Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


Nutcase running for mayor of Lead

Betty Olson has a new buddy.

Gary Coe believes LaVoy Finicum was murdered by Oregon State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Coe is from somewhere else having parachuted into Lead just recently. Profits from his ministries allowed him to buy the Homestake Mansion now he's running for mayor after Jerry (Apeshit) Apa announced he wouldn't seek reelection.

So-called 'sovereign citizen' Coe is a Rush Limbaugh fan and white supremacist who derides an African-American president.

Lead is where if two people get divorced they're still father and daughter.

Unfortunately (or not), Lead doesn't have a pot to piss in because the bulk of its taxpayers are lining up with their walkers or lying on gurneys awaiting their turns for the various cemeteries splattered throughout town.

The residents are obese, white retirees from somewhere else who fled cultural diversity in their own states taking advantage of South Dakota's regressive tax structure and are now returning in their RVs after the strings below-zero days.

Too many Lead residents are local high school dropouts who married their sisters, are strung out on meth somewhere and are only paying taxes through video loottery, Mickey's malt liquor, cigarettes and fuel.

South Dakota is the Israel of North America.


Bill Dithmer said...

Damnit Larry, stop beating around the bush.

The Blindman

larry kurtz said...

I'm not getting into Lead's mayoral race, Bill, just trying to goad a Democrat into it. Les Roselles, maybe.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Coe grew up near Prairie City....

Anonymous said...

Finicum was no cowboy. ..sheeet..... Bundy couldn't run a cow herd to save his ass. I know some REAL cowboys who would kick the shit out of him for the way he abuses those livestock. Gary Coe is mildly retarded.

larry kurtz said...

Check out Montana's Betty/Gary sidekick.

larry kurtz said...

Update, 13 April, 1213 MDT, "Voters overwhelmingly chose a longtime community volunteer and City Councilman Ron Everett to replace Mayor Jerry Apa, who did not to run for re-election. Everett, who just retired from Wharf Resources March 31, defeated challenger Gary Coe 488 (64.5 percent) to 268 (35.4 percent)." Rapid City Journal