Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


Tribal nations leading resistance to Dakota Access ecocide/land grab

As the Bakken man camps are being deserted American Indian activists have launched a wave of resistance to a Texas land grab in the northern plains states.
The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is trying to stop the pipeline—and might be the only entity with the ability to actually prevent the project from moving forward. Final approval lies in the hands of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which is responsible for taking environmental and safety concerns into consideration before issuing a federal permit. While the pipeline would not technically run directly through the Standing Rock Reservation, it would cross the Missouri River only a few hundred feet upstream from Standing Rock’s border, less than a mile from the community of Cannon Ball. The Army Corps has stated that it will make a decision about issuing a federal permit to Dakota Access by the first week in May. Until then, the tribe and other entities will continue to fight the pipeline. They are urging any and all interested parties to send letters to all relevant federal agencies and submit statements in support of the cause by any means possible. [Indian Country Today]
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