Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


Earth haters want to lock up more teens

From a newspaper in a town named for a war criminal South Dakota's District 30 earth hater lawgivers said they want to lock up more young people in a stigmatized property where Brady Folkens was misdiagnosed then later died in state custody.
All three District 30 legislators, Reps. Tim Goodwin, Julie Frye-Mueller and Sen. Lance Russell, along with Sen. Neal Tapio of Watertown, are in agreement about drug courts and the former STAR Academy near Custer. ["]A state institution is not allowed to talk about God and the ultimate purpose in life, and state employees are not allowed to touch another human being,” Tapio said. “We must build programs for troubled children and families on the model espoused by an organization called Teen Challenge. Its God-centered approach teaches purpose to life,” he said. Russell said the reasons more lengthy drug treatment is not available is because “the governor has not prioritized treatment in the state corrections system.
Read more about red state failure here.

Fact is: South Dakota is being sued for Folkens' wrongful death and the state has little choice but to liquidate the former boot camp and Custer State Hospital where residents were brutalized and worse.

Russell and Tapio are grandstanding as they pursue political careers. Russell's mother even sold property to the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (FLDS Church) where minor girls are trafficked and raped.

After the Division of Criminal Investigation was caught covering up at least one crime committed by its staff the state has been exposed to further litigation.

Why are South Dakota winters so brutal and unforgiving?

Because South Dakotans deserve them.

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