Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


South Dakota media have no Democrat to speak on background

When media in South Dakota need a Democrat in the state to speak about actions in Congress they have nobody to call. It won't be Rick Weiland or Pat Duffy or Bernie Hunhoff or even Bob Burns and it certainly won't be South Dakota Democratic Party's new chair, Ann Tornberg or vice-chair, Joe Lowe.

KELO teevee chooses to quote Al Franken (D-MN) when it needs a statement.

So, who will it be? Cory Heidelberger? Sioux Falls Mayor Mike Huether? Anyone? Bueller?

When there are Democratic Party chairs in Harding, Butte, Ziebach, Corson, Clark, Douglas, Faulk, Haakon, Hutchinson, Jackson, Jones, Potter, Sully, and Todd Counties i will think about sending another fucking cent to a South Dakota Democrat.


Anonymous said...

Johnson voted for the CRomnibus which is a windfall for Citigroup and insurance companies. Why://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/12/14/1351689/-Which-32-Senate-Democrats-Just-Sold-You-Out-to-Give-Wall-Street-a-CRomnibus-Christmas#

larry kurtz said...

Nobody has ever accused Senator Johnson of being a progressive.

Anonymous said...

LK, got a day off, so drunk tonight. Hopefully,tomorrow. Peace, Bro! You do great work, amig0



Anonymous said...

I meant LK!