Los Cerrillos
March 14, 2025


Anonymous arrest details following F**k FBI Friday. ip's path to world peace revealed

Drew Wilson at Zeropaid:
The FBI yesterday conducted a major raid across the United States, netting anywhere between 14 and 16 people who are allegedly connected to hacking group Anonymous. The AntiSec movement has been responsible for several hacks including hacks on FBI contractors, police forces, political and judicial websites. For some, the FBI raids were seen as a sign of the FBI finally able to put a lid on the threat of Anonymous in the United States. Or was it?
LulzSec and Anonymous posted this to PasteBin:
That does not mean that everyone behaves like an outlaw. You see, mostpeople do not behave like bandits if they have no reason to. We become banditson the Internet because you have forced our hand. The Anonymous bitchslap ringsthrough your ears like hacktivism movements of the 90s. We're back - and we'renot going anywhere. Expect us.


Lynn said...

no one's arresting the REAL thieves


Bill Dithmer said...

Hi Larry. First off I'm sorry for submitting a post like this but I am having a little trouble seeing today and cant find your email address to send it to. Also I am in the midst of a migraine. Ya that’s right just like the Minnesota congress woman has had for years. I do wish her the best of luck with that particular problem. For me there is only one thing that does work and that is pot, but then that’s another story. I do know this from experience, there isn't an insurance company that will insure someone that has migraines as a preexisting condition, only the plan that she is on now will do that. I wonder why?

Now to the reason for my post. What do the following men have in common other then their relationship to terrorism?
AKhaled Saffuri,
bdurahman Alamoudi
al-Arian’s l-Arian
Mazen al-Najjar
Suhail Khan,
Mahboob Khan,
Ayman al-Zawahiri,
Nihad Awad
Ghassan Elashi
Bassem K. Khafagi
Randall Todd “Ismail” Royer
Shaykh Hamza Yusuf
Muzammil Siddiqi.
Agha Saeed,
Sami al-Arian
Eric Vickers
Mahdi Bray
The answer is that they all know the man responsible for the pledge to not raise taxes Grover Norquist.

With my faulty mental condition of the last few days I was having a hell of a time trying to come up with just what was bothering me about this man and the people that so blindly follow and sign his pledge. Then while I was setting in the bathtub in the dark trying to get some relief I remembered where I had first read about Grover Norquist. It was in a very conservative publication and it was in the year 2003 while the stink of 9-11 was still fresh on Americas mind.

This article lays out facts that are documented and a time line that represents over twenty years at that time of Norquist involvement with radical Islam. Through four administrations he had access to the inner circle of the White House including our presidents.

One has to wonder how many of the people that have signed his pledge actually know who and what he is? And would they be so willing to hitch their horses to his cart if they did know?

I cant do a link right now but I will copy and past because it is important.

A Troubling Influence
By: Frank J Gaffney Jr.

And it was in the online cosevative FrontPageMagazine.com

This is a very interesting read and should be required for anyone that has signed the pledge. No scratch that it should be required reading for everyone. You know this man must be dangerous if Karl Rove didn’t trust him being around President Bush.

I am sick, stupid, and a little bit crazy but I am still

The Blindman

larry kurtz said...

Thank you, Bill; sorry you are hurting so it's good to see that are are still using your brain.