Los Cerrillos
March 13, 2025


Deepwater Horizon: Is it a hate crime?

From Democracy Now!

Environmental Activist Jerry Cope has spent the last few weeks traveling along the Gulf Coast and experiencing firsthand the contamination in the air and water. In an article being published on Huffington Post, Cope argues that instead of celebrating the allegedly vanishing oil, we should be concerned about the disappearance of marine life in the Gulf. He describes the Gulf as a "kill zone" and looks into where the marine animals have gone, given that BP has reported a relatively low number of dead animals from the spill.
DN! speaks with independent journalist Antonia Juhasz, who is just back from Louisiana, where she found what she calls some of BP’s "missing oil" on the wetlands and beaches along the waterways near St. Mary’s Parish, where no one is booming, cleaning, skimming or watching.

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