenger rail not happening any time soon
“Our past and current investments, from Kansas through Colorado and New Mexico, demonstrate our commitment to the Chief route and also preserve this segment for eventual inclusion in a north-south connection along the Front Range between Denver and Albuquerque, via Colorado Springs and Pueblo,” Bill Flynn, Amtrak’s president and CEO, said in a news release. [Albuquerque Journal]
SDDENR has become the Department of Ecocide and Natural Ruination
Ivermectin has been shown to be toxic to dung beetle larvae, and the conventionally managed systems had a 66 percent decrease in dung beetle occurrence when compared to the regenerative systems. Livestock managers experiencing poor breakdown of manure pats coupled with continued pest problems should consider reducing or eliminating ivermectin while also exploring options for improve herd management and forage-quality options. [Manage livestock for beneficial species]David Ganje is an attorney based in Rapid City who practices environmental law.
The Department of Agriculture is principally chartered to deal with supporting agriculture and economic development related to ag. It is agriculture’s advocate on behalf of the state. The Department of the Environment and Natural Resources is a regulatory agency meant to oversee, for good or ill, activity that affects the air, water, and earth in the state. The DENR is an agency whose effectiveness political leaders would prefer to dilute. The DENR is the real target in this merger. [GANJE: Combining departments is a mistake]
South Dakota is a perpetual welfare state, a permanent disaster area and a chemical toilet by design. Until Democrats seize power nothing will ever change.
Citibank squirming after being outed as money launderer
🚨NEW: For 2 years, I have been working on a massive, global financial investigation w/my @BuzzFeedNews colleagues based on secret US govt docs we shared w/@ICIJ, internal bank records & intvs w/100s of sources.
— Jason Leopold (@JasonLeopold) September 20, 2020
Here's Day 1 #FinCENFiles
South Dakota Republicans have their heads crammed so far into Frank Farrar's colon they can all kiss Wall Drug's Teddy Hustead on the lips in there.
Bankster and former South Dakota Governor Frank Farrar has sat on Citibank and Wells Fargo boards. Elitism in South Dakota is Denny Sanford and Dana Dykhouse and careers in usury get your names on an underground lab, public buildings and a football stadium.
How are 64+ county seats and their bureaucracies either conservative or sustainable? They're not; but, it is the way Republican cronyism and patronage built barricades to democracy by providing benefits of the public dole to those who say they deplore big gubmint in a state that hates poor people.
It's obvious this phenomenon is no accident: it has been manufactured to make the state a corporatist tax haven for an exclusive set of Republicans while over $3 trillion languishes in South Dakota banks. Divining an alternate universe where Randy Scott is still cruising the Moody County back roads while a Hellbent Bill Janklow is lurking at every intersection in South Dakota's ideological landscape is easier than imagining the decriminalization of Citibank's prospectus.
Current Republican Governor Kristi Noem is a graduate of the Koch Brothers' American Legislative Exchange Council or ALEC, an anti-think tank think tank that teaches how wedge issues raise campaign dollars for the extreme white wing of the Republican Party.
Republican former Governor now US Senator Reich Mike Rounds, one of the least effective members of Congress, was elected with cash from ALEC-backed National Federation of Independent Business. South Dakota's GOP legislators and candidates enjoy millions in lobbyist benefits from ALEC. In a campaign fundraising email to supporters Rounds said he believes the Democratic blue wave is building momentum even in my home state and that "South Dakota could be the sleeper race that delivers Democrats a majority in the U.S. Senate." Rounds, who bragged he could build a $9 million war chest in 2013 has less than $2 million in the bank today. The so-called “Americans for Prosperity” is a Koch-soaked dark money group with an agent in Sioux Falls.
According to accountant and State Senator Susan Wismer (D-Britton) there are about $900 billion in 105 trusts alone.
South Dakota is fast becoming a mini-Switzerland for the world’s rich. Analysts and local politicians estimate that $250 billion to $900 billion is now stashed in South Dakota trusts by the likes of Chinese billionaires looking to keep their fortunes out of reach of the government, Europeans looking to avoid taxes and Americans looking to shield wealth from spouses. Yet South Dakota’s trust laws may be difficult to challenge. Trusts in South Dakota are perpetual, meaning a wealthy family can put assets into a trust that are held in perpetuity, rather than for a limited period of time. The state also gives trusts sweeping privacy and asset-protections against creditors, business partners, lawsuits or ex-spouses. Adding to its attraction, South Dakota has no inheritance or capital gains or income taxes. [Billionaire divorce uncovers secretive world of trusts in South Dakota]
— Christopher Burgess (@burgessct) September 20, 2020
Lots of squirming in the board rooms of Bank of America, Citibank, JPMorgan Chase, American Express, Standard Charter, HSBC
Migratory bird deaths another warning of human-caused climate disruptions
Austin Fisher, an independent journalist, videotaped a scene near Velarde by the Rio Grande. Dead birds littered the earth, a scene repeated across New Mexico. The huge die-off is part of a broader problem. Bird species are having a difficult time in our modern era. Their habitat is being destroyed — with breeding grounds such as grasslands and the Arctic tundra particularly hard hit. Cats are eating them to the tune of 2.6 billion birds yearly in the United States and Canada. According to the Audubon Society, the U.S. has lost one out of four birds in the last 50 years. That means 3 billion fewer birds today than in 1970. The die-off of 2020 is a singular event, but given the heating planet and continued climate disruption, it will likely be repeated. [Dying birds offer timely warning to humans]
