Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


Bridge to nowhere: Thune flying by the seat of his rants

John Thune a conservative? Only when it's to deny civil rights to women and minorities or even reality itself. So, no air carrier will fly into Pierre unless the federal government subsidizes it.
Thune [said] “This legislation, which does more than just reauthorize the FAA and provide necessary funding for airports throughout the state, takes the uniqueness of rural air travel into consideration by building in important consumer protections that would help air travelers across South Dakota and advances a number of provisions that would have a positive impact on the entire general aviation community.” The ongoing issues that Pierre is experiencing with Great Lakes Airlines would be hopefully addressed under this bill. [Today's KCCR]
Mike can't fly home.
The system in Washington D.C. is broken, South Dakota U.S. Sen. Mike Rounds, R, told a hometown crowd Tuesday in Pierre. Rounds said he didn’t have good answer to the problem. “I wish I had a better answer,” Rounds said.
Read it all here.
Pierre’s essential air service most likely will not get better anytime soon. That’s according to South Dakota Senator Mike Rounds. Rounds says the air service problem in Pierre, was actually caused by Congress. Rounds says he is frustrated with Pierre’s air service just as much as anyone else. Rounds adds that hopefully, there will be some act of congress that will eliminate the minimum amount of flying hours for pilots and alleviate some of that pain of airlines, especially the smaller ones like Pierre’s. [KCCR Radio]
Recall that the TEApublican former governor squandered Amtrak money on an airplane for his personal use now Pierre continues to suffer Essential Air Service woes and low boarding numbers even while the legislature is in session.
Recent concerns of poor service and late or canceled flights from Great Lakes Airlines have prompted Pierre officials to try and find a different air carrier as of lately. Pierre’s bid to get another airline firm, Aerodynamics Inc., to provide flights in and out of the capitol is not going to happen.
Read that here.

In September a former South Dakota legislator dropped the Westerhuis murders at Mike Rounds' feet.

Rounds built a self-insured house in a swamp that his administration knew was susceptible to flooding which of course flooded in 2011.

Back in October a source close to the Rounds family said Tike Mike was talking about resigning his seat.

Hey, South Dakota isn't 51st in something!

Santa Fe, New Mexico ranks #2 in quality of life among America's state capitals while Pierre, South Dakota is in the muck at 44th. Pierre edges out Santa Fe in cost of living because air service in Pierre is a bridge to nowhere, it's a shit hole and nobody wants to live there not even Lee Schoenbeck.
At this time, there seems to be a sense that there is little anyone can do about our state politics and that our choices are limited to tolerating it or leaving the state.
Read more about red state collapse here.

Gravity-challenged Mayor Laurie Gill is a career bureaupublican and former operative in South Dakota's authoritarian executive branch.
The $150,000 from the feds would make up the bulk of a two-year $180,000 marketing campaign, buttressed by $20,000 in cash and $10,000 worth of “in-kind” contributions provided by the “City of Pierre and the community,” according to the application. The city’s application for the grant proposes spending $100,000 on television and radio advertisements and $15,000 on newspaper advertisements. It includes letters for hunting lodges saying how important it is to improve air service to Pierre. [Pierre Capital Journal]
Gill has embraced Agenda 21. Pierre's struggling mayor entered her town in competition for recognition by the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives, or ICLEI.

South Dakota voters already know subsidized air service into Pierre is pure pork for lobbyists and the 1 percent.

It was expected that Thune would have a primary contender but having a big war chest means buying off potential candidates is just the cost of doing business in South Dakota politics.

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