Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


Idaho toddler guns down mom at Walmart

The parade of horribles marches on: a two-year-old takes out a well-regulated militia member.
“Unfortunately she left a concealed weapon that was readily accessible to the child. It’s a tragedy. Accidental," says Lt. Stu Miller. "[It] Probably could have been prevented through some safety and security measures.” Walmart will remain closed until Wednesday morning at 6. [Boise Public Radio]
Guns kill 32,000 Americans every year: sometimes guns even kill Republicans.

An unvaccinated South Dakota child has presented with measles: the state's first case in seventeen years but did Senator John Thune call for a quarantine like he wanted to do to non-white Africa because of the Ebola hysteria? Puleeze.


caheidelberger said...

Davison County—could that be the doing of some anti-vaccine, anti-govt Mitchell-Ethan-Mt. Vernon types... or just some poor kid who's allergic to vaccines?

larry kurtz said...

The Mitchell paper says some religious groups and those with allergies can be exempt from vaccinations; those born before 1957 are immune. Left unchecked measles is as deadly as Ebola.

larry kurtz said...

Update: six members of an extended family, all unvaccinated, have contracted measles.