Los Cerrillos
March 17, 2025


GOP Brookings blogger thrives on socialism

Brookings, South Dakota is home to the state's fattest blogger.

Let's see: the city owns a research park, the hospital, the liquor store, the water, the phone company, the power company, an entertainment venue, the golf course, it's home to South Dakota's largest public university and a federally subsidized cheese and dairy industry.
Someone defaced a woman's garage in Brookings with a racial slur over the weekend. Stephanie Aure says it's the second time something like this has happened this year and she wants to get her story out.
Read the rest here.

Oh yeah, the city owns the law enforcement racket, too.

Pat Powers rails against socialism and big government at every opportunity even as he enjoys the fruits of public ownership. Several of his kids are autistic, his wife suffers from migraines. She and Powers endure acute knee and back pain and are dependent on opioids. His father spent his entire career on the public dole.

Morbidly obese Powers believes letting teens get skin cancer is okay and that usury is a divine right. His family receives financial assistance from St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Brookings and from the Knights of Columbus.

Powers is all about capital punishment, too. Schadenfreude is his stock-in-trade.

He has long been banned from this and other South Dakota related sites because of a continual stream of bigotry, misogyny and other hate speech.

Want federal welfare, Pat? Have your kids and wife pee in a cup.

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