
Rapid City Journal calls out Thune corruption

The Rapid City Journal is new and improved.

Senator John Thune (earth hater-SD) went to DC as one of America's least wealthy politicians but after a decade and a half in the swamp he's rich.
In return, the gatekeepers of the internet that have spent freely to lobby lawmakers like Sen. John Thune — whose PAC and campaign have received $366,000 in telecom contributions since 2013 — promise consumers transparency when they roll out new plans that offer various levels of service at different price points. The end of net neutrality will affect every American and should not be neutralized without a public debate. Absent that, South Dakotans can call or email Sens. Thune and Rounds and Rep. Noem and tell them how they feel — pro or con — before Dec. 14.
Read it here.

On 23 May, 2016 during Russia's hijacking of the presidential election and in the name of "net neutrality" Thune and the Senate GOP said they wouldn't regulate Facebook.

During a speech to donors in Sioux Falls Thune said access to telecommunications is just too hard for some rural areas.
Three of the five Federal Communications Commission members said three changes that apply to tribal lands will help reduce waste, fraud and abuse, and expand communications networks that lag behind the rest of the country. Joe RedCloud of the Oglala Sioux Tribe said earlier this week that the changes will give Native Americans fewer or no options for mobile service. "This will be a travesty to Indian Country because it will turn back the clock to times when consumers had but one choice," he said this week. Many people still live without electricity, running water and phone service on reservations.
Read the rest here.

Thune can't ever seek any higher office than he has now and unless he's indicted his term doesn't end until 2023. There are no media in his home state that aren't beholden to the Republican Party and although he went to DC without much money he's got at least $12 million now.

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