
Carroll: pass SB171 for my wife

Should Pat Powers legally be able to treat his autistic kids with cannabis or should they suffer the pangs of hell like he and his wife do?

Frank Carroll and this reporter agree on little but sometimes he gets it.
It’s time for South Dakota to do the right thing and pass Senate Bill 171. The people who want it recreationally are already using it. Law abiding people who need it for pain can’t get it. I’d like to somehow give every legislator one week of my wife’s life. We’d legalize medical marijuana in 24 hours.
Read the rest here.

The Shinnecock Indian Nation is preparing to enter a cannabis compact with the State of New York. The tribe expects their project will create between 80 to 100 jobs.

So far three tribal nations have entered a compact with the State of Washington where patients are exempt from sales taxes.

In Colorado:

Medical marijuana is subject to the 2.9% state sales tax and any local sales taxes. Retail marijuana is subject to the 2.9% state sales tax, any local sales taxes and an additional 10% state sales tax. If a city or county imposes a specific tax on retail marijuana, that tax should be reported and remitted directly to that city or county.
New Mexico's legislature is debating changes to her cannabis laws this session.

The South Dakota Farmers Union supports industrial cannabis.

Let’s ensure that cannabis cultivation and distribution stay out of the hands of Big Dope. It’s time to enter compacts with the tribes, let them distribute on the rez, on off-reservation properties and in Deadwood.

Powers believes teens should be able to contract skin cancer without permission from their parents and that usury is essential to South Dakota's financial health.

What do you think?


Bill Dithmer said...

I have a bad feeling that this bill will look a lot different when the building of it gets done, if that happens.

Everyone that has an interest better listen to whats going on now in any bill that has cannabis in it. There are a couple of big legal companies drooling over undecided, unprotected, by legislation, states. That would be one big pharma and two tobacco kings.

Live large Larry. The Blindman

larry kurtz said...

Bill, there is some momentum behind a process that puts fewer people in prison and raises some revenue.

I have access to Governor Daugaard: we'll see this thing evolve before the session ends.

All the best to you and yours!

Bill Dithmer said...

This is what we're working on here in Mo.https://www.cqstatetrack.com/texis/redir?id=5660c81abec

the last time I looked there were six bills related on their second reading. This will be voted on in November.

larry kurtz said...