Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


Midterm elections bring lessons for Democrats

When only two Democratic native South Dakotans know what wins elections in that state, life might be easier if the author of The Dakota Progressive just jams a fork up his nose.
When voters pass minimum wage hikes in four of the reddest states--Alaska, South Dakota, Nebraska, Arkansas--but still reject Democrats nationally and, perhaps more troublesome, even locally, that should tell you something. It also provides more clarity in terms of the lessons of this election. Here are two keys to fixing this mess:
1) Stop ALEC's corrupt agenda of buying corporate and socially regressive policies in state legislatures with their largesse.
2) Fund more Initiatives in the 24 states that allow them, so we can go around the bought off Tea-Baggers.
To pick out the last two examples, pot is now legal in Oregon and Alaska, and a Florida medicare [sic] marijuana amendment got 58 percent of the vote, and only failed to pass because 60 percent was required to change the state constitution. The other example, I-594 instituting background checks in Washington State, is another success (it passed with just under 60 percent) that can and will be replicated (the requisite number of signatures to put it on Nevada's ballot in 2016 has already been collected--Arizona, Maine and Oregon are other potential states where it might make the ballot).
This is where the action will be the next two years. Democratic left needs to get up off the mat, brush itself off and go do the hard work of taking back the states--via legislation, education and ballot initiative--while standing up strong for principles and not pursuing some elusive "third way." [Bob Cesca]
If Larry Pressler had really wanted to be US Senator he'd have run in the earth hater primary against flawed Mike Rounds. That's sweet that you have such an idealistic view of American politics, Bill Fleming: but we all know that crap is king, especially in South Dakota. Why bother, Bill? To prevent earth haters like Rounds and don Juan Thune from controlling the judiciary confirmation process: we need to run progressives in every race and screw the reactionary wing of the GOP.

Departing Argus Leader reporter, David Montgomery believes Susan Wismer was a fantastic candidate with the skills to govern but she had no chance because she didn't have the cash resources to fight the gubernatorial battle on teevee.

There's always next cycle: variable interval reinforcement is the strongest kind. We need to work harder but our listening to dipshits like Troy Jones drives our people from running.

The Montana GOP is suing to close their primaries to voters outside their party: i'm going to shove Chairman Barth into ending Democratic primaries and nominate our people at convention.

Right now i like Joe Biden for President.

We should look at a DFL-type strategy, gang. The Democratic Parties in Montana and New Mexico are already formulating tactics and raising money so that we can recover. Minnehaha County is going to step up and own the South Dakota Democratic Party if county chairs don't fire up their delegates to go to the goddamned convention. If candidates want support from the party they should know what the platform is and not announce a run expecting the party to back them, especially if they don't attend the convention. The platform is crafted at the convention by delegates who are frustrated that candidates like Joe Lowe completely ignored what the party stands for.

The Pennington County Democrat's blog hasn't been updated for nearly two years and delegates chose not to nominate Mike Wilson for AG: Custer and Fall River Counties sent as many representatives as Pennington did. If West River Democrats want a separate party they should step up and create one. If people don't want a Democratic party hierarchy they should run as unaffiliated candidates.

Jeff Barth: since West River Democrats want to go it alone it looks like just East River, you and me from here.


Tim said...

I asked on Madville and you got pissed and left, I'll ask again.
"Larry, I hear you preach here constantly about picking candidates at convention, how is that going to be any different than a primary when dems don't participate in convention any better than the ballot box? Maybe we need to do as Robin says and get people involved first."
Then I said this, "West river hasn't been included in what the SDDP does for years, redheaded stepchildren, that's what we are. Convention would be perfect I suppose, then Minnehaha county can decide everything."
Then I said, "It's no wonder SD Democrats don't give a shit anymore, until the party figures out we are ALL in this together then it is what it will be." And you said, "Stew in your own juices, idiots: i'm outta here." Waiting for an answer Larry.

larry kurtz said...

Contact Tasi to see how West River can help support the state party: SDProgressUS@gmail.com

Tim said...

You still have not answered my question, convention versus primary, considering the current condition of the Democrat party in SD. If you can convince me letting Minnehaha county decide the fate of the entire party in SD at convention is the best way to go then I am all for it, but I want to hear the argument before I make my decision.

larry kurtz said...

Contact Tasi to see how West River can help support the state party: SDProgressUS@gmail.com

Tim said...

I guess it's easy to toss stupid ideas at SD from a distance, without having to worry about living with the consequences of those ideas, maybe if you still lived here you might think differently. I'll drop Tasi a line, see if I get the same response Robin did.

larry kurtz said...

Thanks for your warm-hearted enthusiasm: Tasi would love to hear from you.