Los Cerrillos
March 29, 2025


Odenbach would bleed the beast to pay welfare farmers

It's no secret South Dakota is a chemical toilet since Republican is simply another word for Earth hater. And because growing corn for ethanol is unsustainable and the failures of South Dakota's Republican governors and legislature to control pollution nitrates have ruined wells and poisoned watersheds. Industrial agriculture is ecocide and for those of us who love the Earth shucks like farm subsidies are greenwashing but ironically many Republicans actually benefitting from reduced greenhouse emissions decry the sequestration of carbon as caving to the Green New Deal.

Several months ago State Representative Scott Odenbach (R-Spearditch) shared several graphics at his Faceberg page from the state's 2022 report of impaired waterways in South Dakota with concerns that Spearditch Creek might look like the Big Sioux River one day.
I’m very interested in eminent domain reform. I think the basis that we have had for the arguments to have carbon capture pipelines, and assuming that, that the assumptions underlying the Green New Deal and the Inflation Reduction Act that says carbon is this bad thing that we have to sequester and liquefy and use eminent domain to pipe across people’s land and then only put it back underground in North Dakota are based on a false premise, the false premise being that that this carbon dioxide is something besides plant food and that it’s the main driver of so called climate change. [Odenbach looking forward to Legislative session as house majority leader]
Global warming has been accelerating since humans began setting fires to clear habitat, as a weapon or just for amusement. Evidence that we humans have eaten or burned ourselves out of habitats creating catastrophes behind us is strewn throughout the North American continent. European settlement and the Industrial Revolution in the New World took hardwoods for charcoal then humans allowed fast-growing conifers to replace lost forests. But leaving dead or dying conifers on the forest produces methane, an even more dangerous greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide is. Now, desertification driven by agricultural practices, overgrazing, concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and urban sprawl have turned much of the United States into scorched earth. 

In Iowa voluntary buffer strips and other conservation practices have simply failed desertifying parts of the state and causing the Raccoon River to be named one of the most endangered waterways in the United Snakes. Most of the corn grown in the US is fed to domestic livestock but a third of it will be processed for ethanol this year and subsidies of up to $700 an acre are the incentives to plant even more next year. 20 of Iowa's 99 counties are devoted exclusively to food that is ultimately burned for automobile fuel but according to Iowa State University some land impacted by pipelines never recovers from the disturbance. 

And speaking of pooping in your own water supplies then begging for pipeline boondoggle money for lawns and golf courses in Spearditch plus feedlots, a ramen factory, the Bismarck Trail Ranch and Rally campgrounds with tax dollars spent on carving through Native America for white privilege instead of empowering communities to harvest snowmelt and rainwater rural communities are still dependent on politicians who exploit need.
But the huge amount of money that came into the state with the COVID relief money, that all went to more water. We’ve put hundreds of millions of dollars into water projects for development, for developers, etc. We did a bill a few years ago to up the amount of money spent on the riparian buffer strips program. That program works when you use it. And if you study this before, when the ecosystem, if you will, was balanced, and we had wolves and we had predators, they kept the deer out of these river bottoms. So you had willows and you had aspens and you had cottonwoods and you had trees and you had grass, and so it filtered the water, and we don’t have that anymore. [Odenbach]
But, Scott Odenbach is clearly just another christofascist hypocrite so since the Black Hills region is a de facto part of the American Redoubt Odenbach is tapped into the survivalist real estate boom, too.

I am no fan of Earth hater, Lee Schoenbeck because he helped to cover up catholic crimes against children and vulnerable adults so when a lame duck like he is turns on his own party members it’s pretty obvious nobody pays any attention to Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment anymore especially in a failed red state like South Dakota. So, go pop some popcorn then read through the comments under Mr. Schoenbeck’s screed linked here and see for yourselves how broke and broken the South Dakota Republican Party is. Be aware that Pernicious Pug, Pat Powers, who makes a stopped clock look like a well-greased machine salts his blog comment section with a seemingly infinite variety of aliases that threaten or jeer his political enemies and even his readers.  

ip image: Nipple Butte is just north of Lookout Mountain near the stupid little white ditch.

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