New Mexico researchers gather more info on massive bird die-off: Some more context about what might be going on, and a way you can contribute to the research. via @CrucesSunNews
— Algernon D'Ammassa (@AlgernonWrites) September 14, 2020
Judge rules for victims of torture in South Dakota catheterization cases
U.S. District Judge Roberto Lange has approved a settlement in a case that says South Dakota law enforcement’s practice of using forced catheterizations to obtain urine samples from suspects is unconstitutional. The ACLU of South Dakota and attorney Jim Leach of Rapid City filed the Fourth Amendment case on behalf of several individuals against the city of Wagner and the Wagner Police Department, the city of Pierre and the Pierre Police Department, the city of Sisseton and the Sisseton Police Department, and the South Dakota Highway Patrol along with individually named law enforcement officers. In the case, the plaintiffs said they were held down and subjected to involuntary catheterization after police obtained search warrants for urine samples to detect the presence of drugs, a violation of the Fourth Amendment’s protections against unreasonable searches. [press release, ACLU South Dakota]
SDAG Ravnsborg kills Joe Boever, walks free
Most recently, Ravnsborg was cited twice in 2018. Once in October 2018 in Beadle County for going 40 mph in a 35 mph zone and for going 80 mph in a 65 mph zone in Pennington County. [KELO teevee]
Perpetrators of 9/11 attacks could buy land owned by South Dakota Powerball winner
Adam York, spokesman for Hall and Hall’s Robb Nelson who is handling the sale, told the Capital Journal via email that the ranch, with 50,000 acres, four homes and many other features, is on the market for $41.15 million. “It is home to 3,000 yearlings, 1,600 cow/calf pairs and about 1,000 wild horses,” according to York. [Pierre Capital Journal]
Sleaze and crime built Lederman's business. He spent $50,000 to buy a seat in South Dakota's corrupt legislature flaunting the same class by throwing it away resigning after the 2015 session then forcing his way into the chair of South Dakota's earth hater party. That he would steer criminals like Mohammed bin Salman into South Dakota is completely within his crooked wheelhouse.
9/11: American plutocrats celebrate the destruction of democracy
Most @HouseGOP members & about half @SenateGOP conspired with Russia in 2016 by taking money & concealing it. They all need to be charged. May make bail but should get no deals. IMO it's major reason so many House members retired. Chaffetz, Gowdy, Ryan and Issa for sure. @FBIWFO
— Tim Hogan (@TimInHonolulu) August 18, 2018
Nearly 20 years since 9/11, we must challenge the "us vs. them" narrative at all costs.
— AFSC (@afsc_org) September 11, 2020
❌ Abolish ICE & dismantle DHS
❌ End the dangerous surveillance powers expanded under the Patriot Act
❌ Discontinue policies that fuel Islamophobia & racism
Hillary Clinton's loss destroyed the careers of Jason Chaffetz and Trey Gowdy. Neither of them planned for a Trump win.
— Drew Savicki (@SenhorRaposa) December 20, 2018
WalletHub: South Dakota's women still suffering inequality
South Dakota State Fair in Huron continues as @govkristinoem infects hundreds of thousands
— interested party (@larry_kurtz) September 9, 2020
Former Rapid City pulpiteer booted from Duluth bishopric
The diocese commissioned an independent investigation into the allegation, which a review board then agreed merited a full investigation according to canon law. The diocese informed the Holy See about the development. Mulloy received a summary of the allegation against him and subsequently submitted his resignation as the bishop-elect of Duluth. [Pope Francis accepts resignation of Duluth Bishop-elect Michel Mulloy after abuse allegation]
Poor ranching practices drive eastern Montana wildfires
Lewis & Clark water system to expand as Big Sioux River suffers CAFO development
Several neighbors and others spoke in opposition of a request by farmer Troy Randall for permission for a 6,500-head dairy in southern Moody County. Randall who lives at 24250 479th Ave., southeast of Trent, is seeking a conditional use permit for a Class A Concentrate Animal Feeding Operation that eventually will be owned by John Bidart. Bidart, who is from California, owns Wildwood Dairy south of Egan, the most recent dairy to open in the county. But most of the neighbors and residents of the county who attended the meeting spoke against allowing the dairy to be built, expressing concerns about the environment, flies and dust, roads, health and way of life. Well driller Jim Lacey of Trent said he is concerned about water issues with the dairy. “The water is going to make it into the Sioux River, folks. It’s a long-term thing we’re looking at,” he said. “That isn’t a position. It’s facts.” [Residents criticize dairy proposal]
The third pipeline segment consists of 12.6 miles of 24-inch transmission pipeline located between Beresford and Sioux Center and involves crossing the Big Sioux River. [Lewis & Clark officials propose expansion]
Montana legalization campaign spending $2.3 million to reach voters
Federal Communications Commission filings show the ads will appear across weekday programming, day and night. Viewers of local news broadcasts, Family Feud, Judge Judy, Ellen and This Is Us will all get to know New Approach Montana's pro-marijuana messaging beginning Oct. 13 — a few days after ballots are mailed. The campaign has so far raised more than $4.7 million. [Helena Independent Record]Democratic Governor Steve Bullock is running for the US Senate in Montana. “'Gov. Bullock believes the criminalization of marijuana has ruined the lives of too many Americans and cost taxpayers too much money imprisoning non-violent offenders, and supports legalization and taxation of marijuana with appropriate regulations to prevent abuse,' his campaign told USA Today. ‘The governor will work to remove barriers at the federal level that conflict with states’ decisions to have medical marijuana or legalize it outright.’”
The MORE Act removes cannabis from Schedule 1 and legalization remains in the hands of the states. “The bill's lead sponsor in the Senate is Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.,) the Democratic nominee for vice president.”
— interested party (@larry_kurtz) August 28, 2020