Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


ACLU pushes back on Republican plan to silence dissent

TransCanada has spent at least $100,000 getting its Keystone XL ecocide into the veins of South Dakota's teevee users.
John Harter, a rancher and a member of Dakota Rural Action, which opposes Keystone XL, said the group discussed running ads but nothing came of it. As for the TransCanada advertisements, Harter said they're meant to fool the public into thinking the pipeline is both safe and needed. [Sioux Falls Argus Leader]
South Dakota's GOP/Koch-owned Public Utilities Cartel (SDPUC) is expected to shoo in TransCanada as they do with each utilities' requests for rate increases.

The Koch Brothers own Kansas as the state nears bankruptcy and hold millions of acres in Canadian tar sands leases but the courts and voter participation can stop their efforts to run the climate-killing Keystone XL over private land using eminent domain.

So-called 'Americans for Prosperity' a Koch-funded group with a lobbyist based in Sioux Falls signaled to legislators that they will lose campaign funding from the Kochs unless they act to reverse the progress the US Environmental Protection Agency has made in South Dakota.

South Dakota's GOP legislators and candidates enjoy millions in lobbyist benefits from the Kochs' contribution arm, the American Legislative Exchange Council; the state's junior senator was elected with cash from ALEC-backed National Federation of Independent Business.

Had the Quinn Dam failed one of its first casualties could have been the Keystone XL pipeline where it's proposed to cross the Bad River. As ice floes bash moorings and flooding causes scouring of fill from river bottoms the disasters befalling the Missouri basin should be a stern warning to erstwhile pipeline operators: it's not nice to fool Mother Nature. Jane Kleeb of Bold Nebraska says support for TransCanada's day in court is facing its final argument and that the Keystone XL pipeline will never be built.

Republican Governor Kristi Noem's anti-civil rights actions are no accident. She's is a graduate of the Koch Brothers' American Legislative Exchange Council or ALEC, an anti-think tank think tank that teaches how wedge issues raise campaign dollars for the extreme white wing of the Republican Party but her whims have no power in the tribal nations trapped in South Dakota.

Of course, American Civil Liberties Union is suing. That's the point: deplete the meager resources of grassroots civil liberties activists while building giant war chests for the 1%.

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