Los Cerrillos
March 17, 2025


Bjorkman weighs in on health care

Because Governor Denny Daugaard and the SDGOP-glutted legislature have refused to expand publicly funded medical insurance to South Dakota's least fortunate the earth haters have now assumed the mantle of the Kill Grandma Party.
When visiting Mitchell this month, Democrat Tim Bjorkman spoke with The Daily Republic about various issues, but the discussion kept returning to health care reform. A former judge and lawyer, Bjorkman spoke of his experience seeing people's lives destroyed when they were denied insurance due to pre-existing conditions.mThrough any adjustment to the Affordable Care Act, Bjorkman thinks protection for those with pre-existing conditions should be maintained. "I've seen what it's like to work with a family whose lives are crushed by being denied coverage," Bjorkman said.
Read the rest here.

Socialized timber harvest, socialized ag and livestock production drive South Dakota's economy while Sanford, Avera and Rapid City Regional enjoy virtual medical industry monopolies in their markets.

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