Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


SDGOP would fund campus intellectual diversity by defunding intellectual diversity on campus

On April 25th sleepy Vermillion became ground zero for Donald Trump's war on America in South Dakota.
The main speaker was Charlie Kirk, a guy who apparently makes a living by going from one campus to the other to tell students that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. Midway through his talk to both grown-up Republicans from Clay, Turner and Union counties, and to members of USD’s chapter of College Republicans who organized and served the banquet meal, Kirk said he’s concluded that, with a few exceptions, the media are the enemy of the American people. I learned two things from the April 25 event: 1) Kirk is as big of a liar and grifter as our president. 2) The Republican Party has morphed into something that would be unrecognizable to past GOP leaders like Jim Abdnor and George Mickelson and Bill Janklow. And that’s really, really sad. [David Lias, The SD GOP Inspires Sadness These Days]
Dakota War College is known for hosting hate speech but repeatedly jumps the shark by letting Steve Sibson and other members of the extreme white wing of the Republican Party paint targets on South Dakota's Democrats and Muslims.

One might think it would be frustrating for principled conservatives to have establishment Republicans in the South Dakota legislature encouraging intellectual diversity on campus while ridiculing and stifling it in the statehouse but in South Dakota local control means Republican control so principles remain nonexistent.

Does anyone else think Sue Peterson looks like a murderous Romulan sub-commander?

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