Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


China dragging US by the nipple ring; oil spill upstaging folk festival

Doug Wiken is correct: Art Oakes is among the ugliest of americans helping fascists in America to win the cap and trade war. China is not only holding US hostage with debt; she has us by the carbon tit, too.

From the Australian Conservative:
In the United States, all moves towards a national cap-and-trade scheme have been abandoned. Seven US states – Arizona, California, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington and Utah – had committed to a regional emissions trading scheme, but only California now remains officially committed to implementing one next year and the Productivity Commission notes that “it is likely that the permit price and abatement will be close to zero in 2012.” As well, New Jersey and New Hampshire are in the process of abandoning a regional greenhouse gas initiative while the Conservative Party in Canada recently won an outright majority on an explicit policy of rejecting any unilateral carbon tax or ETS.
New Jersey and New Hampshire are among the most polluted places. New Jersey's executive is the country's most obese governor having been fattened by the Koch Brothers.

Former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty, has waffled on carbon trading:

The inaugural Montana Folk Festival is distracting some attention from the ExxonMobil spill on the Yellowstone River.


freegan said...

check this lil cartoon out!
vote with your dollar, quit buying crap!

The Story of Cap and Trade at;


freegan said...

here is a way to deal with a carbon issue

Cattle, Methane, and Climate Change