
Jackley's cannabis hypocrisy is boundless

Republican South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley has indicted two cannabis consultants who allegedly contracted with the Flandreau Santee Sioux Nation to provide cultivars and equipment for a grow operation.

All of a sudden it's pretty clear why fellow Republican, Governor Dennis Daugaard, supported more gambling at the FSST casino. The State of South Dakota receives revenue from FSST through a compact with the nation. The state and the Yankton Sioux Nation are mulling a gaming compact.

The hypocrisy of Jackley and the SDGOP is boundless. Jackley is a white supremacist bent on keeping tribes repressed. $20 says the State of South Dakota has paid off tribal officials to resist cannabis grow ops.

Case will never go to trial because Jackley can't risk jury nullification. One player has rolled over to cover his own ass and Eric Hagen will plead then pay a fine. Jackboots said Hagen is cooperating.

South Dakota's Division of Criminal Investigation has revealed multiple unlawful practices and questionable activity throughout the Flandreau Police Department.

Attorney General Marty Jackley is not only a partisan twerp he's as dirty as the police forces he oversees. Jackley says he believes conflict of interest laws are too lax yet he is hoarding information on Bendagate that could put his political party in the legal cross hairs. He's struggling to raise enough campaign cash to run for governor.

South Dakota media outlets are rife with stories about a meth and heroin epidemic and Marty Jackley takes on a guy alleged to have fifty five cannabis seeds for a legal buyer even as his homeboys and minions in the law enforcement industry look away from the Sturgis Rally bacchanal.

The US Drug Enforcement Administration is in the final stages of rescheduling cannabis.

Jackley is a recipient of campaign contributions from Big Pharma and Big Booze.

Cops' lives suck. Little wonder they abuse their families, alcohol, drugs, food, power, detainees and even occasionally murder their wives.

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